Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how St. John the Baptist wanted people to repent of their sins and be baptized. You also remember how Jonah told the people to repent and fast or Nineveh would be destroyed. Some of you have read the recent book about the Harbingers, and how America has been warned to repent of its sins, or you could follow the way of Israel into exile. You have been warned as in Isaiah 9:10, in the destruction of 9-11-01 and your financial collapse of 2008. If you do not change your ways and follow Me, then you are calling My judgment against America. Still you are aborting your children, committing many sexual sins, and now some are justifying same sex marriage. Without following My ways instead of man’s ways, how can you hold back My judgment against America? In the Gospel I want to lead you to My Father in heaven, but if you do not listen to My words, and put your faith into actions, then My judgment will fall on you. America is turning its back on Me as few are praying and honoring Me on Sunday. If you truly love Me, you would show your love in prayers and worship, as well as showing your love for your neighbor in good works. America’s judgment is coming, and it will come through the one world people in taking over your country. I am merciful and loving, so I will allow you to have My angels’ protection at My refuges. Trust in Me and follow Me, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I leave the doors to My heart open all hours of the day, which is different from your locked churches. I am open to repentant sinners, and I will forgive their sins at any time. Some people are reluctant to come to Confession for fear that the priest will criticize their sins, or for being away from Confession for a long time. Have no fear of coming to Me because I want My faithful to be cleansed of their sins at least once a month. There also are some people who do not want to confess their sins to a priest, or some who do not want to admit that they have committed any sins. To come to Confession, My faithful need to humble themselves in asking for My forgiveness. Call on Me to send you My angels to defend you from the demons. I love all sinners, and I want to see them repent so their souls can be saved. Give praise and thanks to Me for offering up My life for each of you. You all are in a battle for souls, and you need to reach out in charity to evangelize as many souls as possible.”

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My Ascension into heaven as I left My apostles to carry on My work. Listen to what the angels have told you: (Acts 1:11) ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven, shall come in the same way as you have seen Him going up to heaven.’ You are seeing the beginning of a financial collapse in Greece as many people are taking their money out of the Greek banks. If this precipitates Greece leaving the European Union, it will cause problems in the making of a new currency, and any Greek debts may be defaulted. As a percentage of the total European Union, Greece is a small part. But if they default on their loans, all of the holders of Greek debt would lose, and this could precipitate loan problems in the other European countries. You are seeing the result of using debt money which eventually will crash. Even America is in the same problem that your financial system will crash under the weight of its increasing National Debt. You can easily see how the one world people’s plan to crash the euro and then the dollar is well on its way. When there is a financial collapse of these major currencies, you will see the one world people move in to take over, and their continental unions will be formed. Then these unions will be given over to the Antichrist to declare himself a world ruler at the beginning of the tribulation. His reign will be short, and then you will see Me return on the clouds to defeat all the evil ones as the angels prophesied. Rejoice when you see the Antichrist about to take over, because My victory over him will soon follow. You will suffer for a while at My refuges, but then your faithfulness will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and then into heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have shown you the Antichrist in several messages, and he appeared to you to be a Moslem spiritual leader. I have confirmed his identity to you by telling you that he will declare himself with a different name than you know him. He has announced in previous publications how he will be a world ruler. His personal spokesman has announced his coming with the many different shaped stars in the sky that were made with lasers. This is a sign like My Star of Bethlehem that the Antichrist is mocking. Be watchful of this demonic beast, and do not look at his eyes or listen to his voice. Refuse his mark which will be a computer chip in the body. Fear not this evil one because My angels will protect you. His reign will be brief before I will bring My victory over evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have created their debt based currency for the express purpose of crashing your financial system. A debt based currency is when Federal Treasury Notes are printed and loaned to your government for interest to be paid back. Eventually these debt notes will accumulate a massive interest bill if the National Debt is not paid back. It is just a matter of time before this interest will consume most of your income. All of those people who have fought to eliminate the Federal Reserve have been killed. These central bankers are ruthless, and they will take over America when the dollar crashes. A time will come when I will overthrow the bankers as I threw them out of the Temple. My coming victory will bring down all of their buildings and their money schemes. Rejoice when I will bring My justice against these central bankers.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are students of history, remember the crash in 1929 when there was a run on the U.S. banks, and the depression resulted with heavy unemployment. This is what is going on with the banks in Greece because the depositors are afraid of a bank holiday with a failing government and heavy debts. Greece also has a debt based currency in the euro, and their debt ratio to GDP is worse than in America. Unless Greece gets some new loans or a new non-debt currency, there is a strong chance of a financial collapse. Already you are seeing riots over the austerity budgets. Take heed America because this could be your future as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the graduation of your friends and relatives. After graduation the reality of a poor job market will face these graduates. They will be competing with equally skilled workers, but the older unemployed people will have more work experience. It is this younger group under 25 that has the highest per cent of unemployed. Your economy is generating some jobs, but not enough to keep all of your graduates employed. Pray for these young people to find good jobs because they may have to take less paying jobs to support themselves and pay down their education loans.”

