Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to pray for all the poor sinners in the world, and pray special prayers for your friends and relatives. Every day you see a lot of people at work, at school, or even on the road in cars. Each person has a soul that I pray would love Me and desire to be with Me in heaven. Unfortunately, there are a lot of souls that do not know Me, or that ignore Me because they are so consumed by the worldly events in their lives. My faithful know and love Me, so I am asking you to pray also special prayers for the salvation of the souls that you will meet each day. Pay particular attention to the souls in all the vehicles that you are driving by. By caring and loving every soul that you meet, you can share My love and My Word with everyone. It is important to pray for souls so they are saved from hell, especially those souls in your own family that you should not forget.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this freedom bell in the vision, as a sign of the freedoms that you will lose. I told St. Peter that when he was young, he could come and go as he pleased. Then when he was older, he would see someone lead him to a place that he did not want to go. St. Peter was placed in jail, and eventually he was martyred for his faith in Me. So it will be for My faithful of today. In your early days you were trained in the faith, and you were fortunate to receive My very words. As you grow older, you too could suffer persecution for proclaiming My Word in the face of the Antichrist. It is not easy to evangelize souls because some people love their sins of the flesh more than Me. Even in the face of persecution, you must still proclaim My Word to those who have not heard it, and to those who refuse to hear it. My Word is a word of love to show all of mankind how much I love all of you by dying on the cross. The evil ones will seek out Christians to kill them during the tribulation. So come to My refuges for your protection. You will see a major battle between good and evil, but in the end I will be triumphant over death and all the evil ones.”

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014:
Jesus said: “My son, I am thankful that you are a little like St. Paul as you travel to many places in America. It is not easy to do so much traveling, and to be brave in the Holy Spirit to proclaim My messages to all the people who come to hear you. You are fortunate to have a better means of travel than St. Paul. You also can communicate My messages to all those who can read English on your website. You are praying to Me to send you angels to protect you from any accidents or flat tires in your travels. It can be dangerous in all the fast traffic where you will be traveling. Drive carefully and keep well rested. You will have plenty of time to pray to St. Michael and pray your rosaries for My Blessed Mother’s intentions. Make an attempt to continue your Adoration visits. I will be with you to protect you, so trust in My guidance.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a bloody scene outside of St. Peter’s Basilica, where some faithful will be martyred for not going along with the new world order. There will also be martyrs for those faithful who will refuse to take a chip in the body, because the chips will control their minds with voices. Already, you are reading of trial runs of putting chips in people in Wyoming. In other places, there are people planning to implement mandatory chips in the body for Obamacare by 2017. I have been giving you messages about mandatory chips in the body for Obamacare for many years, but people did not want to hear of such things. Now, you have chips mandated in your documents as passports, driver’s licenses, and your credit cards. Soon chips in the body will be a reality, but do not take any chips in the body, nor worship the Antichrist. When chips are mandated, your lives will be endangered, and you can come to My refuges of protection.”

