Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, thank you for celebrating both Masses for our Two Hearts. I know it takes some spiritual endurance to be up late at night to honor both my Son and myself. You know that in everything I do, I lead you to my Son, Jesus. I am the bridge to heaven because I keep repeating the phrase that you hear: ‘To Jesus through Mary.’ All the rosaries that you pray, I give over to Jesus along with your intentions. All the love that you share with me, I share with my Son, Jesus. Now that I look back on Jesus’ remark of his wanting to be in His Father’s house, I know how much He loves His Father. Rejoice in our Two Hearts as we want to join your heart with ours at all times.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Syrian military firing shells on their own civilians. In response there are some groups fighting the military as the beginning of a civil war. Recently, there was some reporting of Russia sending attack helicopters to the Syrian government. Since Syria is a Russian client, it is much more of a delicate political situation to try and remove this dictator as in Libya. Still your ships are standing ready to go into action if they are called on. This area and the Iranian nuclear situation are both potential places for war to break out in the Middle East. Americans are weary of all the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it is very difficult when action is taken by your President as in Libya without Congressional approval. Pray that war does not spread in this area, and that peace can come to this region.”

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Sacred Heart is the first of the Two Hearts of My Blessed Mother and Myself. You know that I am Love itself, and your images of My Heart represent the seat of love that you have as humans. A beating heart represents life, and the eternal flame in My picture also represents how I have a burning love for all of you as a perpetual fire. I have shown you many scenes in the Gospel that expressed My love for people in healing their physical afflictions. In the Gospel of today you see My death on the cross as My greatest act of love for mankind, so I could bring salvation to your souls and free you from the bonds of your sins. You are all My creations, and I desire that all of you will seek Me out of love so you can be with Me in heaven. I give all of you free will to love Me because I do not force Myself on you. I desire that you love Me of your own free will, and that you will want to serve Me as Master of your life. By loving Me, you can also love My Blessed Mother because our hearts are joined together as one. Be thankful that you are temples of the Holy Spirit because He gives life to your body and your soul. I want My people to love Me with an agape love which is a spiritual love of God beyond your filial love for other human beings. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and you can nurture your personal love relationship with My Sacred Heart.”

(The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus) Jesus said: “My people, as I look out at all the hearts of My people, I see a lock on each heart. It is My people that need to unlock their hearts from the inside that will open their heart so I can enter. If a person is focused only on themselves, and they are not open to Me, then I cannot enter that soul and that heart. It is only by your giving of your will over to My Divine Will, that I can enter your heart and share My joy with you in the grace of My sacraments. So listen for My call, and you can open your heart to Me so we can be one heart. In this way you can join My Blessed Mother and the Blessed Trinity as we are all one together in spirit. Give praise and glory to Me because My Sacred Heart is always open, just as you have some churches always open to access My tabernacle.”

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who enter heaven, need to obey My laws, but they also need to be purified either in this life or in purgatory. When you make a vase, you require some painted designs and several glazes that are fire-polished. When you die, you may still have to make reparation for your sins. Purgatory is where My souls are promised one day to be in heaven, but they will spend various times being purified by fire or time until they are worthy to enter heaven. In the Gospel I am telling the people not only to guard their actions, but they also need to guard their thoughts. I look into the heart where you have your intentions both for your actions and your thoughts. Avoid situations where you perform actions for show, but deep down you have the opposite motives which can be sinful. Say yes when you mean ‘yes’ and no when you mean ‘no’. All other thoughts can lead you into sin. Show love in your heart at all times, and I will see your intentions, and reward you for your efforts.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the blooming roses, each rose has its own uniqueness. Just as you see the beauty of My creation in the plants, so there is a duel beauty when you look at different peoples. My people are made of body and soul, and each can have a beauty of its own. You are My creations, and I give you life so you can bloom in your good works and your love of Me and your neighbor. It is this harmony that I put in nature that I wish to see in your society. You all care for one another when you see someone in need of food, clothing, or shelter. Think more of sharing what you have than keeping it just for yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a model for a loving marriage in Adam and Eve. I have considered My Church as My bride, and I am the groom. Love is everything in heaven, and this is why even My Commandments are modeled on love of God and love of neighbor. I have made you male and female for the procreation of mankind, and it is from the marriage of a man and a woman that you bear children in a loving environment. This plan of marriage should be the nuclear units of your society that keep people together in the family.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the child’s early years he or she seeks the love of the parents, and a proper relationship can shape a child’s personality. The parents need to nurture and teach their children both what is needed to survive in life and in their souls. Parents need to help them in their faith so they can love and serve Me. If children are not given sufficient love, this can create problem children in your society. Love is a personal relationship that parents can bring to their children, and the children know when it is sincere and heartfelt. Loving families are much happier in each other’s presence than when there is division.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Gospel accounts show you many ways in which I showed you My love in My actions. You see how I love My Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit. You saw how I protected and taught My apostles out of love. You saw how I loved Lazarus so much and his family that I wept at his death, and later raised him from the dead. Most of all I showed you all My love when I suffered a scourging and the crucifixion on the cross so My shedding of blood is a ransom for your souls from sin. In becoming a man I know all the pains and trials of life that each of you are going through. I ask only that you love Me in return by imitating My life of holiness.”

