Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, some of you have been to see many of the places that St. Paul traveled as in Rhodes where he was shipwrecked, and in Greece and Turkey. St. Paul had Barnabas and other disciples helping him to preach to the Jews and the Gentiles. His travels had many hardships that threatened his life at sea and being stoned. The people did not always want to hear his words of the Gospel, and the Jewish leaders tried to get them out of town because the people were believing in his miracles. In your own mission you have traveled to evangelize souls, but you had cars and planes for faster travel. St. Paul wrote his epistles that are now available in the Bible. You have had the internet and your books and DVDs to spread My Word. Imagine if St. Paul had these helps. Being a missionary requires a commitment of time as you wait for planes, and stay in people’s homes. Carrying books and DVDs around is a chore, but you are also able to share rosaries, scapulars, and Confession preparation sheets. As St. Paul mentioned, it was a joy to share My love and evangelize souls for Me. All of My faithful are called to go out to all the nations to evangelize souls, so the faithful should be thankful that My chosen ones are doing their job.”

Jesus said: “My people, America has known freedom for many years, but there are one world people who are taking away your freedoms one by one. Other countries have been oppressed for many years under ruthless dictators. You do not fully appreciate your freedoms until they are taken away. The one world people are not satisfied with just stealing your money in taxes and crashed stock markets. They crave power over the people as in dictatorships. They even want to turn your people into their slaves and reduce the population. This is why they want mandatory chips in the people to control their minds, and make them into robots. It is in their plan to continue abortions, and to get rid of all the people who cannot work for them. Your new Health Plan will be using rationed care for those who are younger and more productive. This is why My faithful should refuse any chips in the body and refuse any flu shots. If the evil ones want to kill you for not taking chips in the body or not taking the flu shots, then you need to soon leave for My refuges. I will provide for your food and shelter at My refuges, but do not allow the Antichrist to control you by avoiding his eyes and not looking at him on TVs or computer screens. When you follow your guardian angels to My refuges, you will be protected from the evil ones by My angels. Trust in My greater power over all the evil people and demons.”

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I have asked you to follow My Commandments out of love for Me. I have given you many teachings of how to live a good Christian life. But unless you take My Word into your heart and act on it, then you are not witnessing your love for Me or your neighbor. It is by faith and works that you will be allowed into heaven. If you go out of your comfort zone to do a charitable deed for someone, then you are being moved by your love for your neighbor. You may have a great understanding of My Scriptures, but the real confirmation of your belief in Me is witnessed by your good deeds. When you do things out of love, you do not look for compensation, and you do it spontaneously without being asked. Do everything out of love for Me, and you will truly find your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, beware of the one world people who are trying to destroy your economy and weaken your military. One plan is to so overspend your budgets that your National Debt will cause a situation where there is not enough money to even pay the interest on this debt, let alone the principle. The other plan is to have the housing industry so tied up in derivatives and foreclosures that the banks will own most of the available housing. As the dollar loses its ‘reserve currency’ status, it will begin losing its value which will create an uncontrolled inflation. This will crash the dollar, and it will cause a martial law that will force My faithful to go to My refuges. The one world people will force the amero as a new currency for the North American Union, or they will try to force mandatory chips in the body to control people like robots. Either by martial law or mandatory chips in the body, the one world people will do everything to take over America. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges. I have warned you to have food and to have your things ready to come to My refuges. You have a limited time before the one world people will place the Antichrist into the European Union as the ruler of the world. His reign will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over Satan, the beasts, and the demons. As you see the signs of the Antichrist coming, know that My victory is soon to follow.”

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel spoke of Me as the vine and you are the branches. Without Me you can do nothing. It is only from My vine that you can produce fruit. The most important fruit is to evangelize souls for heaven in conversions. You nurture your soul by receiving Me in Holy Communion as you receive My graces. It is by My Bread that you will have eternal life. When you come to Church, you are called to share your treasure, talent, and time with the people. It is this giving of self to help others that I call all of My faithful to share. When you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving the Blessed Trinity in all Three Persons-God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Watching the young boys and girls receive their First Holy Communion is a joy to see the children brought to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your Mass this morning the children were given rosaries touched where I was born in Bethlehem as a help to pray daily. I love the little children, and they need to be protected from abuse and given good example in how to live a good Christian life. A child can learn things very easily, and that is why they should be taught good things instead of any sinful things. Having a good daily prayer life can help them through life’s trials. Parents need to help their children to learn the faith, and to see how important it is to come to frequent Confession and to Sunday Mass. Parents can also give good example by visiting My tabernacle to give praise and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Teach them also about My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. If parents and teachers do not teach these things to their children, then how are they going to know how to have a good love relationship with their Lord? My parents are responsible for their children’s souls as much as you can help them, even after they leave your home. Pray every day for My help and My Blessed Mother’s help in bringing your children’s souls to heaven.”

