Saturday, March 5, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, how I desire all of My people to be pure of heart with souls cleansed of any sin. I also desire that your hearts be open to receive My Blessed Mother and Me. Of your own free will, you should be willing to say ‘yes’ to all that I want you to do in your lives. You start every day with your Morning Offering to Me, and your daily rosaries are your way of sharing your love with Me. In the morning also I feed you with My heavenly Manna at the Mass in Holy Communion. Stay close to Me throughout the day, and I will be guarding your actions in fulfilling your mission on earth. All, that you are doing here, is a preparation to be with Me one day in heaven. Every soul needs to be purified, whether on earth or in purgatory. You can only enter heaven with a pure and unblemished soul. Give praise and glory to Me for all that I am doing in your lives in order to lead you to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, these luminous crosses in the bathroom windows are a special blessing for people to see. They came about as the woman of the house was praying to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the life Light that illumines your soul, as you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came down on the apostles and My Blessed Mother as tongues of fire. These luminous crosses that will be in the sky over the refuges will have healing properties. Even where these crosses are found, there are healing miracles when people are prayed over. Where luminous crosses are found, I will offer the opportunity for these residents to have refuges if they so choose. Give praise and glory to Me and the Holy Spirit for all of these gifts of My luminous crosses.”