Thursday, July 31, 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014: (St. Ignatius of Loyola)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave a parable about the day of judgment. It talks of a fisherman gathering in a catch of fish, and the good fish are stored, while the bad fish are thrown away to be burned up. This is such a stark reality between those faithful people who come to heaven, and the unbelievers who are being cast into the eternal flames of hell. I need to explain to you the people who are sent to hell. These are the lukewarm souls who I vomit from My mouth. I am a God of love and I am merciful, but just. This means that I give every soul plenty of opportunities to be saved from hell. I even show these souls what hell is all about, and they still refuse to love and accept Me. I give every soul a free will, because I do not force My love on anyone. I desire that souls give their will over to Me so they can fulfill their individual missions. Those souls, who refuse to love Me and only want to follow their own will, are the souls on their way to hell. The souls headed for hell are lazy, spiritually, and they do not want to come to Sunday Mass, nor pray to Me about how to love Me. These souls only love themselves, and want to do as they please without anyone telling them what to do. You may wonder how do these souls refuse a loving God, but accept Satan’s call who hates them. Satan is very deceptive with his lies and temptations. He involves many souls with addictions that destroy their minds to understand My love. He taunts them with pride to cause souls to be the master of their own lives. He tempts them with the many pleasures and distractions of the world. When people refuse to obey My Commandments of love, they are calling down My justice upon them. You read in the Scriptures that many are called, but few are chosen. It is not easy to strive to be a saint, because it is a denial of your earthly pleasures and desires. I call on My faithful to work hard to evangelize and pray for souls to save them from hell. The souls in hell will suffer eternally in the flames of hell. They will never see My face, or experience My love because there is only hate in hell. The demons will torment the souls in hell forever. Hell is a place of total hopelessness of ever getting out. The justice of hell is because these souls refused to repent of their sins, and they refused to love Me. It is sad that so many souls are lost, and seeing these souls suffer in the sulfur stench is why My faithful need to work harder to save souls. These soul bodies are ugly as the demons in their appearance. I plead for souls to wake up to the reality of what hell is all about before they are lost forever. The more you preach in My Name, hopefully more souls will hear your words and come to believe in My love and avoid Satan’s lies. The souls in the upper level of hell are those who ignored Me with indifference to My love. The souls in the middle level of hell are those souls who sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune in this life. The souls in the lowest part of hell are those who taught people and brought souls to hell. Come to Me and follow My Commandments to avoid hell, and receive your reward in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that a broken water main lost hundreds of gallons of precious water in California, where there is a serious drought. Once the water was finally shut down, residents had to endure no water until the pipe was fixed. You had a taste of not having water for toilets and showers at St. Anne de Beaupres when there was a small water pipe failure in the road. Pray for these people in California that are rationing their remaining water sources.”
Jesus said: “My people, this war, that is going on in Gaza between Hamas and the Israeli forces, has been on display to show a battle of rockets, missiles, tank fire, and mortars. Israel is extending its battle to destroy the rockets and tunnels that were being found. Many civilians and soldiers have died in this conflict. Some are seeking a cease fire, but both sides want to continue the fighting to gain some advantage. Pray for peace in this area which has seen constant conflict.”
Jesus said: “My people, you cannot help but notice unusual storms causing floods in the Eastern part of your country, and severe droughts and fires in the West. This can be attributed to a dramatic change in the jet streams which are causing cool, wet weather in the Northeast. These extremes are causing a reduction in your food crops. A continuation of these conditions will contribute to a coming world famine.”
Jesus said: “My son, just a week ago you had the twenty-first anniversary of your messages. I thank you for continuing your mission in spreading My messages of preparing the people for the end times. You are going through a dramatic change with the closing of your church at Holy Name of Jesus. Fortunately, you have an invitation to continue your prayer group at your neighboring church at St. Charles Borromeo. Rejoice that you can continue your Adoration services.”
Jesus said: “My people, your battle for religious freedom in America is being fought between those who want the Christians to be controlled, and the right to life groups who do not want to be forced to offer birth control devices. Even after your Supreme Court allowed some freedom from your Obamacare provisions, the abortion favoring party is struggling to reverse this decision. Abortion and contraception are mortal sins that will bring your country down. Those, who are seeking contraceptives, could easily find them elsewhere, without forcing people to go against their religious principles.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various viruses such as ebola causing threats to the health of your people. You have already seen an attempt to force flu shots and other shots on your people. These shots could be causing more harm than good in lowering your immune systems to future viruses. My people need to refuse these shots, and rely more on Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune systems. When a new pandemic virus is spread, you will see many deaths because the people’s immune systems will not be able to fight off the new virus. I will warn My faithful when to come to My refuges to be healed of any viruses by looking on My luminous cross in the sky.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the beginning of the coming division in My Church when some churches are being stripped of the holy objects as statues, Stations of the Cross, and the tabernacle on the altar. You are seeing less reverence for My consecrated Hosts in some churches. When schismatic churches take over, there will be nothing of Me, but only worship of New Age objects. You will have to come to your homes for Masses and prayer groups. The persecution of Christians will get worse, and you will have to come to My refuges eventually, for protection.”