Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday, January 13, 2024: (St. Hillary)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Me calling Levi to be Matthew so he could follow Me.  You have seen this portrayed in several movies.  In the ‘Chosen’ series you have seen St. Matthew as an autistic person who was good at numbers.  He held a banquet for Me with other tax collectors and sinners.  Even the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with tax collectors and sinners.  I told them that the sick need a physician, but those who are well do not.  The priest at Mass was making a point that you need Me more than I need you.  I am already perfect, but you need My graces for your soul, and I give you good health when you ask for it in prayer.  You trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven.  You also pray for My help to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges and provide for your needs.  I call everyone to follow Me so you can accept the special mission I have for each person.  Keep loving Me and your neighbor even though I know you are all sinners needing My help.”

(Thomas Doherity funeral) Jesus said: “My people, this Mass will help Thomas to suffer less in purgatory.  It is unfortunate that his life was shortened by a careless driver.  Many thought highly of their experiences with ‘Tommy’ as people called him.  He needs prayers and further Masses to come up out of purgatory.  It is better to be more prepared to meet Me at your judgment than to be focused on more worldly things.”