Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Tuesday, August 27, 2024: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees were very worldly in their religious ways. They attended to many outward ways of the Mosaic law, but they did not take care of their inward worship of Me. I told them that they were hypocrites for criticizing others, but they were greedy for money and places of importance. It is important to see the big picture of doing things to help save your soul, in addition to the little things in life that take up most of your time. By striving to be holy and doing good deeds for others, you can overlook the many distractions in life. Keep your main focus on loving Me and your neighbor, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have made some progress on installing your new shed. You prepared the land and you placed your shed on some pavers. You bought your insulation rolls and now you have finished installing it. You have bought your plywood for the walls and it is ready to be cut up and nailed in. You also bought some rugs to be installed later. All of your plans are similar to your first shed. You could be using part of your shed for people to sleep on your cots as in your upcoming refuge practice run. This is your last preparation, and it is being accomplished quickly. Thank you for following My directions.”