Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sunday, June 17, 2018: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is with you to celebrate father’s day for all the husbands who have brought forth children. It is the women who bear the children, but it is I who places the life giving souls in the bodies. So I am truly the spiritual Father of all the souls who will live forever in heaven, or in hell. Your souls are eternal, and they will never disappear. Keep praying for all the souls in your family so they can be in heaven forever. Give praise and thanks to Me for your faith, and your very life in the body and the soul. Continue to pray to Me every day in your ‘Our Fathers’, ‘Glory Bes’, and the ‘Sign of the Cross.’”

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saturday, June 16, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a stairway to heaven as your goal for life. You do not want to go down into the abyss of hell with its flames. For those people, who desire to love Me and be with Me for all eternity, it is a long hard road to reach heaven. Your life on earth has a finite number of days, so every day brings you one step closer to your death, and your entry into heaven. It is by your daily prayers and good deeds that you will store up treasure for your judgment. Strive to obey My Commandments of love, and follow My Will for your mission in life. Even when you falter in sin, I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner. You are always under attack by the devil and his temptations, so call on Me and My angels to help you every day to keep on this path to heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, some people love life and appreciate My creation more than others. It is a miracle how plants grow from seed to produce your food. Children and young animals mature over more years. You can even see how your spiritual life grows and matures as well. As you age and are more settled, you can ponder your faith in Me, and see how without Me, you can do nothing. Your faith in Me is one of your greatest gifts. Guard your faith in frequent Confession, so My graces will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the time of the flood, you see another example of how I removed the few good people, and I then killed all the unrepentant sinners with the flood. There was a second creation after the flood. There will be more people killed in the tribulation, once I protect My faithful at My refuges. After the tribulation and My victory over the evil ones, there will be another new creation of a new heaven and a new earth in My Era of Peace with no evil. My Era of Peace is how I intended My creation before the devil interfered with the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. Give praise and thanks to Me because I will reward all of My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, June 15, 2018

Friday, June 15, 2018:
Jesus said: “My son, all throughout history the people have criticized and even killed My prophets, because they did not want to hear them speak of repenting and following My laws. I have given everyone free will in My image, and I do not force people to love Me. I have given the Ten Commandments to love Me and your neighbor. These laws are My guidelines on how to live your lives in this time on earth. Some people want to do their own things, and they do not want to accept that they were created to know, love and serve Me. Many people are weak to sin, but they do not want to repent, or seek My forgiveness in Confession. It is this rejection of Me by man that has caused My prophets to be persecuted. Just as Elijah was persecuted, all of My prophets even today, are facing persecution. The evil people and the Antichrist will seek out My prophets and My faithful to kill them. This is why caves and refuges will be provided to protect My prophets from harm. As time goes on, you My son, will see increasing persecution and you will call on My angels for your protection. Some of My faithful will be martyred during the tribulation, but have no fear, because martyrs will become instant saints in heaven. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing My good angels taking up their battle stations in preparation for the last battle with the Antichrist. My people will need My angel power to wage battle with the evil ones. You do not know how severe this battle will be. Just as more evil angels are coming up out of your active volcanoes, so I am sending My faithful legions of good angels for your protection. You will see a major battle between good and evil in the Battle of Armageddon. When I will call My faithful to come to My refuges, call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to your nearest refuge. Your angel will put a shield of invisibility around you, so you will be protected from any evil ones. Trust in My angels to protect you, and provide what you need during the tribulation.”