Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday, April 19, 2014: (Easter Vigil Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, on this day that commemorates My Resurrection, heaven is truly in an extra celebration mode, giving glory to My victory over sin and death. You are seeing Me rise from My tomb in a flash of light that blinded the soldiers, and burned My image into My Shroud that is now stored in Turin. Some do not believe in this miracle of the Shroud of Turin, but you see My face, and My believers can see My wounds, even though the people were not there. This and many miracles of My Eucharist are encouraging the faith of My faithful to further believe in My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. My Resurrection is a glorious celebration of My power over Satan, the demons, and all the evil people who will be cast into hell. Trust in Me for your protection and the salvation of your soul, that is directed to be with Me in heaven. Shout with joy, for your Savior has risen from the tomb to share My glory with you.”

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared first to the women at the tomb, but My apostles did not believe them, nor did they believe My disciples who met Me on the road to Emmaus. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, but they still did not understand what rising from the dead meant. It was only when I appeared to the apostles and showed them My wounds that they truly believed. They could see I was human and not a ghost. The Jews tried to cover up the reality of My Resurrection by bribing the guards so My following would not spread. There is also the Shroud of Turin which is a witness to My Resurrection. There is plenty of proof of My Resurrection by all the disciples who saw Me and wrote about it in the Scriptures. Believe that I rose from the dead with My victory over sin and death. My Resurrection is the core of your faith to show that I became a man so I could sacrifice My life for the salvation of all sinners. Believe in this Good News and shout it from the rooftops.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages speaking of the storms and earthquakes that have been caused by the use of the HAARP machine in Alaska. This vision reaffirms that it is a black or secret operation of your government that is controlled by the one world people. I have told you how Satan is leading the one world people to reduce the population with disasters by the HAARP machine, wars, abortions, euthanasia, vaccines, and viruses. Killing people by man-made disasters is part of the death culture. This weapon has been used in the past to direct bad storms, droughts, enhanced tornadoes and hurricanes, and earthquakes. This machine can even be used as a means of blackmail for political and financial purposes. When your lives are threatened, I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges.”

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday, September 29, 2012: (Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the two times that I multiplied the bread and the fish for the people, but this is a remembrance of My sharing the bread with My disciples at the Last Supper. This was the first Mass on the night before I was crucified on Friday. I gave up My life on the cross so that all of mankind could be redeemed of their sins. I also instituted Confession and Holy Communion so My faithful could confess their sins to Me in the priest, and you could heal the effects of your sins with Holy Communion. My graces are ever ready to be poured out on all repentant sinners. It is not easy to admit your sins, so ask Me to help you remember your sins, and be humble enough to confess them to the priest. You do not always have the priests available, or the time to come to Confession, but in order to cleanse your sins at least monthly, you need to make your schedule available so you can see a priest usually on Saturday. After Confession you are relieved of your guilt, and you are happy to be in My good graces again. Strive to keep your soul clean so your soul is pure to receive Me in Holy Communion. If you find yourself in mortal sin, do not receive Me in Communion until you have confessed your mortal sins. Do not rationalize your mortal sins as not serious, or you would be committing a sin of sacrilege in taking My Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul. Be grateful for My gifts of these sacraments that give you My graces to be saved and ready for your judgment on any day that you could die.”

St. Michael said: “Yes, I am Michael and I stand before God as your protector. You are at a crossroads of many events that are about to take place. Your messages are becoming more appropriate for these end times. The faithful will need our angel protection at the Lord’s refuges. We will be given authority by God to protect you from the evil people and demons. Call on Jesus and He will send you many angels to protect you from any evil attacks. Your messages are to prepare people for the coming Warning, and the coming reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation. In the readings you heard of the myriads of angels in heaven. Just as the demons will come up from hell, so us angels will be coming down to earth to help you in fighting the demons. You are about to see the last battle of good and evil when Jesus will bring His victory over the evil ones as they will be cast into hell with My help. Give praise and glory to God that you are living in these end times.”

Jesus said: “My people, the best physical witness of how much I suffered on the cross can be found in looking at replicas of the Holy Shroud of Turin. In the Shroud you can see the blood from the crown of thorns on My head. You can also see the nail marks in My wrists and My feet. There are also many whip marks of the balls of the whip that seared open My flesh in My scourging. You can see where blood came out of My side by the lance. Even analysis of the pollen in the Shroud shows pollen from Israel. The image itself was made from a radiant flash of Light once I resurrected, that somewhat singed the linen. Another witness of My suffering on the cross can be found in the St. Bridget prayers in the blue Pieta prayer book. Many people read these prayers because of the promise to save your family members if these prayers are prayed for a year. Read these prayers slowly, and you will know a little of the suffering that I had to undergo in order to redeem mankind. You all are suffering your own human problems, and you can share them with My suffering on the cross. You heard a talk on the ‘Fountain of the Cross’ and this is the fountain of graces that you receive when you meditate on the Stations of the Cross, and any other prayers about My crucifixion. Be grateful for My sacrifice that has brought your own redemption of your soul so you can enter heaven.”

