Saturday, July 7, 2018

Saturday, July 7, 2018: (First Saturday)
Jesus said: “My people, I performed My first miracle at the wedding feast of Cana, when I changed the water into wine. My Blessed Mother told Me they had no more wine. Then she told the servants: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ So I asked the servants to fill six large stone jars with water, and then take some to the head waiter. You saw one of these huge stone jars that held thirty gallons of water. The head waiter, after tasting the water made into wine, remarked how they saved the best wine until now. This saying of My Blessed Mother refers not only to My miracle of changing water into wine, but it refers to how all of My faithful should center their lives around Me. When you follow what I teach you in the Scriptures, and carry out My mission for you, then you will be on the right path to heaven. I will not lead you astray, but you have to give up your pride to let Me lead your life. Other people want to lead their own lives, and they do not have faith in Me to know that I know what is best for you in life. When you let Me lead your life, it will be the right spiritual path that will lead you to heaven. Have no doubt in My ways, even if I take you out of your comfort zone to help people. When you follow Me, you will share in My happiness both on earth and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Lucerne Super Collider in Europe that is the most powerful in all the world. These scientists are trying to explore the ‘God’ particle in how I made everything, but their work can be dangerous to people who live around this device. This machine and plasma generators could possibly form a black hole which could cause a lot of damage. You are also seeing how the HAARP machine and the polar shifts could cause heat waves by causing high pressure systems to stay in one place for days. Your recent heat wave has been caused by the HAARP machine focusing a high pressure system over the Northeast. Whenever you see a high or low pressure last for days, this is a signature of the HAARP machine being used. Pray for more normal weather so your farm fields get enough rain, and are not dried out that could cause a famine. Trust in Me to feed My faithful with whatever you need to survive.”

Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s St. Maria Goretti is an example of a young girl (12 yrs. old) who was protecting herself from a man trying to rape her. She refused to give in to his advances, and the man killed her by stabbing her to death. She is a patroness for chastity in avoiding any sin of fornication, which is widespread in your society. It is better to avoid these sexual sins. Once you are married, then it is proper time for conjugal love. Some people are not getting married, and they are living in sin with fornication. You can come to Me in Confession to forgive your sins, and then you will be worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion at Mass. If you are in mortal sin, then avoid coming to Holy Communion, or you commit another sin of sacrilege. There are also mortal sins in homosexual acts, and they need Confession as well. People, who are living in sinful relationships, are trying to use your laws to outlaw even speaking of these actions as sins. When your laws allow abortion of babies, and promote sexual sins, then you are defying My Divine Laws of My Fifth and Sixth Commandments. You remember My punishment on Sodom and Gomorrah, which I destroyed with fire. America’s many such sins are calling out for My punishment. You will see many natural disasters become even more severe, if you do not repent and stop your sinful lifestyles. Pray for the souls of your people to be open to My grace, so their souls can be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, these things of nature in the blowing wind, the flowing river, and the sun traveling through the sky, are always repeating their given path by My command for My creation. Remember that your bodies are mortal, and that one day I will call you home to Myself. You rise every day from your sleep, and you expect to live out another day. Your days are numbered on this earth, so make the best use of your time in prayer and good works. When you come before Me at your judgment, you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time during your life. Look to store your treasure in heaven for all that you do for Me and your neighbor. My faithful servants will be called home one day, and I will say to them: ‘Well done My good and faithful servant, you have fought the good fight and have carried out My Will for your life. Enter into your heavenly reward.”

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thursday, July 5, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading (Amos 7:10-17) you see the priest of Bethel criticizing Amos, the prophet, for prophesying against Israel. I choose prophets from the people to warn them of the sins they are committing against Me. This is the first stage of My attempt to reach out and save the people. Once the people refused to repent and change their sinful lives, then I sent My prophet Amos to tell the Israelites that many of them will be killed by the sword, and they would be exiled in a distant land. Today, I am choosing many prophets to warn America to repent and change its sinful lifestyles of fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. You are killing My babies in abortion, and you are calling down My wrath on America. Your last warning will be My Warning experience of your life review and judgment. If America does not change its ways, you will receive the same punishment that Israel received. Many of you will be killed and the one world people will take you over. Some people could even be exiled to the European Union when the Antichrist reigns. I have told you before how your Freedom Tower will be attacked because you rebuilt this building in defiance of My judgment. Be prepared to come to My refuges where only My faithful with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed to enter at the proper time. All of My prophets of the end times are calling out to Americans, to repent and change their lives, or you will suffer an agonizing defeat. My punishment is coming against America, and it will be so devastating, that you will not recognize your destroyed country. Repent and pray to save souls while you still can.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the masons and the one world people are planning their world takeover. Every year at the Bilderberg meeting (June 7-10, 2018) they have an agenda led by Satan. If you are able to see their plans, then you could see the next actions they are taking. They are starting to manipulate your interest rates, and other plans to bring your dollar down, so they could bring down your President’s government. Trust in Me to protect you from the plans of these evil men.”

