Tuesday, February 5, 2008: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a contrast between the two deaths in today’s readings. In the book of Samuel Absolom was killed after he was hanging by his hair from a tree. He was seeking out David, but David paid for his sins in his son,
Absolom’s death. In Mark’s Gospel reading a twelve year old girl died as I was on My way to heal her. I told the people that she was only sleeping, but they ridiculed Me and did not know My power to raise people from the dead. I am the ‘Living Water’ of the spring in the vision, and I am the Resurrection and the Life, even as I later raised up Lazarus as well. You are just about to start your Lenten Season tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. Then you will be suffering with Me up to Good Friday and you will witness My own Resurrection into Life in a glorified body. This revival of life in this little girl is another example of how I have power even over death itself. I am the same ‘Living Water’ that will raise up all of My faithful to eternal life with Me in heaven. Believe that I am your Savior, and all, who follow Me and obey My Commandments, will also be resurrected one day.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is a crime against America’s taxpayers to continue making weapons and running wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You are in the middle of a Presidential campaign and few of your candidates are talking about stopping these wars because you cannot afford them. It is the rich and your current establishment run by the one world people that are advocating these wars to make money on the weapons and the interest on the deficits that these wars are accumulating. You are profiting nothing from these wars since your ‘War on Terror’ has been manufactured for continuous wars. It is time for your people to vote against this continuous killings both in wars and in abortion. Stop your death culture from controlling your purse strings, or these killings will destroy you. My patience with your killings is also growing thin, and you will see more punishment occurring in your natural disasters. Your government is totally controlled by the one world people, and they will control whoever you put in office as president. It is just a matter of time until you are faced with martial law and no rights. Then you will need to let My angels lead you to your nearest refuge to protect your life and your soul. Pray for My help and discernment what to do in the coming tribulation.”