Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Jesus said: “My people, as you look in the mirror, you can see your actions and judge for yourself if you are witnessing to the good works and fruits of a good tree of faith. If you are not showing good fruits in your actions, then you need to change your evil ways and reach out to help others without holding back any help because of any selfishness. When you spontaneously go forward and help someone without being asked, then you are letting go of your selfishness, and are willing to share your time and money. Your good fruits will be a witness that you are sharing from your storehouse of good works from the heart. If you refuse to share your works, and refuse to share your love with Me and your neighbor, then you will be the rotten tree that is only worthy of being cut down and thrown into the fire. Be always open and let go of any inhibitions that prevent you from fully sharing with others.”
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to see so many of my children here honoring the anniversary of my apparitions at Medugorje. Continue to pray your rosaries every day for my intentions. Especially pray for peace and an end to your wars. Also pray for the conversion of sinners in your country because it is hard to hold back my Son’s hand of punishment. You have been given many messages from my apparitions, but you are not listening or following what I have requested. If enough prayed to stop wars and abortions, you could see miracles of conversions. Your people of America need to repent of their sins and confess them to your priests in Confession. Pray and ask my Son to double your prayers because the weight of your sins are outweighing your few prayers. I love all of my children and my mantle of protection is over this place of prayer.”