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Acts of the Apostles how St. Paul used the division between the Pharisees and the Sadducees to get out of a judgment from the Sanhedrin. It is better to have unity than division, so My Church can have a sound foundation. Already, you have a division in the Eastern Rite and the Western Rite. If you include the Protestant groups, My believers are split further among those calling themselves Christians. Many of the divisions among My believers have been influenced by Satan. As you approach the coming tribulation, you will see a further division with a schismatic church that will bring in new teachings which worship things and not Me. Be alert to such New Age abominations, because you will need to leave any churches with these false teachings. Worship only Me, and you will not be deceived by the devil and his minions.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying your Novena for Pentecost since Ascension Thursday. If you forgot this Novena to the Holy Spirit, you can copy it off the internet, unless you already have a copy. Then you can catch up on the days that you missed. Pentecost Sunday is the end of the Easter Season, as you will return to Ordinary time or the many Sundays after Pentecost. I told My disciples to remain in Jerusalem until I sent them the Holy Spirit that is represented as the tongues of fire in the vision. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith in Me, and the courage to evangelize souls so they can be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see My beautiful babies and how cute they are, how can any mother want to kill her child in the womb? Every soul that is brought into being at conception, should have its right to life, despite your evil court decisions that allow abortion. This mortal sin of killing unborn babies, is one of the worst sins that offends Me because you are killing My little ones that I love so dearly. America and other nations, who allow abortions, will have to pay a punishment for these sins that are calling down My justice. Pray for the stoppage of abortion, and wake up these mothers who are being deceived into killing their children.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is better to not have war that kills so many people. There are justified wars when tyrant dictators are spreading their terror among innocent people. It is clear that Hitler was into the occult and astrology. This evil had to be stopped, and it was America that was most instrumental in defeating Hitler’s Germany and Japan’s Imperial Army during World War II. You saw how many were killed in this world war, yet it did not stop the killing in other wars, or the killing of babies in abortion. More babies have been killed in abortion than all of your wars. So you can see how diabolical, abortion is in stealing these young lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Memorial Day when you remember and honor all of your soldiers who have fought for your freedom in many wars. It is an honor that these soldiers could sacrifice their lives for their country. These are great losses to their families and friends, but it is the price that you pay in using wars to fight tyrants, communists, and terrorists. Satan is behind much of this killing in wars. Keep praying for peace because I am more powerful than all of these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard a saying: ‘If people cannot learn from the mistakes of the past in these wars, then they will be doomed to repeat them.’ Life is too precious to be killing people in wars or in abortions. I have made each of you in My Image with free will, to either love Me or not. I have given you this gift of free will, even though I know that many will not choose the right path by loving Me. I want My people to love Me without being forced. This is true love when it is freely chosen by My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know that you have heard Me tell you to pray your long form of the St. Michael Prayer before you start and when you return home. Place some blessed salt around in your vehicle as protection from the evil ones who try to give you trouble by causing accidents or car problems as flat tires that you have had in the past. This prayer of exorcism of the demons who want to harm you, is powerful protection for all of your travels. Trust in My protection as you go about spreading My Good News of salvation.”

Jesus said: “My people, marriage between a man and a woman in the Church is a beautiful love story that unites two lives for the rest of their lives. In Matrimony I am the third partner as I bring My grace over this sacramental union. You see this brought out when the two light the unity candle as a sign of their true love for each other. Pray for your young people to get married in the Church, instead of living together in mortal sin of fornication. Such relationships become an ongoing occasion of sin outside of marriage. If you truly love someone to have children, then it is best to be in the married state. Do not be influenced by what others are doing in sin, or if your society accepts living together. Follow My laws and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014: (Lydia Remacle’s Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Lydia was very thankful to her family for helping her in her last years. Even though she may have complained about certain things, she realized more now, how she was dependent on all of you for her meals and lodging. She knows that you took care of her out of love, and she loves you more now, and she is praying for all of you. It is hard to lose a mother, and you miss her, but she is in a better place without anymore suffering. You can pray to your parents as intercessors, because they are saints in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a lot of dead fish showing up in various places. You can research the causes of these dead fish, but very little information has been given to explain these events. There is one possible explanation that this is being caused by the HAARP machine. When a billion watt microwave hits the water, it could kill many fish like an electric shock, and by heating up the area, the oxygen in the water could be consumed. Some fish kills were experienced when there were oil spills because the bacteria used up the oxygen when it fed on the oil. Areas with low oxygen levels are dead areas for marine life to survive. It is bad enough that man pollutes the water, but now using up the oxygen in the water creates dead zones in the oceans and lakes. Pray that these fish kills could stop, or it will be harder for people to get enough fish to eat.”