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010: (Easter Sunday)
 Jesus said: “My people, you know about the Shroud of Turin, but no one can explain the image that is miraculously imprinted on the shroud. Once I resurrected there was a burst of energy that slightly singed the cloth as I left you with the details of My suffering on the cross. This is a glorious moment when I defeated sin and even death itself. I took a seeming defeat in My death and turned it into a victory in the salvation of everyone, as you are all redeemed by My Blood sacrifice. This Resurrection and Life are celebrated at every sacrifice of the Mass. Even though My disciples took time to believe and understand what it meant to rise from the dead, they too, gradually came to be joyous at My Resurrection. Every year that you celebrate this feast, you also can be joyful that I have defeated Satan, death and sin. In My death and Resurrection I have given all of My faithful hope in your after life, as your soul lives on forever and you will later be rejoined with your body. This is cause for all of you to believe and evangelize souls so they can be saved and enjoy My love relationship with their souls.”

Sunday, April 4, 2010: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you know about the Shroud of Turin, but no one can explain the image that is miraculously imprinted on the shroud. Once I resurrected there was a burst of energy that slightly singed the cloth as I left you with the details of My suffering on the cross. This is a glorious moment when I defeated sin and even death itself. I took a seeming defeat in My death and turned it into a victory in the salvation of everyone, as you are all redeemed by My Blood sacrifice. This Resurrection and Life are celebrated at every sacrifice of the Mass. Even though My disciples took time to believe and understand what it meant to rise from the dead, they too, gradually came to be joyous at My Resurrection. Every year that you celebrate this feast, you also can be joyful that I have defeated Satan, death and sin. In My death and Resurrection I have given all of My faithful hope in your after life, as your soul lives on forever and you will later be rejoined with your body. This is cause for all of you to believe and evangelize souls so they can be saved and enjoy My love relationship with their souls.”

Thursday, March 25, 2010: (Annunciation)

Jesus said: “My people, I had prepared My Blessed Mother right from her Immaculate Conception to be without sin. It was her free will to follow My Divine Will in everything that she did, which is why she was without sin, even during her whole life. When the angel Gabriel appeared to her and asked her to be My Mother, she again gave her free will choice to follow God’s mission for her in salvation history. Her fiat ‘Yes’ allowed My Incarnation as a man when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her to conceive Me. This was a pivotal part in the beginning of My mission to eventually offer My life on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. This feast is purposely placed in the Church Calendar nine months before December 25 when My birth is celebrated at Christmas. Rejoice in our two hearts since I entrusted you in St. John to have My Blessed Mother be your mother also. My Blessed Mother is your intercessor for prayer since I always listen to My Blessed Mother’s wishes, even as I did at Cana in providing the wine. Rejoice in this feast of My Blessed Mother’s Annunciation because you are also celebrating My Incarnation as a man.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, artists choose to make My crucifix without much blood coming from My wounds. But if you look closely at the Shroud of Turin, you could see the wounds from the nails, the whip marks from metal thongs, the wounds from the crown of thorns, the lance mark in My side, and bruises on My shoulder and knees. The agonizing crucifix is closer to the true representation of what I suffered. This cross may be difficult to look at, but it is the reality of how cruel men beat Me and crucified Me. As you look on My suffering, you realize more how much I suffered for all of your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me that I was willing to die a difficult death so all of you would have the opportunity to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, I cried at the death of Lazarus, but his death was My opportunity to witness to life after death in your soul. By the power of God Lazarus was raised from the dead and it was then that I said: (John 11:25,26)‘I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, even if he die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.’ I wanted to make people realize that your soul is immortal and it will live on forever. This is why you also need to seek heaven over hell by your actions because you will be held accountable at your judgment. One day My faithful will also be resurrected body and soul on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, My priests’ hands have been consecrated so they could offer up the bread and wine that is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood during the Consecration of the Mass. The Last Supper was a commemoration of the Passover when the Israelites were finally released from the slavery of the Egyptians after the last plague that killed their first born. My dying on the cross is My blood sacrifice to atone for all the sins of mankind. This was the First Eucharist that I instituted so you could have My sacramental Presence among you at Mass and in My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday is joyful in giving glory to Me as I came into Jerusalem, but it is also sad when you hear the account of My Passion. Some even call this Passion Sunday instead of Palm Sunday. You have been bearing your fasting and extra prayers and penances during Lent, so soon you will see this come to an end on Easter Sunday. Learn from your Lenten devotions how you could do extra suffering for Me at any time during the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, this visiting of churches on Holy Thursday is an old tradition passed down the generations, and it is a sharing of the faith with your neighboring parishes. You can see how each church celebrates My Last Supper. Keep your prayers coming at each church and encourage your children to keep up your faith traditions. It may even be helpful to investigate the reasons for starting this tradition. Your focus that night is on My Blessed Sacrament, so continue your reverence for My consecrated Host of My Real Presence. This sacrament is not just a tradition, but My sacramental Presence is the core of your belief and why you attend Mass on Sunday.”

