Saturday, November 11, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017: Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuges are found in rural areas away from the cities. It is difficult to have refuges in the cities or suburbs, but with Me, all things are possible. Every refuge will have an angel for protection. This angel may also be the protector of prayer groups as well. My refuges will be safe havens of protection during the tribulation. My faithful will be led to My refuges by their guardian angels. You will look on My luminous crosses, and you will be healed of your ailments. My angels will put a shield of invisibility all around My refuges, and no one will harm you. The angels will only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter. Those people without crosses, will not be allowed into the refuge. This is why My faithful need to bring their relatives into the faith, so they can have crosses on their foreheads and be allowed to enter My refuges. My faithful need to keep praying persistently for their families so they can be saved from hell. Give praise and thanks to Me so My faithful will have a place of protection during the tribulation.”
(Sunday anticipation Mass) Jesus said: “My people, when someone commits a crime in your society, you put them in jail to pay for their crime. Even in your family, you sometimes have to use tough love in punishments for your children to teach them a lesson. It is similar how I treat souls for their sins as well. I am always willing to forgive repentant sinners, but there is still the reparation due for their sins. When these sinners die, they face Me at My judgment seat. This is why many souls have to be purified in purgatory to make up for all of their sins. This is similar to various prison sentences, only some souls suffer in flames for years, while others need a few Masses and prayers to be released from purgatory. Suffering in purgatory is difficult because these souls are suffering outside of time, and these souls have no way of telling how long they have suffered, nor how much longer they will be in purgatory. These souls are dependent on your prayers and Masses to move up and out of purgatory. So remember to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for your own relatives. Those souls, who you have helped get out of purgatory, will be indebted to you, and they will pray for your soul. You all will receive a fair and just judgment, but you can store up treasure in heaven with your good deeds.”