Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024: (Mother’s Day)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, how I love all of you so much as My Son, Jesus loves you as well. I am the Mother of His Church because He gave me over to St. John who represented all of humanity. Mothers have a special place in the hearts of their families. It is sad that mothers who stay at home to take care of their children, are considered second class citizens. In today’s society it is hard for a family to survive on just the husband’s salary which is why many mothers are working to help pay the bills. Yet leaving the children in day care is hard on the children who need love and a mother’s help. I give credit to mothers who take their job as a loving parent more seriously. You create more loving bonds with your children when you are home for them. Even the cost of day care takes away from the value of a working mother. It is better to have a poorer loving family than to have a little more money from two incomes. I wish a happy mother’s day to all of the mothers. Pray for those mothers, who are aborting their children, because they should have their babies.”