(Note.)As to customs, many families have a practice of visiting the tabernacles of three or seven nearby churches after the Mass on this day as a sort of "mini-pilgrimage" (any nearby Catholic churches will do). Some families visit the churches directly after the evening Mass; others go home and wake up in the middle of the night to make the visits (though since churches are rarely open all night these days, this would be hard to do). The spirit of the visits to the churches is keeping vigil in the Garden of Gethsemani while Jesus prayed before His arrest. Matthew 26:36 "Then Jesus came with them into a country place which is called Gethsemani; and he said to his disciples: Sit you here, till I go yonder and pray."

The tradition of visiting seven churches on Holy Thursday is an ancient practice, probably originating in Rome, where early pilgrims visited the seven pilgrim churches as penance. They are Saint John Lateran, Saint Peter, Saint Mary Major, Saint Paul-outside-the-Walls, Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls, Holy Cross-in-Jerusalem, and traditionally Saint Sebastian Outside the Walls. Pope John Paul II replaced St. Sebastian with the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Divine Love for the jubilee year of 2000.

Jesus said: “My people, I used Judas’ betrayal for My purpose in offering My life for sinners, but this shows you man’s weaknesses in betrayal and how ruthless some people are just to obtain money for their evil deeds. Sometimes your friends may betray you for various reasons. Then you will know how I was hurt by Judas and even how I am offended by your sins as well. You need to be able to forgive those who have harmed you and be loving even of your enemies. Encourage love and peace in your own families with family prayer where possible. I do everything out of love for you, and you could do everything out of love for Me in return for My gifts of grace and life.”

Mary said: “My dear children, I thank you for all of your intentions and your rosaries as I have asked you to pray. You are blessed to have My Son’s Real Presence before you in your holy hour. I want to ask you to pray my Angelus prayers during the appropriate hours because this honors My Annunciation feast that you are honoring today. I treasured the years while I was bringing up My Son, but I was heart broken to have to see Him scourged and crucified. I know this was necessary for salvation, but losing your son is very difficult. I know you all have sufferings, so send your intentions to me and I will give them to My Son.”

Sunday, November 22, 2009: (Christ the King)

Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of My Kingship is not anything like your earthly kings. This picture that you have in your possession is a miracle picture that portrays the end times when souls will be judged. The sickle represents the time to gather the wheat of My faithful into the barn of heaven. It also is a time to gather the grapes of the evil ones to be cast into hell. Many find it hard to believe that this event could happen in your lifetime. You have all the signs around you that the Antichrist is about to be declared as he will have a brief reign on the earth. At the end of this coming tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to conquer all the evil ones. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Then after a long time, My faithful will be prepared to enter heaven. Then you will see Me in all of My glory as King of all of My creation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this shrine to honor My Kingship, even amidst the cold and your effort to travel here. I love all of you so much, which is why I am showing you My beating heart in My Sacred Heart. In today’s Gospel reading you were read the account of My Kingship before Pilate. This vision of Me in My crown of thorns is how you can appreciate My love for you in dying for your sins. As you think of My death, you can also see how I suffered in this Shroud of Turin. I thank Alex for his mission in sharing My picture of My death in the shroud. I thank your people here again as you pray to stop your abortions which are weighing heavily against America. You celebrate My Kingship here every year, and I am grateful for all of your devotions and prayers. Remember to keep your focus on Me as I walk with you through this life. For all those, who worship Me and follow My Commandments, you will one day see Me on My throne as I welcome all of My faithful home in heaven.”

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection there were several accounts given of My appearances in My resurrected Body. The women notified My apostles that the tomb, where I was buried, is now empty. The apostles went to the tomb and found it so. (Jn 20:6,7) ‘Simon Peter therefore came following him (John), and he went into the tomb, and saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief which had been about His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded in a place by itself.’ This burial cloth, that you have come to know as the Holy Shroud of Turin, is the cloth in your vision. Many have come to believe in Me by this miracle of My Image on this shroud. I first appeared to Mary Magdalene, and she did not recognize Me in My resurrected Body until I called her name, Mary. She reported My appearance to the apostles, but some did not want to believe her. I call each person by name to come and believe in Me. This is everyone’s choice because I do not force My love on anyone. But for those, who come to believe in Me, now you will have the gift of eternal life.”

