Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012: (St. Patrick’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, the handrail in the vision represents America’s freedoms based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When the wooden peg that held up the handrail was broken, then the handrail fell down. This is what happens to your freedoms in America when your government institutes edicts that violate the Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Your Health Plan is one example that will force everyone to buy the government’s insurance plan, and eventually it will force chips in your body that will control your mind. The Executive Branch is declaring war without Congressional approval, and the Senate is not even passing their budgets. Many other freedoms are being violated, such as the internment of your citizens without any real cause. You will soon be stripped of your sovereignty rights when the one world people will force America into the North American Union. Once these evil ones force mandatory chips in the body on you, or declare martial law, then it will be time to come to My refuges. Many do not want to believe they are in a police state, but when your neighbors are dragged off to your death camps, then you will be forced to believe it. Wake up America, and fight for your freedoms before they are all taken away.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to be prepared when the dollar will crash. Several countries have issued new currencies when the old money became worthless. Since the dollar was taken off the gold standard, it has no inherent value. What is interesting is that the rich people do not own anything on paper. They own property, antiques, gold, and silver. That is why the rich do not care if your government goes bankrupt, or your dollar becomes worthless, because they own things of inherent value. This is the same reason that I have encouraged My people to store one year’s supply of food and some water. You need food to survive, but if your money is worthless, you will need something to barter for the food. Once the dollar crashes, all of your dollar denominated things on paper as stocks, bonds, and annuities will become worthless as well. Gold and silver will be a medium of barter until the amero is established as your new currency. By having food and things of value, you can get through the currency crisis. Not everyone will be prepared for this disaster, so you could see riots and chaos that could result in martial law. If this happens, you may have to come to My refuges for My protection. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, this tornado is a sign that you are going to see a whirlwind of events happen very quickly. You will see major events occurring that will cause your stock market to crash according to the one world people’s plan. Wars and financial upheavals are in your future as the plans for America’s takeover will be carried out. When you see the euro and the dollar crash, there will be riots and chaos that will precipitate a national martial law. Mandatory chips in the body will be enforced, and I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges. These refuges will be your only safe haven as the men in black will be coming to your homes to try to force chips in the body on people. Those, who resist, could be martyred in the one world people’s death camps. Trust in My warning and gather your things quickly to come to My refuges. Your government will be taking away your freedoms until America becomes part of the North American Union. My faithful remnant will have to go underground from the division in My Church, and the evil ones who will be targeting Christians and patriots. America will receive its punishment in exile much like Israel was taken over by the Assyrians. Prepare for this coming tribulation both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, the eagle represents America, and the flying through the air is how America is known as the land of the free. This is opposed to countries as Russia and China that are totalitarian, communist controlled governments. The one world people want to control America as the communists do. This is why your freedoms are being gradually taken away by a government that is over regulating all parts of your life. You are being told what you can do on your property. Your taxes are taking more of your income, and your debt obligations are choking your economy. Many parts of your free speech and freedom of religion are being violated. Soon you will be forced into a Health Care program that will demand chips in your body. If you do not obey your government’s edicts, they will threaten you with prison and possible death sentences for not going along with their new world order. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your freedoms will be stripped from you. You need to obey Me first over obeying man. This is why I will be protecting you at My refuges.”

