Saturday, April 20, 2024
Saturday, April 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one of My appearances in Galilee in My resurrected Body. I was making breakfast at a fire for My apostles. The disciples were in a boat on the sea and they had caught nothing all night, so I told them to put their nets on the right side and they caught 153 large fish. They dragged the net ashore with the fish. I reminded them again how they would be catching men instead fish. They saw that it was I on the beach and they rejoiced to see Me again. I took the time to forgive St. Peter of his three denials of Me by asking him three times if he loved Me. I told him to feed My lambs, which would be his new work. This was like hearing his Confession which I encourage all of My faithful to do at least once a month. As you see Me preparing breakfast with My apostles, so I am with you also at your table when you say your prayers before you eat your meals. Remember you are all called to evangelize new people to the faith to spread My Good News of My Resurrection with everyone you meet.”
Jesus said: “My people over the years your clergy and nuns have become lax in their dress codes. Many of your traditions have also been relaxed. The habits for the nuns and priests were part of their identity as being faithful to Me. Even some of My lay people are not coming to regular Sunday Mass as they should. Many also are not coming to monthly Confession which should be a necessity to keep you humble in seeking the forgiveness of your sins. I am forgiving you through the priest’s absolution. So hold on to your faith as you center your lives around Me. Take time to visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament, because I am always ready to receive you and grant My graces to those people who show their love for Me.”