Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when I will bring My judgment upon the earth when you will see great plagues come against the evil ones. My faithful will be protected, except for some who are martyred for their faith. The tribulation will be a terrible time of evil, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges. It is true that many may be fearful of the things going on around the end time. My faithful should not have any fear because My angels will protect you. Even if you should be martyred, you will go instantly to heaven. I have told you before that fear, anxieties, and worries are all from the devil to take away your peace. So go on about your daily activities until these things will happen. I will help those who are building refuges in their expenses and plans. Be prepared to go to your refuges with your backpacks, tents, and sleeping blankets, but have trust in My protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of the people of Ferguson, Mo. think there was an unfair review of the case of a white officer killing an African-American. By the numbers of protesters and some of the violence, you can question the intent of their gatherings. There are some who think that there were agitators in the crowd that were stirring up the people into a riot, over this decision of the grand jury to not indict the policeman. Even other cities were trying to show protest support for what some say was an unjust decision. The one world people like to stir up trouble, especially among the races. Much of this protest appears to be instigated for causing racist divisions. These divisions are what the one world people are all about in their agenda for a takeover of America. It is basically divide and conquer, wherever they can encourage divisions among people. If you know their agenda, you can determine what they are going to do. Pray for peace among your people, because you do not need any more wars.”

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014: (St. Andrew Dung-Lac & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages how My angels are marking crosses on the foreheads of My faithful people. You cannot see your crosses now, but you will see each other’s cross during the tribulation. The evil ones will not see your cross, and they will not have a cross on their foreheads, but they will have the mark of the beast. This cross on the forehead will allow you into My refuges. My angels are instructed not to allow anyone in, without a cross. Even when the judgment comes, only those with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into heaven. In the reading from the Book of Revelation, it speaks of the 144,000 who were sealed on their foreheads who would be saved. This is a symbolic number, because there are more Gentiles who will be saved in heaven. Only souls that repent of their sins, and accept Me as Savior, will be allowed into heaven. You cannot come into heaven except through Me, because I am the Good Shepherd at the gates of heaven. My faithful should have no fear of your earthly sufferings, because you are promised a place in heaven. But woe to those souls who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, because they are on a path to hell of their own choosing.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are evil people who try to use suicide tactics in order to keep a secret from being exposed. You are about to see some ruthless tactics being used to kill a lot of people with deadly gases. Some use deadly radiation, or plutonium weapons so they can kill a lot of people all at once. There are many ways to kill large numbers of people. You heard about a deadly virus as a pneumonic plague that could kill millions of people in a short time. This is why such deadly viruses should be contained from evil people stealing such weapons. By keeping track of where these viruses are, hopefully your people can keep such viruses out of the evil ones’ hands. Satan and these evil ones can try to reduce the population, but they will be unsuccessful in killing all of My faithful. When you come to My refuges, you could look on My luminous cross so you will be healed from these deadly viruses. Trust in My protection from all of the evil ones who are trying to reduce the population.”

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My Kingship as My victory over sin and death, as well as a victory over the evil ones of the world. I am truly King, and I am in control of all of the things being allowed on the earth. The demons are in restraint, and they are only allowed what people call down on themselves. You are seeing your old picture in this vision of My coming judgment on the earth. You are seeing Me on My judgment seat, where I am harvesting the souls at the end of this age. I have a sickle in My hand to harvest My faithful souls as the wheat that I will put into My barn, representing heaven. My angels are being unleashed to harvest the grape clusters of the evil ones who will be cast into hell. Every soul will have to answer to Me for all of his or her actions. I will weigh your good deeds against your sins. This is why souls need purification to make up for any deficits. Rejoice in My Kingship, because the reign of the evil ones will be brief.”

Jesus said: “My people, in previous messages, I have told you that during the tribulation, My angels will provide shelter, food, water, and fuel for My faithful at all of My refuges. My angels will finish building any needed bedding at all of My refuges. They will bring food, water, and fuel to all the refuges that do not have any preparations. This is why even at this site you could see My angels leveling this field and building any necessary dormitories. Do not think that I cannot bring this about, because I will be performing the impossible for all of your needs. Trust in Me fully to provide for all of your needs.”