April 27, 2014

Abril 27, 2014 (2 Bautismos, única misión y talentos)

En la Iglesia El Espíritu Santo después de la Santa Comunión, Yo puede ver la imagen de Jesús con los rayos de gracia y misericordia saliendo de su corazón. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, La Hora de la Divina Misericordia a las 3:00 de la tarde es un recuerdo de Mi muerte en la cruz. Yo le doy gracias a todos Mis fieles que han rezado las oraciones de la Novena, recibieron la Santa Comunión, y han ido a Confesión. Aquellos, quienes han honrado este Domingo de Misericordia y han cumplido con los requisitos de Santa Faustina, van a recibir indulgencias plenarias lo que significa que se les serán removidas todas sus deudas por sus pecados de acuerdo a Mi misericordia. Yo soy un Dios misericordioso, para todo pecador que se arrepiente. Ven a Mí y Yo perdonare tus pecados de acuerdo a Mi misericordia. Así como el padre de la parábola que recibió al hijo prodigo. Así como Yo te he perdonado y has recibido misericordia en tu alma, así tus debes perdonar a aquellos que te ofendieron, de la misma forma. Tú rezas Mi oración el “Padre Nuestro”, ustedes debes perdonar así como Yo los perdono. Yo los amo tanto a todos y es por eso que derramo Mi misericordia sobre todos ustedes. Porque Yo he muerto en Mi cruz por ustedes, Tú puedas ser perdonado de tus pecados, y restaurar Mi gracia en tu alma. Es por eso que les he dado el sacramento de reconciliación, para perdonar sus pecados. También les he dado Mi Santísimo Sacramento para que Mi gracia pueda sanar sus heridas por el pecado. Den me alabanzas y glorifíquenme a Mi por todo los regalos que les he otorgado a cada uno de ustedes.”

April 25, 2014

Abril 25, 2014 (Hambruna mundial y almacenamiento de comida)

En la Adoración de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver algunos arreglos para la agricultura y flores. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, en áreas alrededor de los Grandes Lagos, tu estas acostumbrado a tener suficiente agua fresca para beber, y el agua de lluvia para el patio y los jardines. En California, ese riego provee gran parte de las frutas y vegetales, ellos todavía están experimentando la sequía donde tienen que moderar el uso del agua para los patios. Las corrientes de lluvia han sido alterados, aquello que les traía suficiente agua de lluvia, no lo están recibiendo. Sin ningún recurso de agua, los granjeros del Oeste están dependiendo solamente de la lluvia para que sus cultivos crezcan. Oren por todos los granjeros para que tengan buenos frutos este año, o el precio de su comida podría subir si no hay suficiente suministros de alimentos. Con las varias sequías que has visto en California, Texas, y Georgia en los últimos años, tú puedes ver la hambruna mundial que está ocasionando. Es por esto que Yo les he advertido a Mis fieles que tengan comida almacenada en sus despensas para cuando venga la escasez de la comida. Yo multiplicare la comida en los casos que sea necesario para que puedan sobrevivir. Confíen en Mi que yo proveeré todas sus necesidades.”

April 23, 2014

Abril 23, 2014 (Tiempo de Refugio)

En la Adoración de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver gente escondiéndose en un túnel que era bastante alto que la gente podía estar de pie. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, el tiempo se aproxima cuando los Cristianos van a huir por sus vidas cuando los malvados del un solo gobierno quiera matar a Mis fieles. Algunos serán mártires por su fe, pero ellos serán convertidos en santos instantáneamente en el cielo. El resto de los cristianos van a llamarme a Mí, y su ángel de la guarda los llevara a Mis Refugios. Los ángeles les pondrán una capa de invisibilidad sobre ustedes para que los malvados no les vean, incluyendo a los que están manejando su carro. Estén agradecidos de la gente que ha escuchado a Mi llamado para hacer refugios para que Mis fieles puedan venir y ser protegidos. Sean generosos en aceptar su hospitalidad, y hagan lo que puedan para ayudarse el uno al otro a sobrevivir. Todos ustedes necesitaran ayudar a preparar la comida, lavar platos, la ropa, y otras necesidades como colectar leña para el fuego. Por medio de la ayuda comunitaria, todos ustedes podrán sobrevivir los tres años y medio de la tribulación. Eviten al Anticristo y no lo adoren ni dejen que les coloquen la marca de la bestia. Confía en Mi ayuda y protección para todas tus necesidades.”

