Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday,June 2, 2024:(MostHoly Body&Blood of Jesus,Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you My very Body and Blood at every Mass when you receive Holy Communion. When the priest consecrates the host and wine, they are transubstantiated into My Body and My Blood. My Eucharistic gift enables Me to be with you all of the time in My tabernacle, and in the monstrance at Adoration. I thank all of My faithful who visit Me in Adoration hours. My Blessed Sacrament is powerful in helping you spiritually and physically. You also have seen Eucharistic miracles when blood appears on the consecrated Host. You have visited Lanciano, Italy and Los Teques, Venezuela where such Eucharistic miracles have appeared. These miracles were given for those people who do not believe that My Real Presence is in each consecrated Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how Biden and the Democrats are destroying your country. Your open borders are a flagrant violation of your border laws, and Biden is allowing the drug cartels to control your border. You see fentanyl being shipped in from China that is killing your young people. Biden’s overspending has caused deficits and high inflated prices. Biden’s weakness has precipitated wars in Israel and the Ukraine. Biden’s recent statement that the Ukraine can use America’s weapons to attack Russia has infuriated Putin that could cause a wider war, or an attack on your country. My people need to be ready to leave for My refuges when I bring My Warning and My inner locution. You could see more serious war signals as Russia could decide to attack European countries. Pray for a stoppage to these wars that could get out of control.”