Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of calling a fire alarm is a spiritual emergency to save souls from going to hell. There is a lot of evil in the world with drugs, killings, abortions, and many others worshiping Satan in the occult and New Age movements. One of your best means for avoiding hell is to wear My Blessed Mother’s brown scapular, pray her rosary, and go to Confession on five consecutive First Saturdays. She places her mantle of protection over her faithful children, and she will be your intercessor at your judgment. Even wearing your blessed sacramentals of rosaries, Benedictine crosses, and the miraculous medal will protect you from the attacks of the demons. Reach out to save as many souls from hell as you can, and pray for the conversion of poor sinners. If you saw how much the souls suffer in the flames of hell for all eternity, you would understand this state of emergency to save souls should be shouted from the rooftops. The more that you pray for these poor sinners, the more souls that you will save.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are beginning to see the formation of a U.S. Federal police force that would have jurisdiction all over your country. This national police force would be needed under martial law to chase and capture people against the new world order, even across state lines. Similar national police forces are being trained in Canada and Mexico. Once these national police forces are ready, they could then be trained as North American Union police. This is one more step in the formation of the North American Union between Mexico, Canada, and the United States. It is also a closer step to the Antichrist declaring himself as ruler of the world. The one world people will use any means such as a bankruptcy, pandemic virus, or fake terrorism to authorize martial law and a take over of America. Be prepared for martial law when the chaotic events in the street start. Again trust in My power to make you invisible as you go to your refuge for protection and survival.”