At St. Cecilia’s tabernacle I could see many rows of pews outside in the sun facing towards a large church. Jesus said: “My people, the church in the vision represents My Church and how it leads people to follow My laws. The pews outside represent all the people that I call to conversion from their earthly ways. There are some who do not come to church every Sunday, even though My Third Commandment calls on everyone to keep holy the Lord’s day. This is not just a suggestion, but a requirement for My faithful to give Me honor and glory each week. I give you life for twenty-four hours a day in every seven day week. The least, that you could do, is give Me one hour each week. For those, that knowingly miss Mass on Sunday, it is a sin against Me for not acknowledging Me as Lord of your life. You need to confess this sin in Confession and make a firm amendment to return to Sunday Mass each week. If My faithful do not attend Mass regularly, how can you be a viable member of My faith community of believers? If you truly love Me, you will obey My Commandments in attending Sunday Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at My sanctuary, I want to emphasize the importance of believing in My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine. When I instituted My Eucharist as a sacrament at the Last Supper, I was leaving My Remembrance with My people until the end of time. Think of My consecrated Host as if I was with you physically in the flesh. I want to encourage My faithful to attend Sunday Mass, regardless of any sports commitments of your children. Obeying the Third Commandment is more important than any of your earthly excuses. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also need to be free of any mortal sin. I have given you My sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation so you can come to Me in the priest to forgive your sins. It would be best for your soul to confess your sins at least once a month. Those, who long to be with Me as much as they can, come to daily Mass and visit Me often at Adoration or before My tabernacle. Teach your children their prayers, and by example encourage them to make a personal commitment to Me in their daily consecration of giving everything over to Me. By being open in your heart, mind, and soul to doing My Will, you will allow Me to use you for evangelizing souls and doing good deeds for your neighbor in their needs. Give praise and glory to your Lord every day, as you have an opportunity to serve Me as long as you are alive.”
At Louise and Neville’s house after Communion I could see a great light in a room with St. Michael present with his wings spread wide in front of me. St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. Whenever you invoke the Lord’s Name and call on me in prayers of exorcism, I will be present with the angels to protect you from any attacks of the devil. This incident with the workman falling happened right after your prayer during the Mass. The devil is unhappy with these prayers of exorcism and he will attack you through those around you to interrupt your services. Pray for the safety of those around you so they too will be protected from the devil. You are entering into a time of persecution that will lead up to the tribulation. Whenever you sense any attacks of the evil one, call on the Name of Jesus and your Lord will come with us angels, and we will defend you from these evil ones. Have no fear of this time because your Lord will provide for your needs and protect you from spiritual and physical harm. Give praise and glory to your Lord for all that He does to watch over you.”
January 16, 2008:
At St. Theodore’s Adoration I could see a U.S. passport that contained a microchip with information of a person on the chip. It was wrapped in aluminum foil to avoid identity theft. Jesus said: “My people, your Homeland Security people have been issuing decrees that all new passports have to have a microchip in them that contains your personal information. By the Real ID Act passed by your Congress and your President, all of your drivers’ licenses will have to have a microchip as well. These chips are not that secure, and identity thieves can steal your information with the right kind of microwave reader. In order to prevent this theft, I am recommending if you have such documents containing microchips, that you can wrap them in aluminum foil or lead photo pouches so they cannot be read by such thieves trying to steal your identity. All of these one world people want to have you chipped so they can track where you are. Making chips mandatory in your passports and driver’s licenses is just the first step. The next step will be to make it mandatory that you have to put a chip in your body so you will not lose it. But this will allow them to control your mind with voices, so refuse to take any chips in your body, even if they threaten to kill you in their detention center death camps. This threat of death will be another reason to leave for your refuges guided by your guardian angels, before they can capture you at your house. Pray for My protection and I will have My angels guard you, and make you invisible to those who want to kill you.”
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God in praise and I am the defender of America. I am coming to give you a message of the spiritual battle that is going on in America. The masons and the one world people are working behind the scenes to bring down America and remove any worship of God in public. You are seeing in this current Administration how many of your freedoms are being taken away. You are already forced to have microchips in your passports and driver’s licenses. This new health plan will force you to carry another chipped card for your health benefits. This will eventually lead to mandatory chips in the body which you must refuse to take even under pain of death. Another freedom of worship will soon come under attack as your government will try to impose New Age teachings on everyone. This attack will force My faithful to go underground to worship God. This spiritual battle is where God’s faithful must call on Jesus and us angels to defend you from the evil one world people and their new world order. Your current leader will then remove the rest of your sovereignty rights when he brings America into the North American Union. See the need for heaven’s protection because the time for martial law is coming quickly when you will need to have your guardian angels lead you to God’s refuges. Be thankful for all of those faithful that are being called to set up refuges for the faithful remnant. You will also have to endure the coming division in the Church. Trust in God and us angels for your protection.”