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, these ugly demons were once beautiful angels that rebelled against Me out of their pride. Hell was made for them, and there being in hell has turned them into ugly beings that you do not want to look at. In the same way I have shown you the soul bodies that are in hell, and they also appear as ugly human beings. I do not want to see any souls sent to hell, but people by their evil lives, send themselves to hell. In the Gospel you saw how I cast out the mute spirit from the man who was possessed by a demon. Even today there are possessed people that have invited demons into their souls in various ways. Avoid seances, devil worship, tarot cards, evil potions, and Ouija boards that can allow demon possession. These people require an exorcism by a priest, and these exorcist priests are hard to find. Even various addictions of drugs, drinking, and gambling have demons associated with these addictions. By using blessed sacramentals, blessed salt, and holy water, you can protect yourself from these demons. Praying for deliverance from demons and addictions requires prayers of St. Michael and fasting because there may be multiple demons in severe cases. There truly are devils, and there is a hell that exists. So do not believe anyone who tells you that they do not exist. This is a trick of the devil to deceive you. Every soul that leaves its dead body, does not go straight to heaven. Very few souls go straight to heaven. Some go to hell and some go to purgatory. This is why it is so important to have Masses and prayers said for the dead because you do not know how they were judged. Keep praying for the souls in purgatory because if certain souls are in heaven, your prayers will be applied to other family souls in purgatory. Also pray and fast for poor sinners who have not yet died, so they can be saved from hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these race cars represent how your people in America are living a fast paced life that can cause you to be anxious and worried that you could not get everything done that you had planned. I have mentioned this before that you put too much on your agenda to accomplish each day. It is better to make a shorter list and have enough time to do things without being hurried. If you spend time on too many things, you will not leave enough time for your prayer life with Me. Better to work things around your prayer time, than to allow earthly things to push Me out of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching the middle of Lent, and it would be a good practice to examine how well you are keeping your Lenten resolutions. If you do not see any progress, maybe you could improve on your original intentions, or make some new ones to test your endurance. Refraining from snacks between meals, and any of your penances may seem like a struggle, but it is good to be able to keep the body under control. Many times you give in too easily to all the desires of the body. By curbing these desires, you can see how the soul should be more in control of your life. By imitating My life, you can improve in your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are doing your best with your Lenten devotions, but you may want to spend some time reading about some of your favorite saints. See how they were so much in love with Me that they all wanted to do all that they could to please Me and help their neighbors. By thinking of helping others out of love, you will have less time to satisfy your own desires. It is hard to live a saintly life in your world because you may get criticized for not conforming to worldly goals. Imitate the saints out of love for Me, even if you are criticized and persecuted.”

Jesus said: “My people, when a nation turns its back on Me, it will see how its blessings will be taken away. You have taken prayer out of your schools, My Commandments out of your public buildings, and some have tried to remove My Name from Christmas. You also are continuing to have abortions, living together in fornication, and having homosexual marriages. When you make money, possessions, and fame your gods, then you are pushing Me out of your lives. America needs to repent of its sins as a nation and individually. You need conversions and a good prayer life to restore your country in My eyes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to examine your goals in life, and allow Me to be the Master of your lives. Everything that you do should be done for My greater glory instead of your own glory. Seek to serve Me in leading souls to heaven, and you will store treasure in heaven for your good deeds. I know what you need to survive, so trust in Me for all that you need. I want you to use your talents to achieve the mission that I have given you. This means that you have to involve Me in discerning your daily decisions. By allowing Me to lead you, you will accomplish great things for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you do not call on My help in life, you will be carrying a cross that is twice as heavy. Without Me in your life, the devil will lead you into earthly addictions that you may not be able to change. A holy life will lead you on the right path to heaven, but a Godless life will lead you on a path to hell. Every soul eventually seeks peace, but I am the only One who can give you peace in My sacraments. My faithful need to help those who do not have Me in their lives. Pray for sinners and evangelize as many souls as you can to My love in a personal relationship. Saving souls from hell should be everyone’s mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you plan to build a building, you count the costs and you plan for a sound foundation. Even a soul who desires salvation needs to count the costs of coming to Me or turning away from Me. To come to Me I ask that you give your will over to My Divine Will. To have a good foundation in the faith, you need some sound religious training in prayer and the Scriptures. By making these sacrifices out of love for Me, you will be on the right path to heaven. Those, who choose to depend only on their own means, are like those people who build their houses on sand that will not stand up to a strong wind. Instead, build your house on the rock of faith in Me, and your house will last, and your soul will be saved.”

