Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you are My Body in the Church, and you are My Bride and I am the Groom. I have identified My relationship with My Church as its Head, just as the husband is the head of his family. The husband and the wife are joined as one flesh in the love of a marriage. It is out of this love that you bring forth your children. It is under the bond of love in marriage that the children should be conceived, and not living together in sin without marriage. In the Gospel I described My Kingdom as a mustard seed that grows into a large bush for the birds to rest. My Kingdom is also like the leaven that goes through all of the dough to raise the bread. My believers can rejoice when they will see their reward in heaven with Me for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned to My people to have some bicycles on hand to get to My refuges if your cars could not work. In this vision you are seeing people riding bicycles and there were no cars moving. It is possible to have EMP attacks without using atomic bombs, but only in smaller areas. The one world elite are making plans for a takeover of your country, and they could paralyze your people with a power outage. I have mentioned before that when a takeover is intended, that cutting off your electricity would be chosen. Be prepared for any such surprises, but I will protect My people at My refuges from the evil ones.”

Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday, October 28, 2024: (St. Simon and St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Bible how I chose each of My apostles who had various walks of life. These were My disciples that I taught, and I sent them out to tell the people that the Kingdom of God is at hand in My Presence as the Messiah. I kept the Messiah term quiet, but by My miracles, people knew I was the One from God. Now in these end times, I am sending out My end time apostles to prepare the people for the tribulation and My coming victory over evil. At My Warning and Conversion time I will give everyone an opportunity to be saved. Then I will protect My believers at My refuges with My angels from all of the evil ones. Trust in My coming victory when I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing some unusual flares from the sun that have caused an increase in the Northern Lights. This vision of a near miss asteroid is another sign of how close the tribulation is coming. The sun is at one of its peaks for sunspot flares, so the more flares that you see could also be a sign for the coming World War III. Pray for My protection from such a war and from any harm from space.”

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday, October 27, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I cured Bartimeus’ blindness. It was his faith that I could heal him that enabled this healing. This is true of all healing that faith in Me can heal you of both physical and spiritual problems. Your pastor is right in speaking about spiritual blindness, when you can reach out to help people in need and you may overlook people. It is out of love of neighbor that you make donations or physically help them. So instead of ignoring people with needs, look to help your neighbor out of love for Me and love for them.”

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Saturday, October 26, 2024:
(Memorial Mass for Eraldo Sartini)
At Holy Cross Church after Holy Communion, I could see Eraldo reaching out to greet his wife in love to console her. Eraldo said: “I love all of my dear family so much, and especially my dear wife, Palma. I am so sorry I had to leave you, but I am with you in spirit and I will be praying for you and watching over you. I am in a safe place and I need a few Masses and your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a violent struggle between Iran with its proxies and Israel. Iran has fired many ballistic missiles at Israel. Now Israel has attacked military targets in Iran. This battle has been accelerating in violence and killing of people. If Iran wants all out war, this could involve your country in coming to the defense of Israel. When other countries get involved in this war, you could have World War III. There have been many prophecies of a third World War in the Middle East. Israel is fighting for its own existence, so they will continue fighting to stop the attacks on their country. Pray that your country does not get involved in a third World War.”

Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the people that they could read the signs of the weather, but they did not understand the signs of the times in the spiritual battles. In your vision you are seeing a battle in your election of the forces defending life in the womb, against the forces supporting abortion up to birth. The forces of the Democrats are ruining your country with open borders to drug cartels who are killing your people with fentanyl from China. Criminals, who are killing people and raping women, are coming unvetted into your country. If your people vote for Harris, you will see a communist state. Your people need to vote for Trump if you want freedom from communism. Pray for a fair election without cheating.”

(Funeral Mass for Marlies DiFante)
At St. Lawrence Church after Holy Communion, I could see a joyful face of Marlies as she was joined with her Savior that she loved for her whole life. Marlies said: “I am so happy to be with my Lord as I am in heaven with this Mass. I love all of my family and friends, and I thank all of you who came to celebrate my life of faith in Jesus. I want all of my family to remember to pray your daily rosary. I had a full life and I was happy to join my family in all of their events. I am praying for all of my family and friends.”

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing more problems with your medications that could require different treatment to avoid any side affects. You are being tested with your bone spur and this recent reaction to your medications with a severe rash. Keep praying for My healing.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two groups, one who favors fossil fuels, and the other side, like the Democrats, who are against fossil fuels. The Green New Deal people still have to admit that 80% of your energy is produced with fossil fuels. You have been helping Europe with your liquid natural gas, instead of using Russian gas. Your economy runs on your fuels, so be thankful that you have plenty of natural fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are allowing criminals, drug cartels, and Venezuelan gangs to enter your country. Your safety is in danger from these criminals, and gangs are taking over living quarters. These illegal immigrants are putting a strain on your jobs, your home purchases, and your health systems. Building the wall helped to limit these people from entering. Pray for a fair election without cheating.”