Friday, April 10, 2009: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have suffered your little penances all throughout Lent and you give them over to Me on the cross. Every day you carry your cross in this life, and do not think that all of your sufferings go unnoticed. I see all that you suffer in the little and large things in your life. So do not be depressed over them, but accept them joyfully for Me because there is redemptive merits in them when you give them over to Me. As you read the account of My Crucifixion, see how much I was willing to suffer for each person’s sins. As you look closely at the Shroud of Turin, you can see the blood marks from My five wounds and all of the rips in My skin from My scourging. Even on My head you can see the wounds of My crown of thorns, and the bruises on My shoulder and My knees. It is painful to see how much I suffered, but I went to this extent of torture and death to ransom the sins of all mankind. Not every one accepts Me, and I suffer more rejection from people who do not love Me and do not thank Me for the openness to their salvation. Every sinner can repent of their sins and I will forgive them. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners so they can be saved from hell. Everyone has a choice for heaven or hell, but unless you repent and accept Me as Master of your life, then you cannot come to heaven.”

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are so happy to see the sun and some warmer temperatures in the North. The beginnings of spring is a welcome relief to all of the winter cold, ice, and snow. This joy is first expressed in a desire to pick up your yard from all of the leaves and branches that were left over from fall and the wind. During Lent you do some penances to also try and clean up some of your bad habits that may be holding you back in your spiritual life. It is not easy to admit to some of your faults, but working to correct them is a constant work to avoid sin. The more often that you take time to have your sins forgiven in Confession, the easier it will be to withstand any future temptations to sin. Keeping your soul pure and cleansed is a life long work, and you cannot let your guard down at any time because the devil is seeking the ruin of souls constantly. Work to perfect your own soul and help other souls to see My Light as well. By profiting from your Lenten devotions, you will be even more joyful in the Spirit at Easter and the rest of the year.”
Prayer Group:
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have been led to place my Miraculous Medals all over your house for protection from evil spirits and natural disasters. Even more important you can pray to me with this medal for souls who have fallen away from their faith and are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. These souls know that it is their place to be at Sunday Mass, but they are making worldly excuses not to come. During this Lent I want you to pray my Miraculous Medal prayers for these fallen away souls, especially those souls in your family. Put this medal around them and invite them back to church. Once they have a love for this medal and me, I will not forget them and I will intercede with my Son, Jesus, for their souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is an eternal flame in every church in every sanctuary that honors My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle. This flame burns strong because I call everyone to make a special visit to Me to share in My abundant graces. Some have made an extra offering to come to daily Mass for Lent. Another devotion is to make a special effort to adore Me in open Adoration in My monstrance or a visit to My tabernacle. Everything that you can do to come closer to your Savior, will enrich your love for Me during this Lent.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am pleased with all of those faithful who believe in My image on the Shroud of Turin, and especially those who promote the viewing of this image. You are fortunate to have this opportunity to see My wounds that I suffered for all of you. This is appropriate also right before Holy Week and Good Friday. You have seen this image before with Alex, and you can see My very face and dimensions of My height. You have seen Roger and his miracles of seeing everyone’s faces in the magnifications of the blood on this Shroud. You have been to Turin and have seen pictures of the original relic. Treasure this witness of the very moment of My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this image of Me as the King of Kings because some people worship idols or other human beings as gods. I am the only One worthy of your worship and there should be no other gods before Me. This is the First Commandment, but some make money, fame, possessions, or other human beings as idols in violation of My Law. See to it that you do not make idols of these things and consecrate everything over to Me out of love for Me. Those, who love Me sincerely from the heart, are not far from the Kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the recent account of how My people in the desert fashioned a golden calf for idol worship, even as Moses was receiving My Ten Commandments. Even today your Wall Street people worship a golden bull for their bull market where they cheat and steal to gain money in their manipulated stocks. You have experienced a collapse in your markets as a punishment for your greed and avarice. Now, even as these same people want to bring their markets back to life, I will dash them again with your coming bankruptcy. I tell you all those, who worship money instead of Me, will find their soul’s demise in their lust for wealth. Trust in Me and worship only the One true God.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are suffering from this recession and for those, who have lost their jobs, it is like a depression. As a Lenten penance look to help those who need food and those who are homeless, and do what you can with donations and your personal help so they can survive. Helping at a food shelf or a soup kitchen can be a means to donate your time as well as your food.”
Jesus said: “My people, your churches offer many special services during Lent to pray the Stations of the Cross and opportunities for retreats and Confession with the priests. Take advantage of these services to build up your spiritual life, and have your souls cleansed of your sins. As you are approaching Holy Week, make time available so you can share in these services of the Triduum so you can appreciate how much I suffered to save your souls.”