Thursday, August 14, 2008: (St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you treasure many saints who suffered the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives up for another, or to die instead of denying their faith. In these situations you recognize the true value of your human life. These saints are models of faith, even as they followed My example in giving My life up for all of mankind’s sins. Seeing the precious value of life, why then are you frivolously killing life in the womb out of convenience or for money as the doctors perform abortions? This killing of innocent life in abortions is a mortal sin whether it is the mother or the doctor. I detest these killings because it denies My plan for these lives. I will forgive such sins if these people repent. Those, who repent of these abortions, will still have to pay a heavy price in purgatory because you are accountable for killing My little ones. Those, who do not repent of these mortal sins, are on the road to hell if they refuse to seek My merciful forgiveness. Even as a nation, America will be held accountable for all of your abortions because you have made it a law of your land to allow abortions by your Supreme Court decision. Pray for your doctors to stop performing abortions, and for your mothers to have their children without aborting them. Pray also for your nation’s sins that you could help atone for some of the punishment due for America’s abortions. Life is too precious to discard it into the garbage, as you are doing, so pray for a stoppage to all abortions in America.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, man has different skills in what he makes. On the one side there are sculptured art forms just for its own beauty. The other skill is how man builds his cities with various skyscrapers. Contrast your skills with how I have crafted all of nature with its various balances. Everything that I create has a signature of My perfection linked to it. This is why when man fashions plants or living things, they have imperfections that are not in harmony with the rest of nature. Learn from Me that the plants I gave you from the beginning are more perfect than whatever man could make. Give thanks and praise to Me for all the beauty that you find in nature.”
Jesus said: “My people, the competition at these games has brought many nations together in a peaceful way. Some protests and politics have marred some of this peace, but the participants are peaceful to each other, which is an example to other nations in how they should be neighborly and loving of each other. Peace and love go together, and are opposites to war and hate. Pray for peace every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, China, Russia, and the United States are constantly using their influence and military to have a hold on natural resources to fuel their economies. These forays into oil and gas countries have fuels as the goal for their wars. The need for fuels could precipitate even more wars in the future. Again pray that these powerful military forces are not used to gain fuel sources.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of the beautiful experiences on your trip was that you were able to have Mass every day thanks to the four priests in your group. You were cared for by your guides and the Bianchini Family, but I and My Blessed Mother cared for you also in our protection. Call on our help every day, and we will be at your side.”
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you travel in a fair sized group on a pilgrimage, you are bound to meet with some things that do not please you. In less developed countries than America, you can expect to have time problems or missed schedules. Use these trials as a test of your faith and benefit from them in teaching you more humility, and an understanding of what poor people have to endure every day. Americans have been spoiled with your wealth and a higher standard of living. This is why I said that this trip will be a sample of what you will face during the tribulation at your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you go on a pilgrimage, there should be more focus on a good prayer life and opportunities for Confession. It was coincidental that every time that your group planned time for shopping, there were incidents with the buses and other things that prevented your plans. This was an example to you to see that your real focus should be on your spiritual life more than any focus on buying things in a shop. Eternal things of a spiritual nature last longer than any earthly thing that you could purchase.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you go away on vacation, or you are on a pilgrimage or retreat, things will continue to happen to those that you leave behind. It is not unusual to see deaths or sicknesses to those that you know while you are gone. Since this happens often, it would be a good intention in your prayers to pray for all the sick and dying that you know while you are traveling. You can still send sympathies and acknowledgments to the families where someone has died. By constantly praying for the sick and dying, you will reach your friends, even when you are away.”