Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is a good lesson in life because while everything is peaceful at sea, there is little concern. As soon as I tested My apostles with a violent storm, they feared for their lives from being drowned, even though I was in the boat with them. Once they called on Me, I calmed the storm, and I told them that they had little faith in Me. My apostles were amazed that I had control over the weather, and they did not realize My powers as the Son of God. In the vision I showed you an empty casket because many people fear the unknown when they die. It is true that you have natural instincts to preserve your life. There are many trials in your life, and sometimes you may come close to death in accidents, health problems, violent weather, or shootings. You may have a natural fear of death, but you also have faith in My protection. Your soul lives on forever, but your body and this life will pass away, as everyone is appointed to die as a result of Adam’s sin. So do not fear death because it is part of your human experience. If there is a fear or a concern for your death, it should be more about the judgment of your soul. My son, you have seen heaven, purgatory, and hell, so it is the death of your soul in mortal sin that should be your most concern. This is why I give you Confession to keep your soul cleansed from mortal sin. You are concerned most with offending Me in your sins, but there is also a fear of being judged to hell. If you keep a pure soul and follow My Commandments, you should have no fear of death, because you will receive your reward with Me in heaven.”
(Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass)Jesus said: “My people, how I long to be with the hearts of those people who burn with love for Me constantly. It is the hearts who are cold who reject My love, or are indifferent to My love. I pray that all hearts would be open to My love, because I desire to save all souls. But I will not force My love on your free will. I want My followers to love Me by their own choice. Keep close to Me with pure hearts and souls, by your daily prayers, Masses, and frequent Confession.”