Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023: (St. Philip Neri)
(John 21:15-19) Jesus said: “My people, this dialog with St. Peter was when I asked him three times if he loved Me, and it was a test of his faith.  In the Greek translation, I used the word of ‘agape’ love the first two times, and then ‘phileo’ love the third time.  St. Peter answered with ‘phileo’ love all three times.  I was trying to get St. Peter to answer with an unconditional love using ‘agape’ love.  This is also connected with St. Peter’s three denials of Me.  I wanted St. Peter to lead My sheep in all of My faithful.  This is another sign how I intended St. Peter to lead My Church as the first Pope.  (Matt. 16:18) ‘And I say to thee (St. Peter) thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”

Jesus said:  “My people, I have asked you to imitate My life because I am without sin.  You have read in the Scriptures how I sometimes retreat into quiet places so I could pray to My Father in heaven.  It is good to have some quiet moments of prayer to gain your strength so you are ready to fight your next battle against the evil of the world.  Praying your rosary settles you down to understand the power of the rosary against the evil of your world.  When you call on Me to strengthen you in fighting the evil ones, I will send you My angels to battle the demons working against you.  The rosary is your special weapon to fight off the temptations of the evil ones, and My grace will strengthen you and help heal you from your sins.  Your sins and battles with the evil ones can weaken your intention to fight off any addictions that can be used against you.  Trust in Me to lead you on the right path, but it is good to come to an occasional retreat or spend some quiet time with Me to give you rest in your soul.”