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul and Barnabas were teaching about Me in Antioch, and many of the Jews came to believe in Me at the synagogues. So many people were following St. Paul that the Jewish leaders stirred up a rebellion against him. St. Paul then said: (Acts 13:46) ‘It was necessary that the Word of God should be spoken to you first, but since you reject it and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we now turn to the Gentiles.’ The Gentiles were delighted to hear the Word of God, and St. Paul became a true missionary for the Gentiles. Because St. Paul and Barnabas were expelled from Antioch, they shook off the dust from their feet in protest against them. These disciples were very much led by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 13:52) ‘And the disciples continued to be filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.’ It was their faith in Me, and the joy of sharing My message that inspired St. Paul to continue on in his missionary work for My Church, even among the Gentiles.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is already showing you where he is going to focus his campaign. He has reminded you of his killing of Osama bin Laden by his recent trip to Afghanistan. He is emphasizing his lead with women and the young voters. He is also typically campaigning in the states that are too close to call. Currently, he has a collection of campaign funds that are ten times that of his likely opponent. With the media on his side, as well as being an incumbent President, it will be difficult to unseat him. His biggest threat to his re-election will be if the economy gets worse or if gasoline prices and unemployment remain high. I have mentioned before that the one world people control both parties. It does not matter which candidate wins when their cabinet members are picked by the one world people. The Cabinet members all belong to the same one world organizations. I also have mentioned that several events could have an influence on your coming election. I repeat My words from before that you should pray for the most God-fearing candidate to win.”

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, man has been very prolific in the many cities and buildings that he has made. Do not get so wrapped up in your business enterprises that you leave Me out of your life. I know that you have earthly concerns to provide for your families in their needs, but you have spiritual needs for your souls as well. In the Gospel, St. Thomas asked Me to show him the way to God the Father. That is when I told him: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me. When My people come to Me in their Warning experience, I will give these same words to everyone. It does not matter what you believe in your religions because you can only come to heaven through Me. That is because I paid the ransom for every soul. Once you come back into your bodies after the Warning, you will have an opportunity to praise Me, and follow Me in all that you do. You will have a burning desire to repent of your sins in whatever way that you can. For Catholics it is in Confession that you are forgiven and cleansed of your sins. If you imitate My life and obey My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen gold and silver refined in an earthly setting, but I want to see My faithful souls purified in a spiritual setting. You all have souls, as you are made up of body and soul as a human being. I love your souls, and I desire to save as many souls for heaven that will love Me in return. You all are weak to sin because of your fallen nature, but I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can cleanse your sins. I have also given you an opportunity for plenary indulgences with My Divine Mercy. If people die and they still have reparation due to make up for their sins, there is also purgatory to purify your soul. With all of these means available to refine your impurities of sin, then you need to take advantage of My gifts in order to gain heaven. By prayers, good works, and obedience to My Commandments, you can be set on the right path to heaven. I can purify souls when they seek My forgiveness and repent of their sins. I will always accept a repentant sinner back into My good graces. Seek to love Me always, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012: (Sts. Philip & James)
Jesus said: “My people, at times you receive criticism for talking about refuges where some say they are not in the Bible. At this point in time in non-communist countries you are not openly persecuted to the point of martyrdom for your faith. Yet in the Early Church, Christians were being martyred, so that they practiced their faith secretly in the catacombs. Even the prophets were threatened with death because the people did not want to hear the prophet’s words of repentance for their sins. As a result Elijah hid in a cave at Mt. Carmel in Haifa, Israel to avoid being killed. As in this vision, I even told you that where necessary, My angels would carve out caves for your safe havens. I am giving you a message of hope during the tribulation that My angels will protect you at My refuges by making you invisible to your persecutors. You will have to leave your homes, if they are not refuges, so you can be led by your guardian angels to your safe havens. I will provide for your food and shelter, and My angels will defend you from the evil ones.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I listen to all of your prayers, but you are praying a special prayer for Eileen, your prayer group member and daily Mass member. She is being watched over by Me and My Blessed Mother. I know she is in your thoughts for recovery from her stroke. Keep praying for her with your novenas as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your friends or relatives have a sudden illness, stroke, or heart attack, you should find it in your heart to visit them as a support in their hour of need. The family and the patient will appreciate your visit, and your concern for their health. It is also comforting for the family to know that you are praying for the patient’s recovery.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a tense military condition when you see nations such as North Korea and Iran testing missiles, especially multi-staged missiles. You are concerned about any possible attack on Iran from Israel to stop their nuclear bomb making. Even as you see many threats around the world, some are downgrading your Defense capabilities. Compromise is better than war, but with dangerous nations, you need to be prepared.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your new technologies, you are producing more oil and natural gas than usual. Your natural gas has become so abundant that the price has dropped. As more uses are found for natural gas, you will be even less dependent on foreign oil. You are still seeing conflicts between those who want green energy sources and those who want your fossil fuels. Many so called ‘green sources’ are not able to replace the need for your fossil fuels. Some compromises need to be made with your government and your energy producers.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this Easter Season it is a joy to read the healing accounts in the Acts of the Apostles. You have heard of some healing even today when people pray and lay hands on the sick. I have told you that there will be more people with healing gifts as you approach the end times. Even at My refuges, people will be healed by looking on My luminous cross in the sky and by drinking the spring water. Give praise and glory to Me for
all the miraculous healing of My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the United Nations at work in trying to help nations and minimize wars. I am warning you that the one world people are always manipulating such organizations to help them in their goal for a new world order with a one world government. Follow the money that is spent by the UN to see what their agendas are. The International Monetary Fund is another organization that is used by the one world people. These organizations get some of their funding from your taxpayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you were at the doctor’s office recently, you noticed how everything is being recorded on computers for your health records. You also are seeing your voting machines becoming more computerized as well. While computers are helpful for storing data, they also are prime targets for attacks from computer experts. You are using your fourth new charge card in a few years because of people stealing many charge card numbers. This is why your health records and your voting numbers are at risk from such computer hackers. This could compromise your health information to others and threaten any close elections. In some areas your old methods had better security than today’s computers.”