Jesus said: “My people, your taxpayers are paying for buses, airplane rides, and hotels to place the illegal immigrants coming over your open borders, unvetted. These people are given money and are living better than your poor and your veterans. The Democrats are encouraging these non-citizens to vote when it is against your voting laws. Pray that only your citizen voters should count, and not illegal absentee ballots.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats have a bad record that is destroying your country with inflation, open borders, and the Green New Deal. Harris is a know communist, and she is a threat to your Democratic Republic. They want to disregard your Constitutional government so they can stay in power. Trump abides by your Constitution and he is standing up for your freedom from the elites. So you have a choice to be a communist state with Harris, or a free democratic republic with Trump. Your people need to get out and vote if you want to save your freedom.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see some violence if there is more cheating with votes as the Democrats did in 2020. Your people do not want four more years of open borders, inflation, or government control over your lives. It will be up to your people to vote their desire for your country’s future. Pray for a fair election without cheating.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see the Democrats spending twice as much money as the Republicans on campaign ads and television ads. The Democrats are not telling the people their plans for a takeover of your country. Trump has been very specific in his plans which are more common sense than the Harris Biden old Democrat plans of the last three years. Pray for My protection of My believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders are finishing up their work on My refuges where My believers will be protected by My angels. At all of the refuges you will have Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. My Divine power will enable Me to multiply your buildings, food, water, and fuels to the end of the tribulation. When I give you My inner locution, you will follow your guardian angel with a flame to the nearest refuge. You will also have a luminous cross in the sky over every refuge, and when you look upon it, you will be healed of all of your diseases and afflictions. Trust in My healing and providing for your needs and your protection.”

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My son, I know you are being tested by your physical problems, but I am here to give you support to get you through each day. You are understanding how you will suffer more because your missions are more demanding of your efforts. Keep praying your prayers to stay true to doing My work.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can sense this election is bringing division among your country. Be prepared for some possible violence and a possible stock market crash. The Democrats will try to cheat again at the ballot box with many illegal absentee ballots. There will be some challenges to these votes that were placed by non-citizens. The Democrats do not want to give up their power in the White House nor the Senate. If Trump wins, then the Democrats may try to cause a martial law so Trump cannot take office. If your lives are threatened, I will bring My Warning. Trust in Me to protect My believers at My refuges.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024: (St. Pope John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke about how My servants should be ready when I come, and this could be in reference to the Warning experience. You have been waiting patiently for the Warning because it will lead into the six weeks of Conversion with no evil influence. Then you will be called to My refuges which you will be told about in your Warning experience. The refuges will protect you throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Today’s feast is for St. John Paul II and he reminds you of how he gave you the Catechism of the Catholic Church which gives you all the teachings of My Church. It will guide you through any results coming out of the ending Synod.”

Jesus said: “My son, it is true that you traveled by airplane or car to give your talks for over 28 years. Since a year ago in October, I have been giving you messages to stay at your refuge without traveling to any talks. You need to be at your refuge to be able to receive people when they will be coming soon. You have been preparing your refuge for forty people as I directed you. You are sensing that the tribulation time is coming in a short time because of the events going on with wars and your election. The elites are planning your takeover because their time is running out. When your lives are threatened, I will bring My Warning and My Conversion time. After these events I will send out My inner locution to My believers to come to the safety of My refuges, where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Trust in My Word and your refuge preparations to help you live through the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday, October 21, 2024: (John Lupashinski Mass intention)
Jesus said; “My people, in the Gospel I gave an example of a man who was more concerned with storing up riches for himself than being prepared to die that night. You cannot take your wealth with you past the grave, so you should share what you have so you can store up graces for your charity in heaven. Greed for money and possessions can be a sin when your only focus is on yourself. You need some funds to pay for your needs, but you do not need to seek money for its own sake beyond your needs. While you are on the earth, you can share your wealth with others who are poor and for My Church. Keep your focus on Me by having a clean soul with frequent Confession, so you are ready to meet Me at your judgement when you die.”
John Lupashinski Mass intention: Jesus said: “My people, this Mass helped John L. from a dark place, and he will be in purgatory for awhile. He thanked you for having this Mass offered for him. He said good-bye to Kathy, and he was sorry she could not make his funeral.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you that I would heal you of your bone marrow disease, and I would minimize the effects of your medications. It appears that your results after one week of your treatment are already looking positive with less symptoms in your urine tests. Continue your daily prayers to St. Therese’s Glory Be prayers for yourself and your two granddaughters. You are showing faith in My healing by taking some exorcism water every day. Trust in My Word that you will be protected at your refuge, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday, October 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, at times you have a desire to want something more than is possible in this life. You may want a newer car or a newer home, but your finances may not afford it. It is better to be satisfied with what you can afford, than to be frustrated with not being able to have everything you want. In the spiritual life you need to put Me at the center of your life. Your ultimate goal should be to be with Me in heaven for all eternity. To gain heaven you need to repent of your sins and come to Confession monthly. You also need daily prayers and Sunday Mass because you need to show Me your love every day, and not just once a week. You also need to perform good deeds for your neighbor so you can seek the higher levels of heaven. By letting Me lead you in your physical and spiritual life, you will be content to know you are on the right path to heaven.”