Friday, May 6, 2016
Friday, May 6, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed that I have called you to go out and share My messages, as well as evangelize souls to come to Me in conversion to the faith. There are many souls who have not yet been invited personally to know and love Me. It takes the grace of the Holy Spirit to inspire My faithful to go out and preach My Good News of salvation, and My Resurrection from the dead. If people read My words in the Bible and acted on them, there would be no need for evangelists. But the evil one has a hold on people so much, you have to wake people up and pray deliverance prayers for their souls to be open to My words. The Bible is always available, and Confession is available also, but it takes a personal contact to evangelize souls to know My love. Many souls are in serious sin, and they need to have their sins forgiven in Confession so they can be freed from the bonds of their sins. By reaching out to help these sinners, you can help change their lives into faithful Christians. Deep down in their souls, sinners know what it takes to change, but giving up their sins of comfort, can take a large step by someone’s help. For every soul that you can bring to Me, your trip has been worth your effort, and heaven rejoices. Continue to pray for My help and the Holy Spirit to carry out your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were unsure of how and when the Holy Spirit would come upon them. I told My apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Paraclete to come upon them. Once I left My apostles, they would be waiting for My return. But they did not know how long it would be. My faithful of today are still waiting for My return. There is a joy in your hearts to know that you are already blessed by the Holy Spirit at your Baptism and at your Confirmation. You did not experience My Presence in the flesh, but you are blessed to still believe in Me by faith. You did not experience a tongue of fire that came down upon My apostles, yet you still believe that you have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Faith in Me is a gift of My grace, and you should give Me praise and thanks for all that I do for you. If you truly love Me, you will go forth and share your faith with others in your good works.”