Tuesday, July 29, 2008: (St. Martha)

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Martha in her use of hospitality to show her love for Me. Serving people’s needs when they come into your house is a very loving response to show your welcome to your guests. At other times you are called to work for your employer in order to provide for your living. In this situation you should give your employer a fair day’s work for your wage. There are some who busy themselves with too much work at the expense of lost time with their families, and even let their work interfere with time for Me. It is when work is excessive and you are doing it more for the money than love of Me, that you let your work control you. When Mary listened to Me, I told Martha that Mary had chosen the better portion, and she will not be denied her choice. Adoration of Me in My Blessed Sacrament can be your better portion today when you can listen to Me and give Me worship and thanks. Receiving Me in Holy Communion and visiting My Blessed Sacrament are the best ways of showing Me your love. Helping others out of love is important also, but giving Me special attention in person can even be a better expression of your love for Me. Working for Me and prayers are very important to have a complete love relationship with Me and your neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, this experience of My Resurrection is one of the most powerful moments in the history of mankind. Not only did I rise from the dead after three days, but it also represented My victory over sin and death. Nothing could contain Me, even in the nature of a man because My Resurrection into a glorified Body is an example to all of My faithful how you will also be resurrected one day. This promise of heaven and a reunited glorified body is what inspires your souls to do everything possible to be perfected through My grace in order to gain heaven. When you went to My tomb in the Holy Sepulcher, you could still feel the residual energy from My Resurrection. When you look at the Shroud of Turin, you can see the effect of that same radiant energy as it embedded an image in the fabric of the Shroud. I showed My resurrected Body to My apostles so they could feel the nail marks in My Body and put their hand into My side that was opened with a lance. I told them to believe in My Resurrection and no longer doubt My reality in the flesh. In the same way I want My faithful to believe in My Real Presence in My Eucharistic Host because I will be present with you to the end of time. Believe in My love and obey My Commandments, and one day you will be standing with Me in heaven in your glorified body after your resurrection.”

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020: (St. Fidelis)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the apostles were being chastised for preaching in My Name.(Acts 5:27-42) St. Peter told the Sanhedrin: ‘We must obey God rather than men.’ This infuriated these leaders so much that they wanted to kill the apostles of St. Peter and St. John. A Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was well respected, came forth and persuaded the Sanhedrin with his principle of truth. If the apostles were not led by God, then their followers would fall away. But if the apostles were led by God, then the Jewish leaders could be fighting against God. So this convinced the Sanhedrin to let the apostles go, and they kept teaching about My Resurrection as do My followers even up to today. I love My Holy Shroud in Turin, Italy that still exists today, and it is a witness of My Resurrection for those who believe in Me. I call on all of My followers to go forth and continue to witness to My Good News of My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of the corona virus epidemic, many people are out of work in their homes to avoid the virus spreading. This is happening in many countries, so there is less need for oil and gasoline. This in combination with a dispute between Russia and OPEC, has caused a dramatic drop in oil prices. America has been making more oil than other countries, but now prices are too low to justify extracting more oil. Your government is buying cheap oil from your producers and they are storing it in your country’s strategic oil reserve so the producers are not shut down completely. Many parts of your economy are suffering from your corona virus lock down. You are now seeing a dramatic shift to opening your businesses because you cannot print a lot of borrowed money to pay everyone to sit at home. Your businesses and your workers are losing a lot of money, and you could see several businesses fail for lack of income or government aid. There is also not enough Federal borrowing that could support all of your state governments. This is all the more reason that states need to reopen. You are at the point that you need to risk going back to work, than waiting to find a cure for this virus. By your government not funding your states, this will force these governors to reopen their businesses to get the needed revenue to run their state. Pray for all of your people to have enough food to eat, or you could see a martial law. When a worse virus comes in the fall, you will definitely need martial law to control the chaos. This is when I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, at the moment of My Resurrection all of heaven rejoiced, and some souls in purgatory, who were ready, were able to enter the opened gates of heaven. This is a great time for rejoicing as you read the accounts of My Resurrection. For three days I was in the tomb, but death had no hold on Me, and I rose from the tomb as I had prophesied to My apostles. The glory of My empty tomb was soon shared by My believing apostles. When I resurrected, the heat of that moment singed the Holy Shroud that is kept in Turin, Italy. This Shroud is a living testimony to My Resurrection. Now, you will share in My glorious celebration of Easter. You are held inside, but you can still be joyful on My feast day of Easter, as I overcame sin and death in My defeat of Satan.”

