Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday, March 31, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how the people plotted to kill Jeremiah, but he was protected for his mission.  This is a parallel to Me when the Pharisees also plotted to kill Me, but I did not allow them to take Me until it was My time.  Even though I performed many miracles of healing, the Pharisees could not believe I was the Son of God.  Instead they wanted to kill Me for what they called blasphemy.  They did not know about My Incarnation as a God-man, which is a mystery for everyone.  As you prepare for Holy Week, give praise and thanks to Me for dying as a God-man, so I could redeem you from your sins.  I love all of you so much that I was willing to die to save your souls.  Believe  that I come to you in My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion.”


Jesus said: “My people, you will start Holy Week this Sunday with Palm Sunday, and the reading of My Passion.  It is a long Gospel reading of how Judas betrayed Me into the hands of the Pharisees.  This began My trial when they accused Me of blasphemy, but I truly told them the truth that I AM the Son of God.  This is a mystery in itself about My Incarnation as a God-man.  They did not recognize that I am the true Messiah they were waiting for.  This led to My scourging and carrying My Cross to Calvary, where they crucified Me.  But I defied their plans by resurrecting from the dead after three days.  I conquered sin and death as the New Adam.  Rejoice in this Holy Week because this is how I brought salvation to all worthy souls.”