Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Jesus said: “My people, every day you are in a constant battle with the demons between the forces of good and the forces of evil. That is why every day you need to call on My grace and power to defend yourself from the temptations of the devil. You have read
in the Scriptures how there will come a time of great tribulation when I will permit the Antichrist to have a brief reign over the earth for less than three and one-half years. Do not fear this time because My angels of protection will help protect your soul from the evil ones. My power is greater than the demons, and I will be with you at all times. After the Warning there will be major events in a world famine, a division in My Church, mandatory microchips in the body, and martial law when the Antichrist will be put into power by the one world people. It is at that time that I will call My faithful to My refuges. Call on My help and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest interim refuge and then to a final refuge. My refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, or at caves. In the vision you are seeing a car driven into the woods. If gasoline is still available, and you can drive on the side roads, you will be able to use your cars to drive to your refuges. Otherwise, you will need your bikes or walk to the refuges. On the way your angels will lead you with a physical sign, and you will be protected by your being made invisible to the evil ones. You will need to leave your houses to avoid capture by the men in black who will be trying to bring you to their death camps. By having full trust in My protection, you should be at peace at all times without any fear of the evil ones. Trust in My love and protection, even during the time of tribulation.”
(Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, it is so beautiful that you are all enjoying each other’s friendship and love for the Bianchini Family, and your love for my Son and me. You all were very faithful to your hours in giving worship and Adoration to my Son, Jesus, throughout your all night vigil. Many of you are feeling my presence among you and are feeling my love for all the pilgrims who come to this Betania Shrine. Your Betania IV group is now being united again with your founding here in Betania. You have observed my new statue in the grotto, and I thank all of the Bianchini Family for all of their work on these grounds to accommodate the pilgrims and to share Maria Esperanza’s work to bring souls to heaven through our graces. Today is a feast day of St. Mary Major Basilica and this is another honor for me from man. Rejoice in all of my feast days as I bring you closer to my Son, Jesus. Continue to pray your three rosaries every day for my intentions, and teach your children the same joy of our love by instilling a good prayer life in their spiritual lives. The love of Jesus and my love are always uniting our hearts together with your hearts.”