Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday, November 6, 2023:
Jesus said:  “My people, some people only invite their rich friends and relatives into their homes, but when you have a feast, I want you to invite the poor and the lame.  By doing so they cannot repay you, and you will receive your reward in heaven.  So if people need a place to stay, be willing to put them up overnight.  My son, you are gracious in opening your house to near strangers, and your own prayer group and relatives.  Show your kindness to everyone and not just your friends.  By opening your home to help others, I will repay you at your judgment.  By acting out your love for Me, and your neighbors, you will gain My graces in return.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to have a cease fire when Hamas is still sending rockets and they killed 1400 civilian Jews.  Hamas crossed the line by their deadly attacks, and Israel wants to root out all of the Hamas militants, especially in Northern Gaza.  You are seeing revenge by Israel.  Some people are calling the Israeli war a just war.  War kills people and I call on My followers to pray for peace.  Unfortunately, Hamas wants war, even though they hide behind civilians.  With the militant goal of killing the Jews, it is doubtful that peace will ever come to the Middle East.”