Jesus said: “My people, as I ascended to My Father in heaven, I told My apostles to evangelize people in all the nations. I also told them that I would send the Holy Spirit to inspire them in their mission, as they would receive many gifts from Him. You now have another novena time before you celebrate Pentecost. This is the last major feast before you return to ordinary time again. The Holy Spirit also inspires My faithful from Baptism and Confirmation. Rejoice in the graces of the Holy Spirit who helps you in your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you of some coming financial turmoil and a possible war in the Middle East. These events could be well underway by the fall time of this year. Any serious events that would be cause to go to My refuges, will also require My Warning to come first. I have warned My faithful to have food stored, and your things ready to leave for My refuges. I will warn My people when events will require you to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are signs in the Bible that speak of My coming when you see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. When you see the Antichrist about to declare himself, this will start the tribulation. Call on Me to send My angels to protect you from the evil ones. I have warned you for many years that this time was coming, and now you are seeing these signs that will eventually bring about My return to the earth in victory. Have no fear and trust in My protection.”

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when St. Paul was preaching about an ‘unknown god’, he also was telling the Greeks in Athens about My Resurrection from the dead. At that point some of the people walked away because this was hard for them to accept. Having faith in Me requires accepting many mysteries that are hard for man to understand. My Incarnation as a God-man is one mystery because it is hard for you to understand how I could be limited by a human nature. You have read in the Bible of My many miracles which impressed and converted many souls. I came as a man so I could offer My life up to ransom all of your souls from your sins. Forgiving all of your sins with this one sacrifice is even difficult to comprehend. My Resurrection from the dead is My greatest miracle because death has no hold on Me. I conquered sin and death to offer man an opportunity to be saved, and also to be resurrected at the final judgment. Another mystery is how I have allowed My priests to consecrate the bread and wine into My Real Body and Blood. This transubstantiation of these species into My Real Presence is also hard to understand. I also claimed that I would bring spiritual division into families because some would believe in Me, while others would reject Me. My people have to take these things on faith without being able to fully comprehend them. Even though mysteries like the Blessed Trinity are not meant to be fully understood, still you have My love and all the gifts of grace that I bestow on you. Repent of your sins, and allow Me to be the Master of your life, and you will be on the right path to eternal life with Me in heaven. This is enough to know and accept to be one of My disciples.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful in one of My messages to have some bicycles on hand in case you have a problem in getting gasoline to go to My refuges. When the one world people decide to call martial law, I told you that one of their tactics would be to turn off your electricity. This would shut down home computers, bank computers, and gasoline pumps. Some of these could work if they had back up natural gas generators. This action would restrict your travel to the amount of gasoline in your car and that which is stored in your garage. If you take your bikes in your van, then you could keep traveling without being restricted by gasoline. It may be difficult to carry your back packs and camping things on your bikes, so some carrying device would be helpful. You may have to travel one or two days to arrive at the nearest refuge. This could be longer if you are using bikes. Remember to have your bike helmets, and bring your tire pump to keep your tires inflated. I will help you to get to your refuges in a timely manner, but it would be sooner if you planned for some backups. By planning ahead and being ready to come to My refuges, you will be ready sooner to adjust to your rustic living accommodations. Trust in My help, and you will have all that you need.”

