Saturday, February 6, 2021
Saturday, February 6, 2021: (St. Paul Miki & companions, Japan)
Jesus said: “My people, the blood of martyrs are like seeds of faith for those who are left behind. The people will see how faithful the martyrs were for believing in Me, even when at times it seems as if the evil ones are winning in our eyes. This is only temporary. In the end you will see My victory over the evil ones and My justice will prevail. Even your President Trump’s stolen election will come out in the Light of the Warning. You saw in the ‘Absolute Proof’ movie how even China was taking away votes from Trump. You could see the timestamps of the very computers coming into your election machines over the internet from China and Germany on November 4th. This election was fraudulent, and the courts, the big tech companies, and the media were complicit in the cyber crime of the century. Trust in Me that My justice will fall on all of those people who were involved.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing the potential of having a power outage, if you have a sudden deep freezing weather. You need to keep the snow off of your solar panels to your off-grid system on the first floor. You also need to have your kerosene burner and kerosene put in your garage in case your power goes out. Your main system on the second floor may not work when the snow is covering it. Do this right now, or it may be difficult to carry out in the cold.”
N.B. This has already been accomplished.