Wednesday, October 1, 2008: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My dear son, I have given you many messages to help you on your way in your mission. You have a great responsibility in sharing the messages of my sweet Jesus, and you need to guard yourself in being a good example to others. Do not let the evil one so distract you from your spiritual life, and let the Lord lead you to a more simple life. You know well of my ‘Little Way’ and how the Lord wants all of you to come to Him as a little child in trust and innocence. Your work on Adoration was greatly needed to inspire people to spend more time in front of Jesus’ Blessed Sacrament. This also is an invitation to learn more about ‘agape’ love of the Lord in contemplative prayer that we in the cloistered Carmelites know so well. Continue to stay close to my Jesus, and share His words so you can bring Him into many hearts that need His love.”