Friday, July 14, 2023
Friday, July 14, 2023: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, there was a great famine all over the land, so Jacob brought his whole family to Goshen in Egypt. Joseph was overseer and he gave grain to his family and the people of Egypt. Later, another Pharaoh took the throne and Joseph could no longer help his family. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews in building their cities. But I raised up Moses as the Deliverer, and by miracle plagues they broke the Pharaoh’s resolve, and the Jews were set free. To this day the Jews treasure the Passover that brought death to all of the first born of Egypt. The Jews were told to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts and lintels so the angel of death would pass over their people. I protected My people again at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh’s army was drowned. Just as Moses became the Deliverer to free his people from the bondage of slavery, so I also became a Deliverer of My people when I broke the bonds of sins and death. I gave My Blood sacrifice on the cross to heal the souls who accept Me into their lives. You have seen how I take evil things and I turn them into saving graces. See how I brought My plan of salvation history through the time I was on the earth.”
N.B. From a friend who had a message from Jesus on the accident with the many motorcycles that injured or may have killed some people. Jesus said: “I have blessed all the people who were in the motorcycle accident this day. Thank you My children John and Carol for praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them. Many graces were poured out on these people with your prayers.”