Sunday, December 24, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you as you are about to celebrate My birth on Christmas. All the angels were singing the Gloria for the shepherds in the field. My star was leading the Magi to My birth in Bethlehem, as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for a king. Rejoice with My angels and heaven, as I was incarnated as a God-man. Bring your gift of love and your soul before Me like the Magi did. You share gifts with each other and you share yourself with Me as you give Me thanks and praise for all that I do for you. I bless all of you, and I give you good health, and healing for the sick when you call on Me in prayer.”
(10:00 p.m. Mass of the Nativity) Jesus said: “My son, you have been to the very spot marked by a star in the cave at Bethlehem where I was born. Even after I was born, St. Joseph was warned in a dream by an angel that he had to quickly take the Blessed Mother and Me to Egypt to avoid Herod from killing Me. I was protected from the evil ones so I could have My three years of ministry with My apostles. I was crucified by the Jews, but I confounded their leaders when I resurrected from the dead. Rejoice on this Christmas celebration which was the start of My bringing salvation to all souls who accept Me in faith.”