Friday, August 7, 2020
Friday, August 7, 2020: (St. Cajetan)
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing this demon in front of you as a sign of the great evil that is about to befall your country as events will lead up to the demise of your country as you know it. You realize how the left socialists are gaining power over your people through the Black Lives Matter movement. These socialists are infesting your schools, your media, and your government. If they cannot force their way through your Senate and your President, they will try to take you over in the streets of your cities. You are seeing a big push from the demons for a takeover of America, because their time is running out before My victory will throw the evil ones into hell. You will be seeing a battle through a possible civil war where your people will be resisting the left’s forceful demands that have no authority. The left will keep pushing for a takeover. Call on My protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, these evil demons still have great intelligence. They are facing many souls who are not close to Me, and these souls are easy prey for the demons’ temptations. I am protecting My faithful from the demons with My angels in heaven. You still have free will, and you are prone to sin, but I guard you against serious sin. You are seeing many evil things going on because I am allowing the evil people to follow the demons by the people’s own free will. You will see more evil and violence as these evil people will be persecuting Christians. When your lives or souls are in danger of being lost, I will call you to My refuges. Have no fear of these demons, for when I am with you, they will scatter. Keep close to Me in prayer and My sacraments, and you will have nothing to worry about. The demons will continue to torment you until your dying day, but I will be with you.”