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, because you are seeing increasing gasoline prices, there is a question being raised about developing America’s own oil and gas, as well as getting oil from your neighboring countries. If gasoline prices are high, then why is America exporting refined fuels? As usual your government is not telling you everything about your energy needs. Your country is using twenty percent of the world’s energy supplies with only five percent of the population. There is a plan by the one world people to force oil prices higher by threatening oil sources in the Middle East with another war. Once the oil prices are higher, then the oil companies will expand their drilling for more expensive oil, giving them higher profits. They do not care how many lives are lost in their contrived wars, as long as they profit from selling the arms and the expensive oil. Your economy is still weak with higher unemployment than is reported. Higher fuel prices could threaten inflation and another recession. Pray for no wars and more jobs. The one world people are still meaning to form their one world government at the expense of your freedoms. Continue to be ready for some major events that could require going to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see a showdown between the states and your government in the Supreme Court trial that will determine if it is constitutional for your government to mandate health care with financial penalties for non-compliance. The government is trying to force every citizen to buy their health insurance, and this bill originally even demanded a mandatory chip in the body. Even today there have been estimates that this Health Plan will cost much more than originally stated, as in trillions of dollars more to pay for more than thirty million new patients. It will be hard to find enough doctors, and rationed care is a real possibility. Eventually, mandatory chips in the body and mandatory flu shots will be included. Refuse to take any chips in the body that could cause voices to control your mind. Refuse any flu shots that could cause your immune system to be damaged. This computerized Health Plan is a means to control your people, and possibly a means to reduce your population with dangerous vaccines. If your government tries to enforce mandatory chips in the body, or mandatory flu shots, then you will have to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Trust in Me to protect you from the one world people who want total control over your minds and souls.”

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when I talked of forgiveness in the Gospel, My faithful should not act with indifference to people as this stone wall. You need to be able to forgive people seventy times seven times, even as I forgive you of your sins. When I talked of forgiving a huge debt, I was referring to how I died on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. My people need to be loving and forgiving, even though it may be difficult to forgive insults or thefts. When you are driving your car, you are to forgive slow or rude drivers. You also should seek the forgiveness of others when you may have hurt them physically, or with your insults. By forgiving others in love, you will be imitating My example. This will also be like living out the ‘Our Father’ prayer when you say: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ This is why loving Me, and your neighbor as yourself, is such an important Commandment.”

Jesus said: “My people, the winds of war are swirling between Israel and Iran. America has tried to allow time for sanctions to change Iran into not building a nuclear bomb. But Israel is threatening to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities, and they are choosing the time without notifying America. Israel feels it has to defend itself from a nuclear Iran. If Israel carries out its threat, there could be some dangerous repercussions with oil deliveries and a possible war. Keep praying that such a war does not start. The one world people have involved America in many long no-win wars that have only weakened your military and your economy. They are planning the next war even now.”

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the reading how Naaman was healed of his leprosy by the prophet, Elisha. This leprosy can be seen as a sign of sin that all of you are afflicted by it. I call all sinners to come to Me to be cleansed of your sins by the waters of Baptism and through the absolution of Confession. You are all sinners, and you are in need of My forgiveness. During Lent you are purifying your spiritual lives, and you need to come to Confession at least once a month. By the power of the grace of your Baptism you are priests, prophets, and kings. Even as I was persecuted for preaching My Gospel of love, so My faithful are also called to go out and evangelize all nations. Do not be fearful of speaking out in My Name, but be a strong witness of My love to everyone, even those who reject you. By proclaiming My Word, you will receive your reward in heaven.”

For Noreen: Jesus said: “My people, I know you are grieving over Joseph, but you had the joy of experiencing the gift of his life. I want you to pray for him because he needs only a few Masses to come to heaven. He is at peace and he sends his love to all of his family. He will be praying for all of you.”

