Sunday, August 6, 2023
Sunday, August 6, 2023: (Feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, I was showing My glorified Body to My three apostles to strengthen them and to give a preview of My Resurrection. Your priest gave a great homily in speaking of how I ask people to carry their cross through life for My greater glory. He spoke also of suffering which all of you must suffer in your human and fallen condition that you inherited from Adam. You are weak to sickness and pain in your body, but you can offer up your suffering for souls who need saving on earth, and for helping the souls in purgatory. You all suffer things in this life, but you are joining your suffering with My suffering on the cross. You also are weak spiritually to sin and temptations. But I have given you Confession to have your sins forgiven and cleansed from your soul. Remember to make a good Confession at least monthly. It was My death on the cross and My Most Precious Blood that cleanses your sins from your soul. In your vision you saw My Holy Face as on the Shroud of Turin that was in front of My tabernacle. Then you saw the radiance of My glorified Body. Most of all you heard My heavenly Father speak: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ I do whatever the Father tells Me, and I call everyone to follow His Commandments so you are listening to God the Father and My Word as well. Remember how I asked you to strive for perfection as your heavenly Father is perfect. So come share My love with everyone as I lead you on the right path to be with Me in heaven.”