Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012: (St. Denis)
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Martha and Mary is really a combination of contemplative prayer and good works because both are needed. I said that Mary chose the better part because of My very Presence, since I would not be with them much longer. I am also among My people in My Real Presence sacramentally in My Host at Adoration, and when you receive Me in Holy Communion at Mass. When you come to adore Me at Adoration you are showing your love for Me, and it is quiet time for your contemplative prayer. It is one thing to have faith in Me with a good prayer life. It is another thing to share your faith with others in doing good deeds for people. You need to put your faith into action by helping your neighbor. By your good deeds you are acknowledging your love for Me in your neighbor. Faith and good works are needed for a balanced spiritual life.”
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned before that the one world people will find a way to shut down your power grid when they want to take over your government. What you are seeing in this vision is exactly what they plan to do. Once your power goes out, it will be effectively equivalent to a bank holiday, only except where generators may still work. If the one world people can shut down your electricity, they can shut down your natural gas lines, your water lines, and the internet. If this activity lasted for a month or more, this action would bring down your economy, and martial law would have to be declared to control the riots in the streets for food and water. Such a martial law would give control of your government over to the one world people who would make America a part of the North American Union, and you would have no rights. Once martial law is declared, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges which will not rely on electricity. The spinning of the Statue of Liberty means that I will speed up the time of day so the evil one’s reign will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Then I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Have no fear because I have prepared you for this tribulation, and My angels will defend you from the demons and evil people. Be prepared with wind-up flashlights, oil lamps with oil, and alternative heating if this happens in the cold of winter. Also have some extra food and water until you need to leave for My refuges. By being prepared physically and spiritually, you will have no worries about what is to come.”