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, the readings speak of how I died for all sinners, no matter how serious their sins are. This is a great show of My love for all of you. I lift all of you up in My blessings and graces so you will have the strength and courage to follow Me through all of life’s trials. This sharing of Myself with the woman at the well was an opportunity for Me to tell her about My living water. In St. John’s Gospel I have told you that you must eat My Body and drink My Blood if you are to receive eternal life with Me in heaven. This living water is given to all of you in Holy Communion where you receive My Real Presence and that of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. I ask that you receive Me worthily in the state of grace so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege. Unfortunately, at every Mass there are people who knowingly or unknowingly are having sacrilegious Communions. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you cannot receive Me in Holy Communion until you have that sin confessed by the priest in Confession. Some people are rationalizing their mortal sins as being venial sins so they are not embarrassed to remain seated without receiving Holy Communion. Do not compound any mortal sin by additional sins of sacrilege. The priests are available in Confession so there is no excuse for not having pure souls to receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. Give honor to My Blessed Sacrament by only receiving Me with a pure soul. By following Me in all that I have commanded you, you will truly have your reward in heaven.”

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at the Mass I feed all of My children the Bread of Life in My consecrated Host. I know you cannot come to heaven unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood. Under the appearances of bread and wine you are receiving My Real Presence. I also know that your body needs food for this human life. There will be a world famine coming, and I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food for this event. This food is not meant to be hoarded, but you are to share it with anyone who comes to your house. As you share what little food you have, I will multiply it for your needs. In the vision you are seeing how I will multiply your food, even as I multiplied the bread and fish in the Gospel. Trust in Me to feed you Communion with My angels, and the food that you will need both before and after you come to My refuges.”

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you can see the contrast of how Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers for twenty pieces of silver. Then in the Gospel there is the implication in the son’s death how I would be betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. In both of these betrayals, the brothers and Judas were even willing to profit from their wrongful deeds. Because of their crimes of betrayal, there was another payment due in the consequences of their actions. The brothers had to suffer embarrassment when Joseph tricked them into a theft, and accused them of a crime. Then finally they had to admit their evil deed of selling their brother into slavery. Fortunately, this was My plan to provide food for My people during a famine. In the case of Judas’ betrayal, he was so sorry for his crime that he did not think that I would forgive him. Then the devil encouraged him to commit suicide by hanging himself to death. In today’s world there are times when you may have betrayed someone’s confidence by speaking about a person’s secrets behind that person’s back. You may at first think you are better than other people by belittling them, but you need to repent of your betrayals in Confession and even beg that person’s forgiveness. I am the only One to pass judgments, and it is not your place to gossip to people about your friends or strangers. During Lent you should seek repentance for your own crimes and gossip in Confession, when you ask for My forgiveness. Come to Me over any sin, and I will always forgive a repentant sinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for your work in keeping your prayer group going for these forty years. My Blessed Mother is also grateful for all the many rosaries and Adoration of Me that you have had at your meetings. It is not easy to keep people faithful to a prayer group for so long. Do not worry about the numbers that come, but be faithful to Me and My Blessed Mother in all of your work. For many years you attended the Blue Army meetings, and I know how faithful you are in praying your daily rosaries and wearing My Blessed Mother’s scapular. Continue to pray for My Blessed Mother’s intentions, especially for sinners, peace in your world, the stoppage of abortion, and for the poor souls in purgatory. You remember the chapel to Our Two Hearts as you have a picture of My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart in your room at your home. As you pray your rosaries, remember to pray for all of your family’s needs and to help pray for their souls to be saved. Family prayer is very important to keep spouses together and to avoid divorce. My Blessed Mother and I are always watching out for you, and we are always available to answer your requests in prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that the Antichrist will be allowed a brief reign of less than 3 ½ years when he will be allowed to control the earth. It should come as no surprise that America will be taken over for the Antichrist to control it. This is why I am showing you a funeral of America’s fall from power. Do not have fear of this time because you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to fight for souls in the battle of good against evil. You will be persecuted for believing in Me, but when you stand up against this coming evil, you will see My reward.”