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have grown vegetables in a small garden, and it takes care to prepare the soil, remove the weeds, and water the seed bed to grow your crops. Once you come to your refuges, you will have more time to pray and grow crops for your survival. Most refuges will be rural and they will have land with water resources. I have asked you to buy some heirloom seeds or non-hybrid seeds so you could have seed for the following year. Whatever food you grow or have stored, I will multiply to feed the people at your refuge. Unless you have solar power, most refuges will not have electricity. You will need to be resourceful in providing for your everyday needs. Storing some soap or making it will be needed to clean yourself and your clothes. Think of all the things that you buy and how you can replace them independently. I will have My angels protect you at My refuges, but all the people at My refuges will have to work together for their needs. Prepare to live a more rustic life than you have now. Trust in Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you not to use guns in the coming tribulation. Call on My angels to fight your battles of protection when they will make you invisible to those people who want to kill you. You need to love the people, even your enemies. This is why I do not want you to use guns because I do not want you to kill people. It is the demons who try to get various factions to fight each other in wars. These evil ones are also leading the one world people into planning wars for the purpose of reducing the population. The death culture is also led by Satan to reduce the population with abortions, euthanasia, wars, and life threatening viruses. So do not let these evil ones fill you with hate, but only focus on My love and your love for your neighbors.”

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, in your working years you are first happy to have a job with all of the high unemployment rates. This vision of coming to work on Monday morning was always a trial when you were facing another week. Some people are fortunate to have a job in their trained profession. Others have to take jobs in other fields, and have to adjust or take some training in a lesser paying job. Still others, who cannot find full-time jobs, have to take part time jobs, usually without health benefits. When people, who are working, struggle every day to make ends meet with their bills, it is hard to accept the fact that others are receiving free government money from various entitlement programs. Social Security for the retired or disabled is different because these people paid into this plan for many years. Unemployment help is needed also for those still seeking jobs. It is difficult to understand how your government can run large deficits without trying to limit entitlement plans that are not affordable from your income taxes. Pray that your legislators will try better to balance your expenses with your income.”

Jesus said: “My people, your old tungsten incandescent light bulbs are being forced out of the market by regulations and economy. The new twisted mercury bulbs use less energy, and once they are warmed up, they give adequate light. There is a mercury disposal problem, but it is being overlooked in the face of saving electricity. The bigger problem is that your old bulbs are not going to be made anymore, adding more control to what you can use. Many of your regulations start out with good intentions, but it is how they are forced on you that shows you that the one world people want total control over your life. In the vision the electricity went out which represents another control over your life which the one world people will use against you during martial law. The one world people are using fear and threats to your way of life to force you into being their slaves. They want to track you, put chips in your body, and limit your travel without gasoline. You can see your freedoms being restricted every day, and if your citizens do not rise up against this tyranny, you will soon have all of your freedoms taken away. There will be a time coming when it will not be safe for your life or your soul to stay in your home. This is when I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave for My refuges. Do not fight these evil ones with guns, but have My angels shield you on your way to My refuges by making you invisible.”

