Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter was chosen to be the leader of My apostles, so it was his duty to find a replacement for Judas, who betrayed Me. There was a choice between Justus and Matthias because they traveled with the apostles. By lot St. Matthias was chosen to take Judas’ place to complete the twelve apostles. This was a special number as it represented the twelve tribes of Israel. St. Matthias was martyred for his faith as were the other apostles except St. John. You are still praying your Novena to the Holy Spirit in anticipation of this Sunday’s feast of Pentecost. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit when you are in need of something, and We will be there for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to set up My refuges so My believers could avoid harm at My refuges. My angels will put up invisible shields at My refuges so the evil ones will not see you and non-believers will not be able to enter. When I give My inner locution to My believers, they will be called to My refuges. This time is not far off, and it is why I do not want you taking long trips or long stays away from your refuge. It is important that My believers should come to My refuges promptly. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be killed or martyred. Those believers, who die during the tribulation outside of a refuge, will be raised up to live in the Era of Peace. My angels will provide for your physical and spiritual needs during the whole tribulation, so have no fear.”