Jesus said: “My people, you first see love when parents reach out to help their children. As you grow older, you see people in need of the necessities of life. It is this desire to help others out of love that you help in distributing food, share your clothes, and at times help people to find a place to live. This is brotherly love when you desire to help people through their problems. You feel more love in sharing your money, your talent, and your faith, than just helping yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, your prayers to Me are really a way of showing Me your love. By living your life as a constant prayer, you are united with Me in all that you do out of love. You also can show your love for others by praying for them in their work, their sicknesses, and even in death by praying for their souls. Love is a beautiful way of expressing your feelings for Me and for others. Call on My help and My graces in all of your life’s needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is true that I have given you several glimpses of what heaven is like. You described it as being one with Me in total peace and love. Your beatific vision of Me is so beautiful and inspiring, that you have difficulty in expressing this feeling in words. You did not want to leave, but I wanted you to share this experience with others. Living in total love with the God who loves you is far better than even thinking of living in hate in the fires of hell. If you truly desire to be with Me in heaven, then show Me your love and your love of Me in others.”

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the account of Elijah, and how he confronted the many prophets of Baal who were misleading the people away from God. This worship of the pagan gods was a constant problem for Israel because every time that they left Me, they were being conquered by their enemies. Even today, America is faced with the same problem where many people worship the gods of money, lust, and fame. Those, who are teaching New Age, are worshiping crystals, the earth, and everything other than Me. You also are tested by those who promote the death culture. Satan is misleading people to kill their unborn babies and the elderly. It is very difficult to preach the Good News to the people when there are so many prophets of earthly distractions that are misleading the people. This is why I am still allowing signs in miracles to show the people that I am still with you, but they need to have their hearts open to Me in order to believe in these miracles. Many people are not listening to My prophets because conversions to the faith require a responsibility of following My Commandments. To follow Me means giving up their earthly pleasures of fornication and greed for money, and this is hard for those addicted to sin. My faithful are in a battle for souls. So do the best you can to lead as many souls to follow Me as possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many people concerned about stressed banks in Greece, Spain, and Italy. You have heard one journalist mention that it becomes difficult to pay back bonds that reach interest rates of over seven per cent. I have told you earlier that once interest rates get too high, then you could start seeing bank failures and even financial crashes in these European countries. There is not enough money to bail out these countries or the big banks. Once the European banks fail, American banks would fail as well. This crash could very well happen this year. This is also why I have warned My people to stock some food to share, and to be ready to leave for My refuges when events could endanger their lives. My Warning experience will come first, and then you will soon see martial law and mandatory chips in the body. I will warn you when to leave for My refuges before the one world people start picking people up for the detention centers. Keep calm, but have your food and something to barter with as gold or silver. I will have your angels lead you to My refuges under an invisible shield. Do not use guns, but let My angels protect you.”

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012: (Theresa Vitale Funeral)
Jesus said: “My people, My daughter, Theresa, was a good and faithful servant who was attentive to Me at daily Mass and in her daily prayers. You all heard in the eulogies how she cared for all her family in their needs. She loved her family so much, and she was thankful for all those who helped her in her last years, especially Yolanda. She appreciated all of your prayers and offers to help her. She will be praying now for her family and her friends. She is being greeted by her family in heaven. She also wants to thank everyone who came to her wake and her funeral. She sends her love to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see events moving slowly toward another war in the Middle East, a possible banking problem in Europe, and also a growing National Debt problem in America. The one world people have their takeover plans in place, and events are moving toward their goal. As you can see this large clock moving, the one world people are concerned that the time for taking over is growing short. They know that I am allowing them only a brief reign before they will lose everything. This is why they are shifting their plans into a faster mode, which means they have to speed up the events that will bring about a martial law takeover. The decision on the Health Care issue by your Supreme Court may dictate the coming plans. If the court strikes down any provisions of the current plan, then you will see your President bypass any decisions because they need to control people with chips in the body. Their plan to chip everybody is coming soon either legally or illegally. Their plan to crash the dollar will also be speeded up. These people are on target with their takeover plans, but you may see things moving faster as they now have more of an urgent feeling to get their plan carried out. I will be available to help My people avoid chips in the body and avoid any flu shots. Trust in Me to first bring My Warning, and then I will bring My victory over these evil ones. Be ready to leave for My refuges when I tell you that it is time to go.”