April 22, 2014

Abril 22, 2014 (Órdenes Ejecutivas)

En la adoración de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver un camión de bomberos en una emergencia y el enfoque eran las palabras “Órdenes Ejecutivas”. Jesús dice: “Mi gente de America, Yo les he mencionado anteriormente, cómo de muchas formas ustedes están perdiendo sus derechos Constitucionales por medio de las ordenes Ejecutivas de su Presidente. Estas noticias de la perdida de sus derechos, no llegan a los telenoticieros ni a sus periódicos, pero su Presidente esta usurpando los poderes del Congreso cada vez que escribe Órdenes Ejecutivas, que sobre pasan sus atributos. Virtualmente esto es tolerado por su Congreso, no para la toma de poder. El congreso y las cortes están silenciosos sobre esta toma de su gobierno por medio del Poder Ejecutivo. El balance del poder entre las tres ramas del gobierno fue instituido por medio de la Constitución, y esto está siendo violado. Pero, hay muy pocos que están alzando la voz por esta injusticia. Yo les he dicho anteriormente cómo América caerá por sus pecados, y habrá una toma completa por la gente del un solo gobierno. Si tu gente no pelea por sus derechos, entonces ustedes van a perder por su inactividad. No den quejas por la perdida de sus derechos, cuando no pelearon para mantenerlos. Todos sus derechos están siendo removidos uno por uno, sin que ustedes se den cuenta. Tú, ya pronto vendrás a Mis refugios cuando tu estado físico y espiritual se vean en peligro y por la persecución temas por tu vida.”

April 21, 2014

Abril 21, 2014 (Limpien sus pecados, saquen tiempo para Jesús)

En San Juan el Evangelista después de la Santa Comunión, Yo puedo ver un limpiador de alfombras listo para ser usados. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, ustedes ya terminaron sus ayunos de Cuaresma y devociones que están supuestos a fortalecer sus vidas espirituales. No retrocedan a sus viejos hábitos de perder el tiempo. Yo les estoy mostrando este limpiador de alfombras para limpiar sus pecados, y sus malos hábitos. No se dejen llevar por las tentaciones de Satanás, quien toma ventaja de sus debilidades terrenales. Mantente fuerte en tus oraciones diarias, y continúa visitándome, especialmente en Mi tabernáculo. Cuando se te olvidas de hacer tus oraciones y dejas que las preocupaciones de este mundo controlen tu vida, ahí es cuando eres vulnerable al pecado. Elabora un régimen de tu tiempo para Mis planes, así tendrás mas tiempo para Mi en tu vida. Si mantienes tu enfoque en Mí, entonces tendrás tiempo de hacer las oraciones que no pudiste hacer el día anterior. Cuando estas muy ocupado, es cuando necesitas reducir el ritmo de tu vida y sacar tiempo para Mi.”

April 15, 2014

Abril 15, 2014 (Oraciones para los difuntos)

En la Adoración de San Teodoro, Yo puedo ver un camión de bomberos y un bombero muerto. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, cualquier día puede ocurrir la muerte repentina de una o muchas personas, sin tiempo de hacer la paz Conmigo (confesión). Algunos mueren en accidentes, violencia de armas, apuñaladas, enfermedades de cáncer, ataques al corazón, o en las guerras. Algunas de estas almas no tienen tiempo de Confesarse, Yo permito que las oraciones de la gente los salve del infierno. Yo quiero que Mis fieles recen algunas oraciones por estas almas todos los días. Estas almas estarán por siempre agradecidas por su ayuda, por haberlos salvado del infierno. Esto es lo mismo que la intención general que ustedes oran en la Misas de reparación. Yo les he dicho anteriormente que oren constantemente por los miembros de su familia que están lejos de Mí, también los podrían salvar del infierno. Tu escuchaste al papá de tu esposa, cuando el le dio las gracias por salvar su alma del infierno milagrosamente con una conversión en cama durante el proceso de muerte. Denme adoración y gracias por Mi misericordia sobre tantos pecadores.”