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012: (St. Anthanasius)
Jesus said: “My people, there were some early heresies where people did not believe in My Divinity. It is still a mystery how I could be God and human with both natures in My Incarnation. Even My apostles did not fully understand My Divine nature. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that My Divinity was revealed to St. Peter when he exclaimed: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ My apostles witnessed My miracles, and they finally believed in My Resurrection, once I appeared to them in the flesh. It is also a belief in faith that I am truly Present to you in My consecrated Host and Wine. Many miracles of blood on the hosts were allowed to help people believe in My Real Presence. My faithful recite the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed at Mass which professes My Divinity and My human nature. Even if some people do not believe in My Divinity or My Real Presence in the Host, it does not change the reality of your beliefs, and that I am truly the Son of God.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some years you see your grass has died out in spots either from a lack of water, or heavy shade from your trees. You know how difficult it is to re-seed large portions of your lawn. You can see a parallel with physically planting grass seed, and planting the seeds of faith in open souls. With a lawn you need to have good soil to receive the seed which could mean adding new rich topsoil. Then you rake in the seed and water it continuously each day for a week or two. You also noticed that you need warm weather to grow the grass. With souls you need to have them open to receive My message of love in their hearts. You may have to prepare them with an RCIA program. Then you plant the seed of faith with them. In order for the seed of faith to take root, you may have to nurture this budding faith with repetition and a good example from a faithful person. Each new candidate will need to study and practice the faith which he or she is learning. Teaching each convert about having a personal love relationship with Me can be fed by adopting a daily prayer life. Each soul must come to know Me daily, and not just by coming one hour a week to Sunday Mass. Frequent Confession will also be needed to cleanse each convert’s sins. With proper training and nurturing, you can evangelize souls to be saved from hell. This is the best way to follow your mission by leading souls to Me for their salvation in My graces.”

