September 8, 2014

Septiembre 8, 2014 (Apagones de luz durante el invierno)

En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver una chimenea para quemar madera y representa la necesidad de tener calefacción si se va la luz durante los tiempos fríos. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, Yo he advertido a Mi gente ha que tenga comida extra y recursos alternativos de calefacción especialmente durante el invierno. Tú tienes quemadores de queroseno y estufa de quemar madera por si pierdes la electricidad. Tú también tienes combustible para cada uno de ellos. En un apagón de luz tú podrías necesitar una linterna de manigueta o algunas baterías para las linternas. Tu podrías tener algunas linternas con aceite y fósforos para alumbrarte y calefacción. Tú también podrías tener algunas cobijas por si acaso se te apaga el fuego. Yo te estoy recordando de las preparaciones porque esta visión es un signo de que habrá apagones en este invierno. Tu debed de chequear la comida que tienes extra y los suplementos de agua y también debes chequear los enseres de calefacción. Debes de tener combustible extra a la mano por varios meses. Si estas preparado, tu podrías ayudar a tus familiares y vecinos durante un apagón de luz que dure largo tiempo.”

September 2, 2014

Septiembre 2, 2014: (La caída de las finanzas de America, derivados)
En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver una pared de agua gigantesca así como en un Tsunami que viene en dirección de la costa Este desde el Océano Atlántico. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, hay dos planes de los del un solo gobierno que podría destruir el sistema financiero de America que podría permitir la toma. Primero, un terremoto masivo creado por la maquina HAARP en el Océano Atlántico. Esto precipitaría un Tsunami grande que podría inundar a la ciudad de Nueva York y todos los bancos de las ciudades en la costa Este de America. Dicho desastre podría crear la ley marcial que podria acaparar el país entero. Segundo plan seria un tsunami creado por el dinero donde todos los trillones de dólares en derivados no se pagaran. Este tipo de caída de valor del dólar permitirá que el dinero electrónico de los del un solo gobierno remplace el dólar, y tome completo control financiero. Sin la microficha en la mano, la gente no podrá comprar o vender. Rehúsen coger la microficha en el cuerpo y vengan a Mis refugios cuando Yo los advierta a venir. Los malvados quieren control completo de sus cuerpos y almas. Rehúsen seguirlos a ellos llámenme a Mi y Mis ángeles protegerá a Mis fieles. Recuerden el resultado de esta batalla de poder porque los malvados van hacer derrotados y arrojados al infierno. Confíen en Mi porque Yo soy mas poderoso que todos los malvados y sus planes.”

September 1, 2014

Septiembre 1, 2014 (documentos con microfichas, comunicación)
En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver gente usando el celular, tarjetas de crédito y computadoras y no se dan cuenta que son vulnerable a los ladrones que tratan de robar sus identidades. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu has visto programas de televisión y películas como las autoridades puedan coger a los criminales por medio del celular, llamadas telefónicas, cargos a la tarjeta de crédito y lugares que han visitado en las redes de cibernéticas. Ustedes necesitan saber que el gobierno y los ladrones siguen tus pasos con los mismos artefactos. No dejen su televisión prendida más de una hora. Ellos tienen una técnica de un sonido silencioso que controla sus mentes por medio de la televisión. Cubran sus documentos que tengan una microficha con papel de aluminio, especialmente los pasaportes nuevos. Atento a lo que dices por teléfono o mensajes por correo electrónico. Muchas redes de comunicación están siendo vigiladas por tu gobierno. Si tienes precaución con tus documentos y usas múltiples contrasellas que cambias a cada rato, te podrías proteger mejor sobre el robo de identidad. El tiempo se avecina cuando los malvados forzaran microfichas en la mano o ellos tomaran control de tus cuentas bancarias si te rehúsas. El dinero electrónico que usan ahora puede ser perseguido y si las autoridades desean pueden vaciarte la cuenta para controlarte. Estén listos para salir hacia Mis refugios cuando Yo les avise, y no se lleven ningún aparato que tenga microfichas en el, porque no van trabajar en Mis refugios.”

