Thursday, March 19, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015: (St. Joseph)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was My foster father, and he provided for My Blessed Mother and Myself as I was growing up. He guarded My life when we had to go to Egypt to avoid Herod’s soldiers. He also taught Me his trade as a carpenter. He was a kind and righteous man in all he did to follow God’s plan of salvation. All fathers could use St. Joseph as their role model to follow. Fathers for years have protected their families, and have provided the money for them to live. Today, both parents work in some families, so some of the traditional roles have changed. It is unfortunate that fathers are missing in some families, so the children are brought up without a father image to guide them. This truly has a bad effect on the children who live in divorced families or unmarried families. Pray for more fathers to support and live with their families. Parenthood has its responsibilities, and fathers should not leave everything for the mothers to do. This is why your society has poor spiritual values, because of your sinful lifestyles. Your society is decaying because of the attacks on the family. Pray that your families stay together to help each other. It is with prayer that your families can deal with life’s trials and keep together.”
Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you pray the Stations of the Cross as you remember how much I suffered abuse from the Roman soldiers. Every time that you look upon a crucifix, you are reminded how I suffered and died for your sins. In a few weeks you will be attending Holy Week services that will give you the readings of My Passion and death. Never forget how much I love you, and I pray that you love Me also.”
Jesus said: “My people, I fasted in the desert for forty days before I started My three years of My public ministry. You complain about some mild fasting, but I suffered a lot more. Your Lenten services are modeled after My forty days in the desert. For those people, who are following all of these Lenten sufferings, it is a way of building up your faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you walk on a beautiful sunny day, you are lifted up from all of your dreariness in this winter. Many signs of spring, as the singing birds, are slowly putting new life into your experience of My creation. As you approach Easter Sunday, you are seeing longer days which add to the celebration of My Resurrection. It is in these beautiful experiences that you are happy to be alive in your spirit. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”
Jesus said: “My son, it was almost fifty years ago since you experienced the building of your present house. Now, you are revisiting some new construction, but for a different purpose than raising a family. Those people, who are building safe havens, are making preparations for a new family of faithful who will be together throughout the coming tribulation. I have heard your prayers for this chapel, and your desire to carry out this second mission that I have given you. Some of My faithful have answered this call, and I thank all of My refuge builders for all of their efforts and dedication to this mission of protection for My people.”
Jesus said: “My people, repenting of your sins in Confession is your best Lenten practice that you could do for your souls. Lent is all about improving your spiritual lives, and frequent Confession is your best way to get close to Me and repair your souls from the effects of your sins. There are a large number of sinners who do not take advantage of My sacrament of Reconciliation. My people need to keep their souls clean so their souls are prepared to meet Me at their judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of your sincere prayer intentions is to pray for the healing of many sick people you know, and others who have asked you to pray for them. It is difficult to see so many people in pain, and some are on the verge of death. Keep praying for these intentions, and even for the healing of these sicknesses. You have experienced the frustration and pain of being sick with your cough in your throat recently. Have mercy and sympathy for those people who are suffering in their ailments.”
Jesus said: “My people, you attend many funerals for your friends, and even relatives of your friends. You have even seen deaths in your own family. It is an act of mercy to attend these funerals and give comfort to the families who are mourning their losses. When people die, they leave others behind who will miss them dearly. It takes time to heal such losses, so it is good to have people comfort the family members. You can also pray for the souls who have passed on, and have Masses said for their souls. Many souls have to be purified in purgatory, so your prayers and Masses can help these souls come to heaven sooner. These souls cannot pray for themselves, so they need people on earth to pray for them.”