Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday, February 19, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, do not come to My judgment seat with empty hands.  Now is an acceptable time to help your neighbor, to feed them when they are hungry, to clothe the naked, to give water to one who is thirsty, and to visit the sick, and mourn for the dead.  By helping Me in a stranger, or your relatives and friends, you will receive a heavenly reward.  But those people, who do not do these things for the least of My people, are those with empty hands, and they will be cast into hell, but the righteous into heaven.  Be prepared for your judgment with your hands full of good works for your neighbor, and Me in them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various problems with allergies, effects from the Covid shots, and genetic tendencies passed on.  Your people are using GMO wheat and GMO corn in what you eat and this can lead to the cause of some of your allergies.  You also had mandated Covid shots that used new vaccines with messenger RNA that could change the DNA in your bodies.  You have seen some young people die and develop cancers from these shots.  Other diseases and cancers can come from genetic tendencies in different family genes that are passed on to the children.  You need to pray for your people to be healed or change diets to improve people’s health.”