Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday, October 16, 2023: (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I talked about the people who wanted a sign to believe, but only the sign of Jonah was given.  When Jonah told the people of Nineveh that their city would be destroyed in forty days, the people repented and fasted, and their city was spared.  Today, you recently had an eclipse of the sun by the moon as a sign to your people of more war to come.  Keep praying for peace in the Middle East.  I am giving you a further sign of circular motion that represents the coming Warning.  This will be another occasion for seeking the forgiveness of your sins when many will seek Confession when you see how much your sins offend Me.  Be prepared for the coming Warning by coming to monthly Confession.  It is by seeking the forgiveness of your sins in Confession that I will forgive your sins and cleanse your souls with My graces.  Trust in Me to love you and guide you to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing a serious war in Israel along with a continuing war in the Ukraine.  America is sending troops and carriers to help support Israel and supply them with weapons and ammunition.  If Hezbollah attacks in the North, America could get drawn into this conflict.  Keep praying for peace in both of these wars.  In the vision you are seeing a possible new pandemic virus about to be spread over America.  Your medical people are pushing a new vaccine on your people which you should not take.  This new m-RNA vaccine will not stop a new virus and it could kill people in time.  My faithful need to keep your Good Friday oil on hand and other cures that will be more effective against the next deadly virus than the vaccine shots.  Remember when I told you, if you see people dying in the streets, I will warn My people to come to the safety of My refuges.  At My refuges My angels will put up a shield against bombs, viruses, and comets.  You will look upon My luminous cross and you will be healed from all of your health problems.  So be ready to come to My refuges when the evil ones will try to spread another pandemic virus.  Trust in Me to protect My faithful from whatever the evil ones will do to try and reduce the world population.”