Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024: (St. Bridget of Sweden)
Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders need to finish up their preparations for the coming tribulation. There will come a time of chaos and war when your lives will be in danger, and then I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. Then you will be called to My refuges for My angel protection. Be thankful that the evil ones cannot harm you at My refuges. Your refuge life will begin with the tribulation, and it will be your purgatory on earth. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. So have no fear of the evil ones now, because soon they will be no more.”
Jesus said: “My son, when people come to your refuge you will need to sign them in with your guest book to know their skills. You may need counselors to calm the people down from the trauma from wars and the evil ones. Be assured that My angels will protect you, and only believers will be allowed in. You will need to assign people beds and give them a hygiene kit and a spiritual package of rosaries, Bibles, and prayers. You will assign people hours of Adoration over twenty-four hours before the Blessed Sacrament. You will need to assign jobs for cooking, handing out kits, heating the house in winter, fans in the summer. You will use your pails and water for sponge baths and brushing your teeth. You will assign people for making bread with your CampChef. You will have a job for getting electricity from your solar panels, and supply light at night with your solar generators and lamps. Have someone providing paper products. Have someone washing dishes, and washing clothes. Have someone cutting the grass and providing fuels. You may think of other jobs, and rotate jobs each week. You will provide two meals a day for everyone. Each day plan your meals so you know what foods to have on hand. This is a hard life to plan for everyone’s survival, which is why you need core groups to plan your activities. Trust in Me and My angels to multiply your needs. Take an inventory of what you have, and compare it to a list of your needs, and buy what is necessary to supply your needs.”