Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, this reading of the Gospel is read on Easter Sunday. You remember how Carol’s Father told you in a message that all of heaven is rejoicing even more than normal on Easter Sunday to celebrate My Resurrection. At that moment I conquered sin and death, because death had no hold on Me. St. Mary Magdalene was gifted to be the first person in the Scriptures to see Me in My glorified Body. This is the same vision that I gave to My apostles on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration. Mary instantly believed in My Resurrection, but My disciples did not want to believe her. Later, when I appeared to all of My disciples, they believed also. It was hard for My disciples to understand the Mystery of My Resurrection, but later the Holy Spirit inspired them to preach My Good News. My conquering sin and opening the gates of heaven are truly Good News for every soul to desire to be with Me for all eternity in heaven. This is My mission to die for all of your sins, and to bring salvation to all sinners who believe in Me and accept Me into their lives. I want all of My faithful to be willing to go out to all the nations to share My Good News, and convert souls to believe in Me.”

Kateri said: “My son, I remember years ago when you bought a statue of me, and you gave it to your daughter. I remember your intention also to help pray for your daughter’s soul. I have been watching out for her, and I am praying to Jesus for her soul to be saved. Thank you again for visiting my shrine and tomb here in Canada. You have been coming now for several years, and I thank you for honoring me with your presence, and that of your group of pilgrims. Today, you were able to get here without as much traffic as last year. It takes some time and planning for this trip, and thank you for remembering me in your trips. I will pray for all of your members, and for all of your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.”