Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, in your snow and cold many airplane flights were cancelled. Even with all of your sophisticated electronic devices, the weather can humble all of man’s plans. There is just so much that man can control, but My creation is too awesome to overcome. Snow and ice storms give a reality lesson to My people whenever you are feeling high and mighty. The rich one world people think that they can control humanity, but they are sadly mistaken. I am still in control, and I will allow the Antichrist a brief reign before I will vanquish all the evil ones into hell in My justice. Just when you think it is hopeless to carry on, I will intervene and set all things to My way as creation first started. Rejoice in My Christmas Season, but you will rejoice even more when I come on the clouds in victory.”
Jesus said: “My people, the wheat is harvested and ground to make flour for bread. It is the unleavened bread that the priest consecrates with the wine into My Body and Blood. Those, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life. My Eucharist is real food for your soul, as you are partaking in My Real Presence that allows you to be My tabernacle until the Host is consumed. Holy Communion gives you the spiritual strength to heal the wounds of your sins, and make you strong against temptations to sin. Be thankful that I give Myself to you at every Mass. St. John of the Cross shows you how important it is to take up your own cross and follow Me in your life’s actions. When you carry the cross, you are bearing the burdens of everyday life. Be true to Me and trust in Me that by suffering your cross with Me, you can gain eternal salvation.”