Jesus said: “My people, your home is precious to your families, and it is a tragedy to lose your home. You have many fires ongoing in the West that are burning up houses. Most people have been evacuated, so only some lives have been lost among the firefighters. It is sad when you learned that some of these fires were started by arsonists. You also are seeing homes lost to the relentless lava flows that are very active in Hawaii. These events are the continuing natural disasters against your country from your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people of this prayer group, I thank you for your weekly prayers to help counter the evil in the world and the occult coven activity. You may not realize it, but you are in a spiritual battle with the evil ones in the world. The witches are praying against your President. This is why you need to pray for your President to counter the evil hexes placed on him. There is an attempt to harass your President, but you can pray for his success to help your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, each week you are seeing new tariffs placed on your imports and exports of various commodities. Your President wanted to level the playing field in your trade agreements. What started out as a tariff to protect your steel and aluminum makers, is spreading into a trade war of tariffs that could hurt your farmers and small companies. Pray that your economy is not forced into a recession from all the new tariffs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country has laws against illegal entry, but some people are fighting against your laws. Some want to stop separating children at the border. Others want to do away with your ICE workers who try to keep illegal immigrants from entering your country. This issue is splitting your people over who and how many people can enter your country. Pray for an acceptable resolution of this problem.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have followed My plan for forty people to come to your refuge. You bought and built several bunk beds with the mattresses. You also bought twenty cots with small mattresses, and you have pillows and blankets as well. Other refuge builders are also preparing bedding to receive large numbers of people. These refuges will be needed during the tribulation to protect My faithful from the evil ones. Pray for My angel protection, and for any needed multiplication of your buildings, as more faithful will be coming in desperation for protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many of your freedoms being taken away, one by one. Your latest attack has been over your freedom of religion. You have hate laws and speech restrictions against speaking out against homosexual or transgender people. These people are trying to take away your freedom to teach your children that homosexual acts are mortal sins. The educators are forcing sex education on young children. You need to stand up for obeying My Commandments against these sexual sins. You are seeing how Christians will be persecuted for your beliefs, and you may have to hide from the authorities enforcing evil laws against you. This persecution will eventually threaten your lives, and you will be forced to come to My refuges for protection from these evil ones. Trust in My power which is greater than the evil ones.”

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wednesday, July 4, 2018: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating your independence and freedom from England. You have been so used to your freedoms, you do not know what it is like to be oppressed and controlled by atheist communist leaders. Your freedom of religion is a gift you should not take lightly. I am calling all of My people to love Me and love your neighbor. You can start showing your love for Me in your daily Mass and rosaries. You can also pray for all the souls in your family to be open to My love. Share your faith by reaching out to evangelize as many souls as you can. In all you do, trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018: (St. Thomas, our 53rd Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, when you think of the UN building in the vision, you first think of all the nations joined for peace. In reality this is just another global plan for the one world people. It is the plan of the one world people to take over all the governments, and give them over to the Antichrist in the European Union. The time for the evil ones is running out, so these people are looking for a quick takeover of America, because your country is blocking their takeover. After the Warning, you will see a quick takeover, so the Antichrist can have his reign. When you see such a takeover and mandatory chips in the body, this is when I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, and I will bring My victory at the end of the tribulation. Today is our 53rd Wedding Anniversary, and we are witnesses that marriages can last longer with a common faith in God. When you put Me at the center of your lives, I can help you through all of life’s troubles. I bless you in all that you are doing to share your faith with your family, friends, and the people you meet at your talks.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are celebrating your independence from England when you put forth your Declaration of Independence. You have a beautiful Constitution of three branches of government. You also have a pledge of allegiance to your flag with ‘under God’ in it. You again have a flag representing the thirteen original colonies and the present fifty states. Your country was founded as a democratic republic on your Judeo-Christian roots of freedoms. Because you have followed My ways in your roots, I have blessed your country with many riches. In recent years your country has drifted away from My laws, and your morals have deteriorated to idol worship without worshiping Me at the center of your lives. Only a small amount of My faithful are staying true to My laws. The rest are on a path to hell, if they do not stop their sinful lifestyles and seek My forgiveness. I seek all souls to come to Me in Confession, so you can repent of your sins. Without repenting of your sins and seeking My forgiveness, you cannot enter heaven with a pure soul. Show Me your love by following My Commandments, and praying to Me every day. Then you will be worthy of entering heaven.”

Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you are suffering through a hot spell of high temperatures and high humidity. Some people have power outages now because they are using a lot of air conditioning to fight the heat. I mentioned before how you would suffer such power outages in previous messages. You are seeing weather problems, fires, and severe storms. These events will continue to test your people because of your abortions and sexual sins that are so rampant. If your people do not repent and change their spiritual lifestyles, you will be brought to your knees with even more severe punishments. I see all the sins and crimes that you are performing every day. Do you think you will avoid My justice? I tell you, My angels are preparing to lead My people to safe havens. Then you will see My wrath fall on those people who refuse to obey My laws, and those people who refuse to love Me. I will use the evil ones to bring down your country in payment for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a castle is a good place of protection when you have enemies who want to harm you. This reminds you of having refuges that will be protected from the evil ones by My angels. The angels will put shields up that will only allow My faithful to enter My refuges. The evil ones will not harm you, because My angels have more power than your enemies. You will be living a harder life with multiplied food and water. Everything will be provided for your survival. You will have daily Holy Communion and perpetual Adoration. You will have people praying around the clock for more hours than you do now. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of food, water, and fuels. Your refuge living will have less comforts, little electricity, no air conditioning, and sponge baths. You will be tested in your tribulation as a purgatory on earth, but I will bring you into My Era of Peace with My victory.”

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday, July 1, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I healed the woman with the hemorrhages, and I raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. I could only heal each of these people because they had faith that I could heal them. This is true for all healing that is done in My Name. You need to have faith that I can heal you. In the vision you see the faithful in church wearing life preservers. In one meaning I will save people’s souls because they believe in Me, and they come to Sunday Mass. In a second meaning I will help heal any physical sickness as well. You are made up of body and soul, and saving souls is your most important mission on earth. So keep praying for all the souls in your family to help save them from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times events can aggravate you to the point when you want to blow off steam like this locomotive. It is not easy to contain your frustrations, and you sometimes will criticize others for causing you trouble. Do not overreact, so you can stop any anger or swearing. Try not to take out your critical language on your spouse. The spouse may not even understand why you are displeased. In some cases you can apologize for any bad behavior. Call on Me to forgive you of your sins, and I will calm your stress and tensions.”

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday, June 30, 2018: (The First Martyrs of the Roman Church)
Jesus said: “My people, this Roman Centurion had a deep faith that I could heal his servant, even from a distance. He gave a response that you all say in the Mass: ‘I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.’ This was an early convert, and he gave witness to My authority. This was a man of authority in the Roman Army, and he acknowledged Me with such a strong faith that I told the people, that I did not see such faith anywhere in Israel. I call all of My faithful to have such a strong faith in Me to do many impossible tasks for them. Believe in My power and follow My laws, and you will share eternal life with Me.”

Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018: (Alex and Christina Wedding)
Jesus said: “My son, you heard the deacon speak of how Christina and Alex’s desire for a marriage in the Church was to be commended. They are dedicated so much to each other, that they wanted to do everything the right way according to God’s law. They will receive the grace of My sacrament, and I will be with them throughout their marriage. They will also receive the support of the whole family in their needs. All of the family should pray for the success of this marriage.”

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, you were reading today (4 Kings 25:1-17) how King Nabuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem and the Israelites were defeated and carried off to Babylon. This was the Babylonian Exile that lasted 70 years, and this was My punishment for all the evil idol worship and breaking of My Covenant. The Israelites did evil in My sight, and they called down My wrath upon them. There is a parallel to the evil going on in America where you are killing My babies in abortion, and there is rampant fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, and now even transgender mutilations. Your drugs and legalized marijuana are ruining your society. There is idol worship of fame and seeking riches, and many are ignoring Me in their lives. Just as I was displeased with the sinful Israelites, I am also displeased with America and its sexual sins. In Israel I took away My protection, and I allowed Israel to be defeated by the Assyrians. So it will be in America, when I will allow your enemies in the one world people, to take you over. The failure of the dam in the vision, is how America will face many natural disasters that will be instrumental in your fall to the evil ones. The tribulation of the Antichrist is in the Scriptures, and evil will have its hour. Trust in My protection during the tribulation, when I will provide My refuges for My faithful. America will suffer a similar defeat and exile just as Israel did.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Warning experience will shake up a lot of people, when they see their life through My eyes and the eyes of those people around you. You will feel the remorse of your failures in sin, when you hurt Me in My love for you. I want all people to be saved, but I cannot force My love on you. Each person has free will to choose their own eternal destination in heaven or hell. After your life review, you will see your mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell based on your life experiences. You will also physically experience your destination, so you can have a taste of where you are going. This could wake up and save some souls who would otherwise be lost. After the Warning, you need to pray and convert as many souls as you can, especially your family members. You do not want to lose anyone to hell, so pray constantly for your family, and you could help save their souls. Saving souls from hell is the most valuable gift you could give your family.”