I could see some guard towers at some current death camps that will hold thousands of prisoners. Jesus said: “My people, you well remember in your history books when Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews and all those who refused to follow his dictatorial rule. You thought this horror of killing innocent civilians would never happen again, yet you are seeing another holocaust going on throughout all of your abortion clinics across your land. You are killing over a million babies every year, but where is the outcry over this injustice. It is due in part to your abortions that your country will be taken over. The tribulation of evil described in the Book of Revelation is how many Christians and patriots will be exterminated in the same kind of death camps that Hitler used, only they are already present across America. Be prepared for these ruthless killings again because you failed to stop your abortions.”
February 26, 2009:
At Holy Name after Communion I could see a land of fertile soil with plenty of water. Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading from Moses (Deut. 30:15-20), he sets before the Israelites the blessing and the curse, and he asks them to choose life in following My Commandments. The Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, and if they obeyed God, they would live in prosperity. But if they disobeyed God, then they would suffer punishment for their sins. This is what happened in that they prospered while they were close to Me. Then when they followed other gods, they were exiled to Babylon and lost their land. America has a similar promised land because of your belief in My law at the founding of your nation. You have the same choice to make-either the blessing or the curse. Your country has chosen not to follow life, but you are following the death culture in your abortions, euthanasia, and wars. Because of this choice of following the gods of the world instead of Me, you also will have your land and nation taken away from you. This will come in the form of martial law and a loss of your freedoms as you will be joined in the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. Be prepared for this takeover as you will need to go to My refuges for protection before martial law. Fear not the evil ones since My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in Dachau, Germany where thousands of people were gassed and cremated. You have also been to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. where there is a display where all the shoes were thrown together from those who were killed. This is the vision, and you thought that this would never happen again. But I tell you to be prepared to go to My refuges because this is about to happen again in your own country. The one world death culture people want to purge all the patriots and religious for their new world order. There will be some martyred for their faith, and the rest will be protected at My refuges. I have told you of the hundreds of detention center death camps all around your country, and some even have crematoriums to burn the bodies. Train cars with shackles and trucks are ready to carry prisoners to the death camps. The red and blue lists are ready for before and after martial law to take your citizens to these concentration camps. You are seeing drills taking place by your military to round up your own citizens. These evil ones are not making these preparations unless they intend to use them. These evil ones are planning their incident to create an excuse to claim an emergency for declaring martial law. This will be the beginning of the tribulation leading up to the Antichrist’s reign. When you see the North American Union implemented, you will be on the way toward a takeover of America and your money will be worthless. Call on My protection by having your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Have your sacramentals, food, water, clothing, tents, and sleeping blankets packed for a fast escape before the men in black come to your house to try and force chips in your body. Refuse these chips and trust in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people are paying reasonable health care premiums for their coverage. Once someone does not have a group plan, it is the insurance companies that are overcharging for health insurance. If everyone could have a group rate, then more people could afford insurance. Many choose not to have insurance because the premiums are too high. Many companies keep making their employees pay more of their coverage, or they drop paying altogether. Companies complain that paying health benefits make them uncompetitive with countries where companies do not pay benefits. As a country your people will have to find affordable health care, or go without it. Without insurance you could be bankrupted if you needed an expensive operation. Your health system is falling apart because too many abuse the system for free medical help and there is fraud in overcharging the insurance companies for work not done. Until you can prove that there will be real saving in cutting abuse and fraud, then there is not enough money to fund everyone. Keep praying that a legitimate compromise can be found, instead of just forcing a National Health Program on your people that could bankrupt your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, this beautiful priest has served Me fifty-three years in his priesthood and has helped many people over the years. Give thanks for his beautiful life, as many knew him from his travels. We are welcoming Fr. Joseph into heaven so he can receive his just reward. It is unfortunate that many of your older priests are being called home because you have a great shortage of priests, but some in their last years would find it difficult to serve in their priestly role. Continue to pray for your priests and for new vocations. The priests give you Mass and My sacraments which are invaluable for your spiritual life.”
