Friday, June 8, 2018
Friday, June 8, 2018: (Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My dear people, today you are seeing an outpouring of My love from My Sacred Heart that is on fire for love of all of you. My Heart has been pierced by the soldier, but I suffered death for all of your sins out of love for you. Every time you look on My crucifix, you see My deep love for My people. I only ask that you return your love to Me, and that you love your neighbors as well. I am love, and I welcome all of you to be in a perpetual love relationship with Me. I am always by your side to comfort you in sickness, hardships, and consolation for deaths in your family. You can come to Me in Confession to purge your sins, and receive My graces to restore your soul to its original beauty. Always remember how much I love all of you.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are about to have a smaller off-grid solar system installed with your intention to be able to keep the snow off of your new 12 solar panels in the winter. Up to now your on-grid solar system has enabled you to make electricity mostly for the summer, so you can send the excess back to your power company for an electricity write-off. Only a few rare times did you actually run on your batteries to run your dedicated lines during a power outage. You will see when you research off-grid systems, that you have to plan your power needs when the sun shines, and limit your usage at night to conserve your batteries. This will be one of your projects of how to use an off-grid solar system, because that is what you will use when the evil ones turn off your power grid during the tribulation time. Try to get some good books on off-grid power, or some information on the internet. There are people who use off-grid power with generator backups. It is the generators that are noisy and consume a lot of fuel for heavy duty power uses. Your daily power usage does not require a lot of power, but it takes planning how to store and use the solar power you generate. Remember that you are doing these things to provide lights and power for your water pump and sump pumps that will be needed in the winter for your refuge to help your people. My angels and I will assist you with any needed information to use what you have.”