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012: (Mother’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, Mother’s Day should be a joyous occasion to celebrate their children. It is a somber, but true problem that some mothers are still aborting their children. Unwed women are faced with serious choices when they become pregnant at any age. It would be better to give the children up for adoption than to kill them. It is sad that these memories of abortion will be with certain women for the rest of their lives. I can forgive such a sin, but it is hard to understand why a mother would want to kill her own child. Women should be proud to have children, but it is sinful unless they are married. It is not easy to bring up a child, but a life is more precious than a career that can be put off for awhile. Life is more precious than money, convenience, or embarrassment. Once you see your child, how could you refuse to take care of her or him? Rejoice when your family comes together today, and pray for all pregnant mothers that they bring their babies to full term. Call on My angels to fight the demons who are tempting mothers to have abortions. Remember also to wish My Blessed Mother a happy Mother’s Day today. You could say a rosary in honoring her as My mother.”

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012: (St. Nereus, Achilleus & Pancras)
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders hated Me before people hated you. Whenever My faithful try to reach out and convert souls, you are going to see a backlash from the demons, either directly or from people they inspire against you. It is one thing if people just refuse your preaching, but it is an evil force that tries to stop you from evangelizing. It is hard to get faithful people to share their faith, and it becomes almost a danger when you get violent reactions against your efforts. Even when you protest abortions or speak against same sex marriage, you get some vigorous reactions from advocates of the other side. Whenever you promote proper behavior, or speak out against sinful lifestyles, you can get criticized for interfering with their rights. This becomes a moral problem when some people think that they have the right to kill babies or kill older people with euthanasia. There are people who love their sins, and they do not want people to criticize them. This social attitude is why it is difficult to get people to repent of their sins, and convert their lives more to serving Me. Even when My faithful are persecuted, you are to be commended for trying to save souls from hell. Call on Me and My angels to help you in your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two kinds of medicine for healing diseases. The one is with natural plant sources that have very little side-effects, and they are usually inexpensive. The other is man-made medicines, and even in a pure form they usually cause side-effects and are expensive to pay for the research. The pharmaceutical companies make more profit on the man-made medicines because they can charge a high price to make up for their research expenditures. If their goal was to find the best medicine, they could make better use of the natural product medicines. Because these companies are more concerned with making money on artificial medicines, they try to thwart the use of alternative natural medicines as not being effective. In a good number of cases, today’s medicines are derivatives of earlier medicines found in nature. In the Bible I have told you that I give you the various parts of plants for your medicines. It is man’s job to discover which plants will have the best healing for different diseases. In the same way people should be able to use the best and cheapest medicine for their sicknesses. Pray that people can be open to alternative medicines that may work just as well as those from the drug companies. Most medicines just treat the symptoms, but pray for people to be healed of the causes of their sicknesses. I am the greatest of healers so you can pray for My healing as well.”

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, what is different from thirty years ago and today in your churches? The numbers of faithful coming to church on Sunday have been reduced considerably. There has been a change in the priesthood and in the laity. In both cases I believe there is less prayer said in each group. In the priesthood various people were purposely turning away many callings that has caused your shortage of priests. If My priests are not holy, it is difficult for the people to be spiritually nourished. The laity also have become spiritually lazy by skipping their prayers and not coming to Sunday Mass or Confession. Satan has distracted many souls with the gods of money and materialism. If My people do not nourish their faith with prayers, fasting, retreats, and spiritual reading or Bible study, then their faith slowly dies as a plant that is not fed. You have seen in Europe how very few people come to church. America is going down this same path if your people do not wake up to save their faith. This falling away from the faith is another sign of the end times. This is why I said: ‘When I return, will I find any faith in My people?’ I call on My faithful remnant to share their faith with souls around them before it is too difficult to change souls from being lost to the evil one. You have one last chance after My Warning. After that, if people do not change, then Satan and the Antichrist will sift the remaining souls into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am telling you that the one world people are planning purposely to crash the U.S. dollar before the election. This action is similar to how they brought about the crash of your financial system in 2008. In Europe the central bankers have been giving just enough money in loans to the teetering economies to keep them solvent for a time. At one point they will raise the interest rates so high that these countries will not be able to even pay the interest. At this point the bonds of these countries will fail, and their failed economies will eventually crash the euro as a currency. America and its banks are so tied to supporting Europe that the insolvency of the euro will put such a strain on the dollar that it too will crash. These events will be timed before your election so your President, if he so chooses, could postpone your election so he could invoke his new Executive Order. This would allow him to call an emergency martial law to control the chaos that would ensue from the dollar’s collapse. This would cause a bank holiday and a new currency or a chip in the body would be established as a new means of buying and selling. Be prepared, My people, with food to survive this crisis, and be prepared to leave for My refuges when people start stealing and killing for food. This kind of crisis is being deliberately caused by the one world people so they can take over America and make it a part of the North American Union. My refuges will be your places of protection where My angels will shield you from the evil ones. Have no fear, and trust in My power over the evil ones.”