Mary said: “My dear children, I enjoy a good birthday, and I am thankful for all of you that are honoring my feast day. I constantly encourage you to pray my rosaries because there is much need for prayer in your world that is full of evil. I also encourage you to wear my scapular and pray my consecration prayers before my feast days. I love my children so much, and I bring my mantle of protection around all of you.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuges are on dirt roads in rural settings. You have seen some places that have a reddish brown dirt for a road. Have peace and trust in Me that My angel will lead you to the nearest refuge. Some have a difficult time believing in the descriptions of the refuges that I have given you. You have seen many refuges, but others do not know what to expect. Be at peace that My angels will protect you, and you will have all of your needs satisfied.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is a lot of discussion about trying to offer public insurance for those who do not have any health insurance. There are many places to reform the current system where there are some injustices. This plan will cost a trillion dollars or more to implement over ten years, but there are not enough real savings spelled out that could support this expense to pay for everyone. The reality is that some premium will need to be paid by someone, even as Social Security recipients have to pay their Medicare premiums. Without some funding mechanism in place, such a health plan could add to an ever enlarging National Debt. Pray for a compromise that your nation can afford.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your scientists are ecstatic with the latest pictures from your repaired space telescope. Your horizons indeed will be widened with your new tools. This will give you another insight into the beauty of My creation in the universe with various star formations. Give thanks and praise to Me for allowing you to view these spectacular sights.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is beautiful to be able to view famous masterpiece artwork in your museums. It is sad when thieves try to steal these works of art so they can resell them for much money. Many are priceless and one of a kind, but these thieves are only interested in the greed for money. When the paintings are cut out of their frames, they could be damaged and are hard to touch up. Pray that any stolen artwork could be returned and placed back in public viewing.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some eleventh hour conversions right before their deaths. Some realize that they do not have many more days of life, and they do not want to risk going to hell at their judgment. Be grateful for every conversion, even if it is on their deathbed. I told you the parable of those sent out into the vineyard to work, even to a late hour in the day. All were given the same wage which could symbolize all of those who have gained heaven. Do not be envious of My generosity to serious sinners, but be joyful that My mercy falls equally on everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you give your thanksgiving at your meal at supper time, be grateful that you have enough food to eat, because there are some in other countries who are going to bed hungry without any food. Sometimes you take your food at supper for granted, but even your unemployed people may need to go to soup kitchens or food shelves to get something to eat. Even after your meal you could pray that the poor people may find enough food for their needs this day. You may even want to make some donations of time and money to help feed the homeless and poor in your area. Any good deed, that you do for your neighbor, will gain you treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.”
I could see some beautiful landscapes in some National Parks. Jesus said: “My people, when people go on summer vacations to park lands or campgrounds, there is a beautiful comprehension of the vastness of the beauty of nature. No matter how many roads, bridges, and homes that man makes, there is a special feeling that you have when you are close to nature in the wilderness. Seeing all of the mountains, streams, flowers, and wild animals helps man to see how he is just a part of this beautiful earth. It is man’s soul that sets him apart from all other animals. Being made in My Image is a special gift to man. I ask you to love Me and thank Me for your life in this beautiful home you call earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, fame and money are fleeting, and they are gone tomorrow. Just as this crown was lowered, so all of your famous people will pass away. So do not seek the worldly things because they are of no lasting value, but seek heavenly things that will last. Look to Me and trust that I will provide for your needs, both earthly and heavenly. I give you the talents and opportunities to provide a living for yourself and your family. So do not worry about what you will need because I know your needs before you ask Me for them. Do not seek beyond your necessities because desires for wealth and excessive comforts and pleasures will lead you away from Me. Be content with your lot, and focus more on saving your soul and the souls around you.”
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you walk in natural settings without man’s development, you experience a serenity of nature in harmony. When you are immersed in My creation on your walk, you experience My peace in your soul. Not only do you desire exercise on your walk, but you also see the birds, deer, squirrels, and flowers along the way in their very habitat. You also see the need to save some wild lands so these animals can have their home to live as you do. When you walk among nature, you feel so great to be alive and experience My creation. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you everything that you need, but trust that you will not have any fear of being denied your necessities. Life can have its ups and downs, and you will find times when you are frustrated or disappointed with things or people. But be calm and do not let any of life’s trials take away your peace, or allow you to be depressed over your difficulties. When you trust in Me daily, you will have confidence that I will solve your problems in time.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this vision of a nun to indicate that My Blessed Mother lived a holy life without sin. Even from her conception she was blessed without having original sin on her soul because she was meant to be the pure instrument to carry Me for nine months. This birthday of My Blessed Mother was appointed by My Church based on the feast day of her Immaculate Conception on December 8, now nine months later. The reading for the day in the long form goes through the genealogy of both St. Joseph and Mary which shows My lineage from King David. This is why I was born in Bethlehem when My parents had to register where David was from. This is more evidence that My salvation history for man was planned many years before My birth on earth. Give honor to My Blessed Mother who gave her ‘fiat’ yes to accept having Me as her son. Also, imitate her sinless life.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen movies that use hibernation machines to travel long distances in space. This is a fictional movie, but man in his research is truly looking for a real machine for man to hibernate as the bears do. I have given you messages before that I will help those who live in the cold Northern climates with means for hibernation from My angels. By sleeping through the cold winter, you would need less food, water, and fuel to survive the cold. All things are possible with Me, and this is only one more miracle that I could do to help you in the winter time. Trust in My help and My angels to win your battles.” (Message 1-21-04 on hibernation)