Sunday, January 26, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025: (Camille Remacle, Carol’s father)
Camille said: “Hello, John, I thank you, Carol, and Sharon for taking care of Vic with all of his problems. I can see you both are having some health problems of your own. Your people are happy to see Trump back as President because Biden left you with a lot of bad situations. You are seeing a small reprieve with Trump, but the deep state is going to make things hard for him this year. I can see some terrible things coming that could affect a lot of people. You could even see a possible time when you may have to greet many people at your refuge. The elites and the Antichrist have a short time for his reign, so they will be fighting Trump to prepare for the coming tribulation. Pray for the Lord’s protection and have your refuge preparations ready.”