Saturday, August 12, 2023
Saturday, August 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are called to love Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul. All of My believers have an invisible cross placed on their foreheads by My angels. I love all of you so much as you, My son, felt My Presence strongly in your soul. I am with you always, but sometimes I give you a double portion of My Spirit, and you are humbled to receive Me. In the Gospel My apostles were not able to heal a possessed boy. (Matt. 18:14-20) I told My apostles that sometimes there are strong demons or legions of demons that can possess people, and this requires prayer and fasting to cast out the demons. I am more powerful than the demons, and at My Word, they obey and leave the person I healed. Let this be a lesson to you to call on My power in My Name to heal people, and release them from their demons. Do not just rely on your own power, but always call on My Name and the Holy Spirit to heal people. I love My faithful, but you must have faith, even the size of a mustard seed to heal people. Trust in My love and My healing power to help you through life, and to help you in evangelizing souls to believe in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have created all of you out of My love for you, and I made you all in My Image. I have given you free will to love Me or not because I do not force My love on you, and I desire that you come to love Me by your own choice. You have been gifted with life, but you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time at your judgment. I should be the center of your lives, and you can follow My agenda every day. It is how you spend your time that will determine your eternal destination at your judgment. Be careful not to fill up your day with frivolous activities that leave no time for Me. You need to welcome Me with your morning prayer and morning Mass if possible. Only those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal salvation. You can pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet around 3:00 p.m. and leave some time at night for Adoration and your night prayers. By making Me a part of your daily activities, I will see that your love for Me is sincere in your actions. You can consecrate all of your activities up to Me. At some point in the month, you need to take some time to make a good Confession, so you can keep a clean soul in union with your love for Me. You also need to give a good example of your prayer life to your children and your friends. By your daily prayers and good deeds you are on the right road to heaven.”