Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, after I fed the 5,000 people with the multiplied bread and fish, I retreated to the mountain to pray.  My apostles got in a boat to travel back home across the sea, but a storm arose and they were afraid of the waves.  I came to them walking on the water, and they thought I was a ghost.  I told them not to be afraid, and I called St. Peter to come to Me.  St. Peter walked on the water in faith, but he faltered and I had to rescue him.  The sea calmed down as we got into the boat.  This is a lesson to all of you, so when you are in trouble, you can call on Me and I will rescue you also.  So when you are stepping out in faith, do not be disturbed by any problem because I give you strength to endure your trials.  By My miracles My apostles said: ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’  (Matt. 14:33)  So it is with My miracles today, you can see how I am leading you to the protection of My refuges for your safety throughout the coming tribulation.  I have given you instructions how to prepare your refuges, and you will see more miracles, as I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.  Have no fear, but trust in My protection as I protected My apostles.”