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading from Isaiah (11:6-9) talks about the wolf laying down with the lamb, and all the animals were eating grass or hay. It will no longer be the survival of the fittest, when animals used to eat each other. This is a sign of the Era of Peace when everyone will be a vegetarian, and the Tree of Life will support people in living long lives. This is the reward for all of My faithful, and it was spoken of by My Blessed Mother at Fatima. Some people do not want to believe in such a time, but it is described in the Scriptures, so it will happen. You are preparing for Christmas, but there will be another time when I will come to bring My victory over all of the evil ones of this world. Rejoice, as you look forward to My Era of Peace, when there will be no more evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how sometimes people are uneasy about having to leave their homes to come to a refuge. Even within families, the husband and wife may not think alike on leaving for My refuges. When it comes time to leave, I will be giving an interior message to everyone that it is time to leave. This notice may be enough to put both spouses on the same page. Some do not want to believe My words, but those who refuse to leave, may be captured and killed. After the Warning, try to evangelize any souls that are away from Me in your family. Use this time of conversion to get your family together, so you could all come to the same refuge. My faithful will have crosses on their foreheads to get into My refuges. When you leave your homes, you will see chaos all around you, as the evil ones will soon try to force mandatory chips on everyone. Those, who take the chip will be under the evil ones’ control, and they will not be able to go to My refuges. Those, who refuse this chip in the body, will be saved at My refuges. I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge of safety. Trust in My protection both on the way, and at My refuges, where My angels will put an invisible shield all around you.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to put up Nativity Scenes outside your house in your pagan country that displays snowmen and Santa Claus for Christmas. I am truly the reason for celebrating Christmas, because this feast is all about My birth and My first coming. The atheists do not believe in Me, and they try to get rid of anything religious, even on private property. There may come a time when you will be criticized or even persecuted for putting up My Nativity Scene. So keep proclaiming My Presence as long as you can. Many people are busy buying gifts for their friends and relatives to show them how much they care for each other. Remember to share with the poor people as well. The poor cannot repay you, so you will gain treasure in heaven. You also need to adjust your prayer life around this new Advent Season, which only lasts about four weeks. This season is one of joy and giving of gifts, so you can give Me some extra gifts of yourselves to put at My crib. Think of Me more as you are putting your Christmas decorations in place.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people and Satan know that their time is limited, but they cannot move ahead with their takeover plans, until I bring about My Warning that will give sinners a second chance. After the Warning and the conversion time, then these evil ones are planning a martial law takeover of America that would place you into the North American Union. I have mentioned before how such a martial law could be caused by three events, either one at a time or at the same time. The Federal Reserve could crash the dollar by calling in all of their bonds as there is not enough money to pay for a defaulted National Debt. Even with a new currency, the loss of dollar valued assets would be so catastrophic that your whole economy would fail. Another tool would be to use an airborne pandemic virus that would kill many people. A third tool would be to create false flag terrorist events that could kill people with guns, and it could cause riots. Such a martial law is being planned, and it will be implemented after the Warning. When such a martial law is declared or before, My faithful will need to leave their homes for the nearest refuge. You will be safe at My refuges where My angels will shield you from being killed. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, the word in the Gospel is ‘Watch’ not only for My first coming at Christmas, but also for My coming again either at the end of your life, or at the end of this age. You are also in preparation for My coming Warning, which will signal the coming of the Antichrist’s reign. One preparation is prayer and frequent Confession, so you are ready to meet Me in your mini-judgment of the illumination of conscience. Another preparation is having your backpack, tent, and sleeping bags ready to leave for My refuges. I have had some faithful preparing refuges for people to stay and live throughout the time of the tribulation. These refuges will have angel protection, My luminous cross for healing, food, water, and bedding. When I give you the time to leave, you are to leave in haste for My refuges, guided by your guardian angels. This modern day Exodus is similar to the same haste to leave Egypt. Once you see the world famine, the division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body, you will know to leave your homes for My refuges. Then the Antichrist will declare himself in his brief reign, and the 3½ years of the tribulation will begin, but the time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. So be watchful for My Warning that will be My grace for all sinners to convert, if they so desire.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of water going down a drain, represents what will soon happen to the dollar when it crashes. The one world people control the money and its sources. Whenever they expand the money in circulation, as the Federal Reserve issues more bonds, then you have a prosperous economy. Whenever they contract the money supply by cutting back on bond circulation, or raising interest rates, then this creates recessions. When the dollar crashes, and a new currency is used, many of your businesses will fail, and all of your dollars will be worthless. This will eventually crash your economy, and you will have riots without any food and welfare checks. This will precipitate martial law, and a takeover of America into the North American Union. So do not be overly concerned what to do with your money, because its value will disappear. It is better to have food, water, and your supplies ready to be taken to My refuges. It is also better to trust in Me than your money and your possessions. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when you see martial law.”