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012: (St. Damien of Molaka’i)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul went to Jerusalem to plead the case for the Gentiles so they would not have to bear all the Mosaic laws of circumcision and other customs. It was agreed among the apostles that the Gentiles did not have to bear this burden. This opened up the Catholic faith to everyone in the world. There is one restriction that was maintained in lawful marriage between a man and a woman. Divorce has been frowned on because marriage was meant for life. I understand there are some unbearable situations where remaining married may not be possible. Some have separated, and some have been allowed annulments in special cases to allow remarriage in My Church. There are other so-called marriages that are not accepted by My Church. Common law marriage may be accepted civilly, but in My eyes living together in fornication is a life of constant sin. I love everyone, but it is your sinful actions that alienate you from Me. In the vision you could see how God the Father was especially not happy with same sex marriage or those who promote it. I have told you in previous messages that I consider homosexual acts as abominations. This is another sinful lifestyle which My Church and I do not approve of. Even if some people consider same sex marriage politically correct because it is tolerated, it does not change the fact that it also is a life of sinful actions. I am always willing to receive people who want to repent of their sins, but living in relationships outside of marriage, either heterosexual or homosexual, are improper lifestyles that should be avoided. These are delicate issues to discuss, but it is important that I warn souls that such sinful living can lead to hell if you do not change. Love of God and neighbor should be leading your lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your government is continuing to spend money that is not collected in taxes, the Senate has ceased establishing budgets, and it is not controlling out of control expenditures. These deficit budgets will put many of your entitlements out of money in a short time. Neither party is willing to compromise for the sake of the people. Your deficits are threatening your whole financial system just as the European countries are ready for bankruptcy. Pray that reason will come to your leaders before your own country could go into bankruptcy.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your politicians are focused on pleasing various segments of your voters to gain more votes at election time. Unusually large sums of money are being collected for the coming campaigns for election. It is the people of influence in the one world people who are controlling both parties. This election could well be your last if candidates for the people are not elected. Pray for America because your freedoms are at risk in this coming election.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw some severe droughts last year, and there is a chance that you will see similar problems with fires as well this summer. Some areas are having problems getting fresh water when the rains cease. Pray that you will not see more disasters that threaten lives. Earthquakes could again be severe in areas with major faults. Have some food ready for any shortages from these coming disasters. I will see to your needs, but your sins are calling for My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the last year or so your stock market has been threatened by potential bank failures in several European countries. Many of these situations are not being helped by austerity budgets. The banks which are financing these loans are having problems, and they will be raising interest rates that could start a domino effect of failures in these countries. This could trigger a failure in the euro and eventually a failure of the dollar as well. Such problems could trigger a world recession or depression that would invite a takeover by the Antichrist. Pray for My help which may lead you to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you before the plans of the one world people to cull or reduce the population. They will begin this plan by spreading a deadly flu and requiring mandatory vaccine shots that will ruin the people’s immune system if they take it. Refuse to take these flu shots. If you see many people dying from such a virus, or the authorities try to have mandatory flu shots, this will be another sign for My people to come to My refuges so you can be healed of any diseases by My luminous cross and the healing spring water.”