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, the life of an evangelist is not easy, as you have read the accounts of St. Paul and St. Barnabas in the Acts of the Apostles. You have seen for yourself how you have to manage all the difficulties of traveling in your air travel, driving, and setting up meetings and accommodations. At times you may miss flights, or you may have problems with your luggage. But there is a joy in bringing souls to Me that makes all of your sufferings worth your efforts. Rejoice that you have been called to help save souls. Keep in mind that when you are taking souls away from the demons, that you should be prepared to do battle with the evil spirits. Wear your blessed sacramentals for protection, and call on Me and My angels to assist you in any demonic attacks. You may even see some resistance to your evangelizing efforts from the authorities, or from some who do not want strangers telling them how to follow Me. When you do your work for Me among the people, I will reward your efforts, even if you have to wait until after your death.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been celebrating the feast day of St. Barnabas who was a missionary, and he worked with St. Paul. These disciples of Mine were instrumental in bringing many souls to the faith, especially among the Gentiles. I told My disciples that I came as a man to serve, and not to be served. I also told them that those who desire to be leaders, must serve the rest. At the Last Supper I washed all the feet of My apostles, and I did this to give Myself as an example of how they should serve My people. Helping to save souls is your most important work, but there are many ways in which you can serve people with your good works. You can help serve food at your meetings, and you can feed the poor and the hungry at food shelves or at soup suppers. You can help people by finding apartments to rent for the poor. You can serve by visiting the sick and the elderly. You can even attend funerals to help those who are mourning for their relatives who died. You can also pray for others who are suffering sickness, or those who are seeking employment. By helping to serve other people, you are serving Me and your neighbor out of love.”

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012: (Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, through the years there was an old tradition of having a procession of the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance all around the neighborhood streets of each church. There also is a long standing practice of adoring My Blessed Sacrament where you have perpetual Adoration. This feast day of ‘Corpus Christi’ or ‘The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ’ is a celebration of My gift of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament. It is a belief in My Church that during the consecration of the Mass, the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. This belief of My Real Presence under the appearances of bread and wine takes an act of faith in order to believe. If you truly believe that I am present in the Host inside My tabernacle, then you would be willing to come and visit Me more often. Some of My believers try to visit Me every day to show Me how much they love Me, and believe in My Real Presence. Because there are many people who do not believe in My Real Presence, I have allowed some miracles of My Eucharist by having real blood appear on the Hosts. These miracles are not meant to sensationalize My Eucharist, but they are meant to show people that I am truly Present in every consecrated Host. So when you receive Holy Communion worthily, you truly receive Me into your soul. Until the Host is consumed, you are like tabernacles of My Presence. At every Consecration of the Mass, and at My tabernacles, My angels are always present, and they are adoring My Eucharist. Many people pray to Me for petitions, but Adoration and worship of My Blessed Sacrament are other forms of prayer to give Me the honor and glory of being the God of the universe. Try to receive Me in Holy Communion and come to Me in Adoration as often as you can, so you can receive the grace of My sacrament, and the grace of visiting My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, the wood of My cross is tied to this weeping tree at the Tenth Station. I have talked to you about the Tree of Life, and this tree has taken on a spiritual life in giving you a sign. When you look at a cut tree, you can see the rings representing each year of growth. You could see a bright Light over these rings, and it was in the shape of a Host. You are celebrating today’s feast of Corpus Christi, and this is appropriate in seeing My consecrated Host. Where you have My Host, you also have My sacramental Presence. This vision is also a reminder to you that I will bless all of My refuges when My angels will bring you daily Communion if you do not have a priest for Mass. In this way you will be able to have perpetual Adoration at all of My refuges during the tribulation. Rejoice, My faithful, that I will be with you in protecting you at My refuges.”

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012: (St. Ephrem)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul talked about evangelizing souls, and this is a large part of My faithful’s mission. You have read in the Scriptures how the prophets were anointed with oil. After My Resurrection I want My faithful anointed also in Baptism and Confirmation with the holy oils. For you are priests, prophets, and kings when you spread My Word in converting souls to the faith. The ambry in each church holds the holy oils for My sacraments. This anointing of each person makes him or her a member of My Church, and it bestows My graces of My sacraments on you to strengthen each of you for your own mission. Rejoice in this fellowship of Christians who follow My ways and imitate My life. I love all of My people, and I will send My angels to assist you in your work.”