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, with My death and Resurrection I have made a new Covenant with man. Since the sin of Adam, a Savior has been promised to save all of mankind. With My coming as the Messiah, this promise has been realized. My sacrifice has freed everyone of their sins if they but come to Me for forgiveness. By repenting of your sins, you can receive Baptism and Penance which will cleanse your sins from your souls. Without taking this forward step of seeking your forgiveness, you will remain in your sins. You need to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession so you are always ready to face Me at your judgment when you die. Just as I called My apostles to be witnesses of My new Covenant in My Church, so I call all of My faithful to go out to all the nations, and spread My Good News of My salvation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this spinning object in a church reminds you of My Warning experience that everyone will have at the same time. You will have two things going on at about the time of My Warning. You will be seeing a time of a division in My Church between a schismatic church and the faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles that involve crystals. Avoid and leave any Catholic church that teaches New Age. This will also be time when microchips will become mandatory in the body. In your Warning experience you will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, even if it is mandated. This chip could control your free will. Do not worship the beast or the Antichrist either. You will also be warned in the Warning not to follow New Age principles or a schismatic church, but you may need to leave quickly for My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have two beautiful physical witnesses of My suffering on the cross. One was My radiated Image on the Shroud that is stored in Turin, Italy. The other is the image of My face that was left on the cloth that Veronica used to wipe My face. These images are treasures as the Shroud showed My five wounds, and even the whip marks on My flesh. These images have been copied for people to see how much I suffered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two other treasures of the spear of Longinus and the wood of My cross that relics have been made with it. You, yourself, have this relic of My true cross that is powerful in healing people and protecting people from demons. These relics that have touched Me, are becoming rare to find, and again are witnesses of My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Stations that I walked with My cross are still seen on the Via Dolorosa as many processions commemorate My carrying of My cross during Holy Week. As you view these Stations, I also wanted you to pray My Stations of the Cross on the Lenten Fridays. You can also pray them on all Fridays of the year to honor My suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who have visited the Holy Sepulcher Church, are grateful that they had a chance to see where I was crucified and where I was buried. Even if you had to wait in long lines, it was worth every moment to be in these holy places. This is where I brought salvation to all of the souls of mankind, and that is what makes these places special. Your pictures and movies bring back the memories of that moment when you were there.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Holy Week services, the large Host was removed from your tabernacle, but a large Host was not returned. When you put the holder in your monstrance, you noticed that My Host was missing. There is a symbolism in this event that shows My Real Host of My Real Presence needs to be present for Adoration. Even when you put two smaller Hosts in the monstrance, you can see how badly I was missed in your service. Be thankful that you have My Real Presence in the Hosts consecrated by My priests. I am with you always, even to the end of this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times there are several images that will help protect and inspire My faithful. The picture of My Host that your friend made with jewels, and this picture will be helpful for you in the end days. You could look into the possibility of acquiring such a picture if it is available for your prayer group meetings. My Blessed Mother and I will be protecting you at My refuges.”

Thursday, April 2, 2009: (St. Francis of Paola)

Jesus said: “My people, the readings for today talk of two great Covenants in the Bible. The first talks about Abraham how he will be a Father of all Nations, and his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. He also was promised the land that they were occupying. In the Gospel you are seeing another statement of My being the Son of God when I declared to the people that before Abraham came to be ‘I AM’. The Jewish leaders did not accept that I was God, or the Messiah, so they tried to kill Me for blaspheming in their eyes. It was for this reason that I declared Myself as the Son of God that eventually they were to crucify Me. But this is why I came into the world to offer up My life as a worthy sacrifice to ransom all of mankind and bring all of you salvation from your sins. My crucifixion is a fulfillment of another promise or Covenant that a Messiah would be sent to free all peoples of their sins. Soon you will revisit the words of My suffering on Passion or Palm Sunday leading into Holy Week. Rejoice that I keep all of My promises for mankind, and I continue to watch over you at all times.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been graced with this exposition of My Holy Shroud at Turin. It shows you all of the nail marks and ths scourging that I suffered, even with My crown of thorns. The vision of the woman anointing Me with oil was done for My pending burial before I was crucified. The wrappings found in the tomb had My image imbedded in the cloth at the moment of My Resurrection when My Light caused this image to form. Rejoice that you have this replica to give witness to My Crucifixion and My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this scene the people were singing My praise: ‘Hosanna in the Highest’. This celebration as I rode into Jerusalem on a donkey was a joyful jubilation, but it lasted only a short time, just as human fame is fleeting. After I shared the Passover Meal that some call ‘The Last Supper’, I instituted My Body and Blood in the First Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. Later, in the Garden of Gethsamani the people now wanted to crucify Me for claiming I was the Son of God which I am. Be prepared for the coming Holy Week services.”
Jesus said: “My people, thank you also for displaying Josyp Terelya’s picture of Me as you depart for his funeral. I have given you a message how I wanted to be a hidden Messiah without any fame for Myself. Others did not want to admit that I was the Messiah even when I performed miracles and rose from the dead in My glorious Resurrection. Once My apostles were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, they were emboldened to go out into the streets to shout that the Kingdom of God was upon everyone. They witnessed My words in the Gospels and I put St. Peter in charge of My Church where the popes have carried on My words of salvation to all peoples, even until today.”
Jesus said: “My people, there were other relics of My last days that are treasured in sacred places. Some sought the Holy Grail that I offered up at My Last Supper. Veronica’s veil also held a miraculous image of My face as she wiped My face during My carrying of My Cross. Some have relics of My True Cross that have seen healings come from holding it. Even the spear of Longinus that pierced My side was sought for legendary power. All of these artifacts have a holy significance in addition to the Shroud and other miracles of My Eucharist.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in praising Me on Palm Sunday as you hold your palms in procession. The irony of this Sunday is that it is also called Passion Sunday because you are reading the account of My suffering and death on the cross. It is appropriate that you are displaying My Shroud of suffering right before hearing My passion again. As you read the details of how I suffered, think of how much I loved mankind, that of My own free will, I was willing to sacrifice My life for all of you. I could have saved you in a less dramatic way, but I chose this crucifixion to show you that I would go to any extreme to save all sinners from their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are redemptive graces that can be obtained in your Masses, your prayers, and your good deeds. Those, who give their lives for My Name’s sake, will receive instant sainthood and their intercession for your prayers will bring more souls to conversion. Offer up your own suffering and crosses with My suffering, and I will multiply My graces for all sinners who need to repent and be converted.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for all of your beautiful displays, but most of all I share My graces even more with My holy adorers who take special time to adore Me in holy hours or visit Me in My tabernacle. Receiving Me in Holy Communion or adoring My Host will give you a peace in your heart and soul that cannot be found anywhere else among your worldly things.”