Jesus said: “My people, I commend your prayer group and other prayer groups for your persistence in your prayers. By joining together in prayer, you also are forming a network for My faithful to keep in touch with various refuges for helping each other in the coming tribulation. Some prayer groups may even form their own refuges to stock food and needs for your people to survive independently from outside sources. I have been calling many people to set up refuges so My angels can help protect My people from the evil ones. Pray for My help as you need to prepare yourselves for living at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you make plans for your refuges, you also want to pray for good counselors as well to calm down the frightened people when they first come to My refuges. This is why you will need a quiet place of perpetual Adoration at each refuge. You will be in total trust in My protection, and I will have My angels keep the evil ones away from My refuges. I have shown you healing, multiplied food and water, and the angel’s shield of invisibility. So fear not the evil ones, and place your full trust in Me at this time.”

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, there were several times in the Acts of the Apostles where practical decisions had to be made in how to run My Church. They first decided to replace Judas Iscariot by choosing between Justus and Matthias. Matthias was chosen to complete the twelve apostles that was similar to the twelve tribes of Israel. As the number of converts grew, it was too large a group for only a few to be ministers. This was when the apostles laid hands on certain men to make them deacons. This organization later developed into your current Magisterium of deacons, priests, bishops, and cardinals. The Pope was always an imitation of St. Peter as the leader of My Church. In all of these decisions, the Holy Spirit was guiding the deliberations of the apostles. Today’s reading was the beginning when the Gentiles were not forced to be circumcised. Many of the more human elements of the Jewish customs were also not forced on them. I came to fulfill the law, and not to change it. It is love that should be leading people to follow Me, and My Commandments are guides for how to live your lives. Breaking My Commandments are sins, or violations of My plan for harmony among My people. Some customs are changeable, but My Commandments are not to be changed. When you obey My laws out of love for Me, then you are abiding by the spirit of My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading I want you to focus on one passage. (John 15:5) ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’ Many people do not fully understand the meaning of this statement because they believe that they are doing everything for themselves. They are not looking at the big picture. It is by Our Will that any of you continue to remain in existence. I have given you a life spirit that allows you to have life. I have given you all of the abilities that you have to learn things. I have given you good health to accomplish your mission. I allowed you to have the jobs which you had or are holding. I give you the oxygen to breathe and the water to drink. You may have been gifted with a beautiful wife or husband, children, and even grandchildren. These things did not happen by themselves, and you are beholding to Me for all the gifts that you have received. Having faith in Me and the access to My sacraments are your lifeblood for your spiritual life. When you truly realize that you are dependent on Me for everything, then you humbly admit it, and you should give praise and thanks to your Master. I ask each soul to give one’s will over to follow My Divine Will. By doing so, you are seeing why you have been put on this earth, which is to know, love, and serve Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see My crucifix, it is a stark reminder of how much I love all of humanity, that I would give up My life for all of you, and suffer an agonizing death. By My death I am offering salvation to every soul. To gain heaven you must repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your lives. You also are called to obey My Commandments and give up all of your addictions to human pleasures. This is why some people try to get rid of My crucifix because they do not want to be faced with the Truth which they do not want to follow. They know that you have two choices-either come with Me to heaven, or go with the evil one to hell. Some people love their sins so much that they do not want to be told that living in sin will bring them to hell. You need to follow Me as your Master, but again some people want to be their own boss. This is why some drink and take drugs to forget their sins, and focus more on earthly pleasures than on Me. I have given you the quotation that ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ My faithful remnant are My chosen ones, and those, who will be saved, are in the minority. I offer people many opportunities in their lifetime to be converted and repent of their sins. The devil is constantly distracting souls and telling them lies to trick them into sin. The greatest lie is that you have plenty of time to be converted. People cannot even promise themselves that they will live to tomorrow, let alone for a long time. It is better to come to Me now while you are still alive. Once you die and you are not ready for your judgment, you could lose your soul to hell. Repent and confess your sins now, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”