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, this is the last day of this Church Year, and you will start another Church Year with tomorrow’s First Sunday of Advent. The readings are speaking of being ready for the end of this age with My victory over evil. In the vision you are seeing people called on the carpet to their judgment before Me. By your daily prayers and frequent Confession, you can keep your souls pure and ready for your death, or the end of this age, whichever comes first. My faithful need to be ready to die any day, because you cannot even be sure that you will see tomorrow. While some people are more concerned about shopping for Christmas, the worldly may not be ready in their souls for when they will die. Those, who worship idols of the world instead of Me, will be in for a big surprise on their way to hell. Pray for all sinners to be aware of their coming judgment by leading good lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, there has been a lot of questions about why the National Guard was not called out earlier to prevent rioting, fires, and destruction of the local stores. It was obvious that the protestors would react badly when the policeman was not indicted. Emotions were boiling over, but it was not an excuse to loot and firebomb buildings and police cars. This is what happens when crowds are incited and firebombs are intentionally used. Hopefully, if there are any other demonstrations, your authorities should be there in numbers to quell any riots. Civil disobedience does not help anyone’s cause when such destruction results. Now the people in that area will have less stores to buy from. Keep praying for peace among your races, but be aware of thugs and vandals who only want to cause trouble.”

Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from the Book of Revelation, you are reading about the very end times that you have been given as a mission. You have warned the people for many years not to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the body. Even in your present world, the evil ones will soon be trying to force chips in the body on people. Refuse to take any chips in the body, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. I will be warning My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges, once your lives are in danger. Remember that My power is greater than the evil ones, and that I will protect you with miracles by My angels. Some of My faithful will be martyred, even by being beheaded as in today’s Gospel, but they will become instant saints in heaven. Once you see My Warning or illumination of conscience with your mini-judgment of a life review, then the events will quickly lead up to the Antichrist’s reign. His reign will be brief before I will bring My Comet of Chastisement on the world. Then My faithful will be lifted up to protect them from being killed. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the face of the earth. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, which will be the new heavens and a new earth of the first reading (Rev. 20). Rejoice, My people, because your redemption is at hand in your lifetimes.”

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014: (Thanksgiving)
Jesus said: “My people, today is a great opportunity for all of you to appreciate all the gifts that you have been given in your children, grandchildren, and great grand-children, your life, your faith, and all of your possessions. You need to realize that you are dependent on Me every day for your very existence and all that you have. This is why the Gospel of the Samaritan leper who was healed and returned to thank Me, is appropriate for today. You all have so many blessings, that you cannot even count them. Just as when I answer your prayers, I await your prayers of thanksgiving. When you do things for other people, you almost expect some kind of thank you from them. You do not force them to say something, but they should respect you in some way. One of the best ways you can thank Me, is to share your gifts with those who are in need, as the poor. If you truly love Me in your neighbor, you should show your love in donations or actual work for them. When you share your gifts, you even have a great feeling of joy that you were able to help someone.”

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember when Bishop Sheen spoke of all the wasted pain in the hospitals. What he was saying, is that all of you could offer up your pain for souls because it has redemptive merits. You are actually joining your suffering with My suffering on the cross. You are going to be experiencing pain in some form throughout your whole life. So do not waste these opportunities to offer up all that you suffer for poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory. You, personally, have had experiences in the past when you suffered some kind of physical pain before or after your talks for the souls of the people you were talking to. Even now, you are going through this again, so offer it up for the souls that you visited. At times when you experience pain, you can empathize more with other people’s pain that could be worse than your own. This is why you need to pray for all the sick people who are suffering in any way.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of heroism when a fireman was able to throw a life preserver out to a person swept away by a flood. Then the person’s life was saved when he pulled the person out of the water. Many people understand how precious a life is, and some people are even willing to put themselves in danger to save others. You may even call such people heroes. You are made up of body and soul, where both are precious to Me. I wish that people were as intent on saving souls, as they are in trying to save the physical body of people. You have evangelists and missionaries literally throwing out a life preserver to save souls with My Word, so the souls would repent of their sins and be saved. The body is going to die and turn to dust, but the soul lives on forever. So truly saving souls in that way, makes evangelists even more heroic for saving souls instead of just the body. There is a reality in each person’s judgment, because there is a heaven and hell, as well as a purgatory for purification. So you have to choose to be with Me in heaven, or with Satan in hell. When the devil can trick people into thinking there is no hell and no devil, then he has won such souls. The devil is a great deceiver with his lies, but I only speak words of truth. You can only come to heaven if you repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior who died for all of you on the cross. I reach out to save many souls, but many refuse to listen to My pleas. You can come to Me in heaven out of love for Me, or some may come to Me by avoiding the eternal fires of hell. Show your love for Me in prayers, and your love for your neighbors in doing good works for them.”