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012: (St. Joseph, the worker)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve committed the original sin by taking the fruit of the forbidden tree because they listened to the devil’s lies. As a consequence of their sin, they were put out of the Garden of Eden, and they had to work by the sweat of their brow in order to work for a living in providing their food and shelter. From this early event men and women have been working as well for their daily bread. Only in recent years have women been forced to work outside of the home in the general work place. Work helps to provide the skills needed to help everyone in each person’s daily necessities. By your working, you help other people in their struggle for survival. Farmers provide your food to eat, and many other workers provide for your other needs. Your work compensation helps you to buy food, houses, and cars for your livelihood. I remind people that you are here on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. So accumulating a lot of wealth is not your main goal. Keep everything in perspective by sharing your wealth and your time to help your neighbors with good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, when one of your friends is afflicted with a stroke or cancer, you are quick to go and see that person and to comfort him or her with your presence. You have seen Me heal many people in the Gospel, and it was the people’s faith in My healing that healed them. Keep praying that your friends can be healed with My grace and your faith in Me to heal them. Ask Me to send down My angels to comfort them, and help your friends on the road to recovery. You have fasted and prayed novenas for healing, so you can do so again for the recent events in your life. Trust that I can enable a quicker recovery, and to stop any cancers from getting worse. Life and your health is a precious gift, and it is when you see yourself or another with a health problem that you realize the thin line between health and sickness or being incapacitated. Pray for your own health, and for that of your loved ones, especially those who are sick or have strokes.”

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, every Easter you celebrate My victory over sin and death. This means that since My death the gates of heaven have been opened to worthy souls who have been purified for heaven. My victory over sin is now available in Confession where your sins can be forgiven and absolved by the priest. Another victory is coming soon when the Antichrist and Satan will be cast into hell along with the demons and evil people who did not choose to love Me. Satan’s time is short, and that is why this current battle for souls has become so intense. You need to evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can so you can save these souls from hell. I have shown you how hateful the souls are in hell, but there is such a hopeless feeling for these souls that they will never see Me again. Pray for all sinners that they will be led to follow Me eventually to heaven. You would much rather be with the One who loves you in heaven, than the one who hates you in hell. I love all of you, and I am drawing you to Me with My sacramental graces. Rejoice in My coming victory over evil when you will come to My reward in My Era of Peace and finally to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate to make a visit to the Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha where she lived for a while. Especially, because she will be canonized a saint by My Church this year. She died at a young age, but she had a great love for Me and her people who she served. She contracted a disease from serving the sick, and she died from this as well. Miraculously, her lesions disappeared after her death. Rejoice in her sainthood as My Church acknowledges the miracles through her intercession.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see all of My faithful who are here praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary. It is true that I am with you when you pray together for your intentions. Many times you see
it raining where people honor My Blessed Mother. These are the heavenly tears of sorrow for all the sinners who need forgiveness of their sins. Keep praying for all sinners and the souls in purgatory. There was a message that I gave on February 10, 2012 that spoke of the coming harvest of souls when I come to judge the souls of the earth. This picture that you are showing the people, is about Me as Christ the King, and I am asking My faithful to be ready with pure souls because you do not know when I will come. Come to frequent Confession, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012: (Good Shepherd Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Mass was special for you as you watched the young girls and boys dressed for their First Holy Communion. Some of you may be able to remember your own First Holy Communion, and how innocent you were in those early years of your life. You may have lost some of your innocence, but with frequent Confession, you can keep a pure soul. The Gospel speaks of how I left the ninety-nine together in the desert as I went off to search for the lost sheep. I am always drawing My flock of souls to Me as I love you tenderly. I asked My disciples to bring the little children to Me as these First Communicants. These are My little lambs that I carry on My shoulder. The sheep know the voice of their shepherd, and they follow him. My faithful also know My voice, and I call you to come to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion as often as you can. When you receive Me in Communion, I am present in your soul for awhile. Enjoy these intimate moments with Me as I share My graces with you in helping you on your path to heaven. Keep focused on Me as you receive My Body and Blood which will bring you eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the young people are so taken up with entertainment stars that they have little time for Me or the saints in their lives. You have seen how difficult it is to find the young people at Sunday Mass or at prayer groups. I understand after working or going to school all week, that people need some entertainment time. But I am their Creator, and I should deserve some time in their lives. Young people should not always expect to be entertained at Mass, but they should try to understand how much I love them that I died to save their souls. They know in their young lives about their desire in loving a boyfriend or a girlfriend. They should take this love one step higher in loving Me. If they would give Me some of their time to have a personal relationship with Me, they would be overwhelmed when they pray with Me. Satan has distracted today’s youth with fame, materialism, and electronic gadgets. Pornography, bad movies, and games have captured the attention of the youth, but they need to be focused more on beautiful and chaste things. Parents need to give their children good examples to follow and encourage their children to come closer to Me in their prayer life and weekly Sunday Mass. If the children do not see My influence in the lives of the parents, then the children will not seek Me in their lives. Pray for your youth to come to Me more in their needs, and seek My help in their daily problems.”