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach the end of the Church Year, your thoughts are focused on the end of your life, and the end times of this evil age. Many people do not even think of how their life is coming to an end, and how to prepare for it. As people grow older and their health is not like it used to be, these restrictions may help in realizing that life is not going on forever. Your life will end one day, so now is a good time to prepare. You want to die in the state of grace, so coming to monthly Confession is your first step in keeping your soul pure. Daily prayers are important to show your love for Me, and to give Me some time each day. Making time for Me each day may require some planning around your days’ events. While you are able, you should try to help others to store up treasure in heaven to balance your sins. When I see that you are consistently faithful to Me throughout your life, I will reserve a place in heaven for you, even if you need some purification in purgatory. I have mentioned before that the dark days are in the tribulation of the evil ones, and this time will be your purgatory on earth. By being ready to die every day, you are also preparing yourself for the end days, which could be at My refuges. Keep the faith, and keep your soul pure and prepared to meet Me at your judgment.”

(Christ the King) Jesus said: “My people, in tonight’s Gospel you are seeing Me as King, and I am separating My sheep from the goats at the judgment. Those, who worship Me on Sunday and pray to Me daily, are My faithful remnant that I will welcome into heaven. But there are many evil ones who worship Satan with all of their occult potions, enneagrams, Ouija boards, crystals, and the like. You also have people who worship earthly idols of fame, money, sports, or possessions, instead of worshiping Me. All the Satan worshipers and idol worshipers are on the road to hell if they do not convert at the Warning, and change their allegiance to Me. Souls can only come into heaven through Me. If I tell the evil worshipers that I do not know them, then they will be cast into hell. All souls have to choose which territory they want to be in: either the Lord’s territory or the devil’s territory. There is no in between choice, so each person must make his or her own choice for all eternity. Repent of your sins and accept Me as your Savior, and you will be with Me in heaven forever.”

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014: (Presentation of Blessed Virgin in Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, in years past, you used to receive loaves of bread from your pastor for Thanksgiving. This joy will probably not happen at your new parish. The thought of sharing your bounty with others for Thanksgiving, is still a way of helping those who are poor, and in need of food. You could give a donation to your local food shelf either with money or a food gift. Pray your rosaries for the poor people, as you honor My Blessed Mother’s feast day. By sharing with the poor, you are showing your love for both Me and your neighbor. You also have the joy that you are helping someone who will not be able to repay you, so you will gain treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you already have seen bad snowstorms in Maine and lake effect snow around Buffalo and Oswego. This vision of a blizzard snowstorm is a sign that you are going to see more snow disasters throughout the winter. It would be prudent, as I have been warning you, to have some extra food and water, and an alternative heating system for possible power outages. People in Buffalo would be happy to have such preparations when they could not even get out of their houses. With a warming trend, some snow could melt and threaten some flooding. You have seen by these recent storms how important it is to have enough food and water on hand. Have some extra light sources also as oil lamps, and windup flashlights. You are seeing colder and snowier winters than before, so be prepared. Trust in My help to provide for your needs every day.”

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Revelation you are seeing unusual symbols of My glory in heaven. Because I died on the cross for your sins, I am the Lamb who was slain, and I am the only One worthy to open the book with the seven seals. This world is passing away, and it will be coming to an end after My Era of Peace. The evil ones are being allowed a brief reign, which will get worse, but I will be protecting most of My faithful, since some people will die in martyrdom. Evil may appear to be in control for a while, but I still limit what they can do, and when they can do it. Only after the Warning will the evil ones be allowed to rule the world for less than 3½ years. My faithful will be called to My refuges during this tribulation. At the end of the Antichrist’s brief reign, I will bring My punishment on the earth, and all the evil ones will be cast into hell. Then My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. You will suffer your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Rejoice that My coming victory will finally bring true justice to the earth.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for all the people in southern Buffalo, N.Y. where they are clearing out over 70 inches of snow. Many vehicles and trucks are stranded in the snow and there have been eight or more deaths caused by this storm. When you see people unable to travel from their home, now you understand why I advised My people to stock up on food, water, fuel, and wind up flashlights. These are good preparations for any disasters or power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress and your President have different plans for immigration reform. It is troubling that your President is purposely going around Congress to pass his own fiat rules, no matter what he calls them. This is challenging your Constitutional powers when the Executive Branch overrules the Legislative Branch in making its own laws. This is a serious precedent which would allow your President to pass further laws on other cases that could not be passed in Congress. Your law abiding immigrants are being usurped by illegal immigrants at the stroke of a pen. Pray that there are not any serious problems as a result.”