Jesus said: “My people, your financial transactions in the futures and options markets are very risky, and they can be likened to bets made in a Las Vegas casino. This area of finances is called the derivatives market that have stocks and bonds as the underlying asset. These bets can be leveraged to as much as 2000 to 1. If a bet wins, the owner makes a lot of money, but if that owner loses, there can be some big losses. In the last financial crisis of 2008 many derivative bets were insured by AIG. This financial institution held bets from the banks of many nations. Your central bankers swindled the American taxpayers by bailing out all of these bad derivatives in the billions of dollars that benefitted even foreign banks. There is no regulation of these dangerous bets, yet your taxpayers are backing these bad debts. The five top banks are leveraged for liabilities that amount to over $200 trillion which is three times the total value of the world’s economies. If these banks lose their bets, as one bank has already lost several billion dollars, there is not enough money in the world to bail them out. Only the Federal Reserve could print that much money, but it would inflate the dollar so much that the dollar would be worth next to nothing. The Federal Reserve and your taxpayers should not be liable to cover these bank debts. You can see how if these bets go bad, that the bricks of your financial institutions will come tumbling down as in the vision, and this crash of your money system will bring about a takeover. It is this martial law possibility that is the plan for the one world people’s takeover of America. This is why I have been warning My faithful to have food and be prepared to leave for My refuges. Trust in Me that I will bring My victory over these evil ones after the Antichrist’s short reign.”

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, if you are able to move about freely in good health, then you should be giving Me thanks that you are not disabled. You have had some leg operations, and you know how difficult it is to get around on crutches or in a wheelchair. Think of all the people who have painful ankles, knees, and hips, or any other disability as lost limbs. They are suffering chronic pain every day. Some are burdened with having to take pain medication just to get through the day. I want My people to pray for the disabled so they can endure their pain. Those, who live in pain, can offer it up with Me on the cross so they could have some redemptive value in helping souls in their family or in purgatory. I suffered on earth to give everyone an opportunity to be saved from their sins and avoid hell. But sinners must seek Me in repentance of their sins, and ask for My forgiveness. By converting your life from sin, and making Me the Master of your life, then you are preparing yourself to be worthy by My grace to enter heaven. All of your struggles through your trials and pains on this earth are a means to test you and purify you to enter heaven. Indeed, some souls are suffering their purgatory on earth through their diseases and health problems in their later years. Have sympathy for the disabled, and help them in any way that you can.”

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at various times you find yourself waiting at a doctor’s office or at an emergency room when you have some time to spend. Even if you have a different time when you pray, do not waste any of your precious time. Your time goes by very quickly, and it can never be retrieved. In those moments of waiting, you could be praying for your family members or for the souls in purgatory. If you carry your rosary with you at all times, you could pray it while you are waiting. By putting your time to good use, you will be better able to make an accounting to Me of how you spent the time that I gifted to you on this earth. Remember that your time on earth is relatively short compared to the eternal life of your soul. While you are still alive on earth, take every opportunity to love and serve Me and your neighbor so you are living the faith that you believe in. When you come to Me at your judgment, you will be judged on your good works and how much you loved Me and your neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about various colored auras that some people can see and some devices can measure. This aura is a sign of the spirit body that animates your physical body. Even the Holy Spirit sent tongues of fire over My disciples. This energy of life is also a sign of the Holy Spirit’s Presence in every living human being. At death this life spirit leaves your body, and your soul comes before Me in judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your deficits keep mounting, there are some in Congress who are seeking to find some compromise in dealing with your government’s overspending. The longer this gridlock continues, your entitlement programs are coming closer to running out of money. Hard choices on the growth of entitlements need to be made now before they could cause your bankruptcy. Some states have made these hard choices, and they are balancing their budgets, and prospering as a result. Common sense to save these programs is needed over continuing political rhetoric with no action.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will try to force flu shots on you because of a more deadly and contagious bird flu. This makes money for the drug companies, but the flu shots over time will actually be detrimental to your immune system. Avoid taking these flu shots, and instead build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs. Also have some masks on hand when the evil ones try to spread this virus with chemtrails. Come to My refuges if you see people dying, so you can be healed by looking on My luminous cross at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to many countries in Europe where the buildings of older generations have deteriorated by weathering. It is the stone buildings and statues that have survived over the years. Even historical documents are now being saved to optical disks to preserve what man has discovered. It is important that the history of nations should be preserved as it happened, and not recorded with a false agenda. One thing has been true through the years, and that is when people ignore the mistakes of the past, they may live to repeat them.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, but the regime changes in many Arab countries are causing stress among these peoples. As you see an increasing battle of good and evil, you are seeing more signs of the Antichrist’s coming. This tribulation has to come, but I will be victorious over all of the evil ones. Rejoice that you know the outcome of this battle and My victory will prevail.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to set up a refuge because My refuge builders have spent much money, and some have endured harsh criticism. Many of My builders have had inner messages or they have been directed by the Holy Spirit to go forward with their work. Some of My builders have also been given signs to encourage their work. All of them will truly receive My reward for providing safe havens for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to go through your day’s work when you meet up against problems that seem unsolvable. You should pray for My help in the beginning of your projects, but you may pray harder when things are not working out. After praying, you have seen many times how I have worked out your problems. Remember to thank Me for resolving your problems, and have faith in depending on Me to answer your prayers.”