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to research the meaning of the ‘Sword of Damocles’. You have seen that a servant Damocles was asked by King Dionysius to live a day in his life. The king had a sword suspended in air by a horse hair, and it was hung over the throne. The servant preferred his simple life as safer than living in fear of death. Many kings, presidents, and prime ministers have to deal with a threat of death in wars or potential wars. Even your President, John F. Kennedy, compared the threat of nuclear annihilation to a ‘Sword of Damocles’ hanging over the people of the world. Now, you can understand the fear that Israel has over the potential of Iran having nuclear bombs with the missiles to deliver them to Israel. This is enhanced when the leader of Iran has proclaimed many times that he wants to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth. By your listening to Israel’s prime minister, there is a strong possibility that Israel may attempt a preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities in a way to stop Iran from making an atomic bomb. There is an implied danger that Iran’s response could affect the shipping in the Persian Gulf, or it could involve America in a war. Keep praying that a major war does not start over the making of nuclear weapons in Iran.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing a heavier than usual number of solar flares because of the peak of the sun’s sunspot activity. Up to now you have only seen a small increase in the Aurora Borealis when this solar storm strikes the earth’s atmosphere. The earth’s magnetic field deflects these particles from the sun to the polar areas because there is less protection there. Your scientists have been measuring some relatively fast movement in the earth’s magnetic north which could mean a possible polar shift. Such a shift in transition could cause a weakening in your solar protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some deaths and much destruction from your recent tornado outbreaks. It is hard to put a value on these lost homes, and the lost lives cannot be replaced. Pray for the grieving families and that they will get sufficient aid to rebuild their homes and lost jobs. Even the scientists were saying that the jet streams were coming closer to the earth to cause this violent weather. Your microwave weather machines are also contributing to your violent weather. Pray that
the people could be better prepared so there would be fewer deaths. Safe rooms underground could be a place for the people’s protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, supplies of oil and gas are plentiful, so your price rise is based more on speculation of a coming Iran war and a slower world economy. Higher gas prices have become a topic of debate in your election preparations. America does not have a real energy plan to be less dependent on oil from the Middle East. As prices rise, they do give more incentive to find more oil on your own lands. Unless some plans move forward to change your energy needs, you will still be dependent in the future. Such sustained high prices could affect inflation in America. Pray that your politicians can resolve their disagreements so America can have better sources of energy.”

Jesus said: “My people, your need for fresh water has put a heavy demand on your underground aquifers for both drinking and farm needs. Areas of drought do not have cheap sources of water available, especially when rain levels are low. Your people may have to use membrane technology in order to provide more fresh water from your oceans or pond water. Purification of your used water can also fill some needs. Fresh water will be an ongoing shortage that could lead to your coming world famine. Pray that your country will receive sufficient rain water to avoid persistent droughts.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people and those among your troops are tired of constant tours of duty in your long drawn out wars which are not really accomplishing much. Many people see the danger of Iran developing a nuclear bomb. Iran appears determined to develop nuclear weapons, even despite sanctions and other means which are trying to stop them. This is why Israel and America are preparing militarily for a possible war. I have asked My people to pray much that such a war does not come about.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your corporations have exported your manufacturing jobs to cheaper labor markets, and they do not want to bring back expensive laborers to your factories. Unfortunately, your skilled unemployed workers will soon lose their skills, and they will have to find lower paying service jobs. This is why the average home’s income has been decreasing with less benefits. America will have to establish new industries or make some changes in your import and export policies. You need to give your employers an equal playing field, or you are headed to a third world status. Many of America’s problems are being caused by the one world people who are trying to bring down your economy. Be prepared to go to My refuges when your economy crashes.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I brought My Gospel of love to the people, many rejected Me because I was interfering with their pleasurable sins. I told My followers that as I was persecuted for proclaiming moral principles, so they would also be persecuted as well. This is the same today when you try to get sinners to repent from their fornication, adultery, birth control, and even abortions. When you protest abortion, you see women’s rights people come against you. If you say anything about people living together without marriage, or anything against homosexual marriages, you are persecuted. So do not be disturbed that you are persecuted for standing up for good moral principles because I was even killed for the same reasons. Keep proclaiming My love and the need for souls to repent in order for them to be saved from hell.”