Jesus said: “My people, this court decision over a policeman killing a person, has caused some dissension in this neighborhood of Ferguson, Mo. It is questionable whether any of these disturbances are being aggravated or not. Pray that peace will come to this area that has seen some destruction already.”

Jesus said: “My people, your temperatures are going to get warmer, but the rain and melting snow could cause some flooding in some areas. Pray that your travel conditions will not hinder families from coming together for the holidays. Those, who are traveling, may want to pray their long form of the St. Michael prayer for protection on their trip. They also could take extra food and water with them in case they could get stranded in their vehicle. These first serious snowstorms have put people on alert that bad weather can be dangerous. By watching the weather reports, you can see if it is safe to travel.”

Jesus said: “My people, next year your new Congress may have a new agenda, especially in the Senate. Many of your house passed bills did not even get debated by the Senate because the leader of the Senate blocked them from the floor. Next year your President will be faced with vetoing spending bills or not, which could shut down your government. You will see a serious need for some compromises in getting your necessary money appropriations passed. Pray that there are some reasonable compromises made for the benefit of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, the cruel killings of these rabbis in Israel is calling out for justice by Israel’s leaders. The killers were killed and their homes are being destroyed. These continuing acts of terror against innocent people have raised tensions between the Israeli people and the Palestinians. Keep praying for peace in Israel, Syria, and Iraq.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some people die from heart attacks in their snow removal. Your people need to be more prudent in any risks that are needed to clean any snow in the driveway. You also need to help older people to stay warm in their dwellings so they do not die of cold exposure. Families need to keep checking on their older parents so they are not in any danger from the winter cold. Even the homeless people may need some help to stay warm on cold winter days. Help your neighbors in need who may have to get food from the store. You can also make some Thanksgiving donations to your local food shelves for the poor to be fed.”

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are reading St. Luke’s account of the parable of the talents. You are seeing the contrast between those who used their God-given talents to make a living, and those who did not use their talents out of fear and laziness. You cannot help but notice there are similar contrasts in your own society. You have some people who are industrious, and they do well with their talents to prosper in making a living. On the other hand, you also have those who are not working, and they are being supported by your taxpayers. It is a waste of people’s talents when they do not even try to get a job, like the rest of your society that is working. When you come to the judgment, you all will have to answer for what you did with your life. Many of you may have to spend some time being purified in purgatory. Others, who did not use their talents, may have a longer time in purgatory for not carrying out their mission in life. I am merciful, but some may receive My justice for all of their abuses and laziness. Reach out and help your neighbor in good works, and you will store up treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in an earlier message (9-8-14) I warned you to be prepared for power outages that could come from another cold and snowy winter like last year. Already you have seen a terrible snowstorm in Maine where 140,000 people lost electricity. Now, you have just seen a huge arctic cold wave that has caused much colder temperatures than normal for most of your country. The worst lake effect snow levels of almost five feet of snow has occurred just south of Buffalo, N.Y., and it closed the main highway for several days. Get used to these weather disasters because this is just the beginning of winter. You can see why I have had you stock up on food, water, and fuel, when you get snowed in without access to your stores. You may want to put emergency food, fuel, and water even in your cars, as you saw people stranded in their cars for days. Some may think that these preparations are too much, but it is better to be supplied than to go without anything to eat and drink. Continue to trust in Me to protect you, and provide for your needs.”