Saturday, August 5, 2023
Saturday, August 5, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist proclaimed My coming, but he was beheaded by Herod. I kept preaching the Kingdom of heaven is at hand by My very Presence as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are seeing a decision in life to either follow Me in love to heaven, or you will follow the devil to hell. These are your only two choices. It will be how you live your life that will determine your eternal destination. I will judge you in how you loved Me and how you loved your neighbor. I call on you to come to frequent Confession so you can confess your sins to Me in the priest. Be sorry for you sins with a contrite heart, and ask for My forgiveness of your sins. Then try to follow My Commandments of love the best you can. Also come to Me in prayer and daily Mass, for those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life in heaven. You saw the loudspeaker in your vision, so I am calling all of My believers to share your gift of faith with everyone you meet. Share My love with everyone, and let them hear My Word so they will have an opportunity to save their souls from hell, and be with Me forever in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, Russia is sending drones to try and bomb Ukranian cities. In return the Ukraine is also sending drones to bomb Russian cities as well. Beware, My people, because you could see this war expanding into other European countries. America is supporting the Ukraine and you could see Russia retaliate by not allowing grain ships to leave the Ukranian ports. This could cause food shortages in the countries that the Ukraine ships the grain to. America needs to be prepared for more retaliation against your cities because your drones are being sent by Ukraine to destroy buildings in Moscow. Pray for the war to stop, or it could lead to World War III. I told you I would call you to My refuges before any war or pandemic virus could harm you.”